Tuesday, December 30, 2014


The year began in 2004, when I would be reunited with an estranged relative who was at the time incarcerated on a life sentence. It would be the dates, April 2nd through the 5th when we would agree to go on a three day fast with only fruit juice and water to drink. During the fast; we were unaware that we were fasting and praying during the calendar dates of the Passover. In faith we prayed together in unison everyday, 8am and 8pm, for his release from prison, and my directions regarding my trying 10 year marriage. Little did we know that God would not only answer our prayer, but reveal Himself to us!!!! During the month of April after the fast, miracles, wonders, signs, dreams, appearances, and voices began manifesting, not only in my home in Maryland, but at the prison in Georgia, as a witness before us both.

On April 8th, I received a subconscious prophecy that my cousin would receive a letter from the prison that would involve seven years, but that he was to ignore the notice, and give another two years. With this in mind, I went downstairs to the kitchen calendar and began recording that day of prophecy as the, "Day Of Revelation", but a small still voice corrected me, and whispered in my right ear, "The Day Of Atonement." So at hearing this, I scribbled out, "Day of Revelation", and wrote: "The Day of Atonement". It didn't dawn on me what atonement meant, because I had never heard of the word before; that's how ignorant I was to the Bible, at that time. For this reason, I went upstairs to grab the dictionary to look the word up, and discovered that the meaning was defined; the death of Christ which he died for our sins. Later that afternoon, my cousin called, and I shared the prophecy to him.

As the months rolled by, other unexplained events began taking place. Which brings us to the month of August; the eighth month of the year. I was arriving back to my home in Maryland after a long drive to Georgia, dropping my kids off at their grandparents, for the Summer. Going directly to the Master's bedroom to use the cordless phone, it was then that I would discover that it was no longer working. My husband and I had two identical sets of the cordless phones that we had purchased at the beginning our marriage, which had never given us problems before. We had one set upstairs in our room, and the other set downstairs, in the basement that was used as a office. Given these points, I attempted several times in trouble shooting the problem by checking the cords, battery, unplugging it and restarting it, but to no avail. By near evening, my husband called the house, checking on the status of the kids being dropped off. I relayed that the drop off went fine, but that I was concerned as to what had happened to the phone upstairs; it wasn't working. Likewise, he told me that he was going to ask me the same question; he thought that maybe there was something I had done to the phone. After our call ended, with no explanation for the phone fault, I began reflecting on the times when God had been manifesting miracles throughout the year, upon my requests, and by His own will. So, I got on my knees beside my bed, and began to pray to God saying, "Lord, I know I have asked you several times, if this is you performing these miracles over the past few months, and you have replied that I AM talking to you, but I want to ask one more time again... IS THIS YOU?! REALLY YOU?!!! IF THIS IS YOU, THEN I WANT YOU TO CUT THAT PHONE BACK ON, THEN I WILL KNOW FOR CERTAIN THAT I AM TALKING TO YOU, AND THAT YOU WANT ME TO MOVE BACK TO GEORGIA WHERE MY COUSIN IS RESIDING!!!" As I came off of my knees, the same small still voice that spoke to me in April, manifested in my right ear again, and whispered, "Sunnnndayy." I stood still for a moment, and said to myself, "Sunnday???". Then as I proceeded to walk out the room, passing the television that was to my left, which had the phone headset resting on the top of it, I heard the small still voice once again ... but directing, "Go put it on the receiver." I stopped, turned towards the headset on the television, and shook my head, then placed my hand on my hips, rolled my neck and eyes like a typical sassy woman, stating out loud, "IF IT'S REALLLLLY GOD, then I don't have to PUT IT ON THE RECEIVER!!!" I then continued to walk out the bedroom door; that date was on Thursday, August 5th, 2004. On Friday, August 6th the next day, I walked into my room again, coming in from running errands, and as I entered the room, the small still voice stopped me again saying, "Go put it on the receiver." This time, I grabbed the headset, but placed it on the downstairs receiver, versus upstairs, and vice versa, placed the downstairs headset on the upstairs receiver, so that I would not have to run downstairs to the basement just to answer the phone. Sunday arrived, and my husband called the house once again; I answered the phone upstairs in the Master's room. He asked me to go online on the computer in the office to check when the credit card payment was due and how much needed to be paid, since neither one of us had remembered to pay it for the month, and to call him back. I rushed downstairs to the computer in the office, pulled up the credit card statement, and reached for the phone next to the computer to call him back. As I began talking to him about the payments, I gradually began to realize that the phone was working ... confused ... I thought to myself, "I must have accidentally switched up the phones"... So, I told my husband could he hold on for a moment... (I began to creep up the stairs towards the third level to the Master's bedroom). As I crepted into the bedroom, I picked up the other headset, placing both headsets to both my ears, and then my husband yells out in both phones, "GEWANDRA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!!! I AM TRYING TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT SOMTHING IMPORTANT!!!!!!" At that moment , realizing that both phones were working, on Sunday as the voice said; I SCREAMED TO THE TOP OF MY LUNGS, and fell into the bathroom door, crawled up in a fetal position, crying hysterically, my husband asks, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU???!!! WHAT HAPPENED??!!!!!" I responded, "Do you remember the phone, the phone...the?!!!" He says, "What phone?!!!" I respond, "The phone that wasn't working...." He says, "Yeah, so what?!!!" I respond still crying, shaking, scared..."Well, it's working ... I told God to cut it back on if I was talking to Him and ...it's back on ....and it's Sunday....He said Sunday, and it's Sunday, and it's working...." My husband says, "What?!!! Gewandra, call me back when you get yourself together, because you are not making any sense right now!!!" That date was August 8th, 2004, Sunday which was the eight month , the eighth date, of the eighth day of the week, which gives us the Roman Greek name given to Jesus Christ, 888 (research can be done online regarding the Roman Greek name given to our Lord and Savior). After August 8th, 2004, God continued to speak to me, even joke with me, and performed many other miracles, signs, and wonders. I began to see orbs around the house, and even possessed a high sense of clairvoyance, knowing things going on around me without me being directly present.

Within those months, my cousin received a letter from the Board of Probation that he was declined for probation, but would be offered another review in seven years (prophecy come to pass). ... As I prepared to make my move to Georgia as God commanded ... I asked God if I could go to Georgia, and work under a Minister, teaching elementary, and His gospel, until I finished college some time later. In addition, I asked if I could have a new home of my own, with new furniture, but also that He can help me make the payments. If His answer was; yes, then I wanted Him to cut my alarm clock on a few minutes before it was set to go off. Well, HE DID JUST THAT!!!! One evening, I tried sleeping, but I couldn't with all that was going on around me; I was very drained, and fatigued. So, I went downstairs to take a sleeping pill for the evening. As I laid back on the bed, waiting for the pill to take effect, I placed my earphones on my ear from my portable CD player, while listening to; Smoke Norful. I ended falling asleep before the CD finished playing, but it did evntually end, while I was asleep. However, I was awakened by the CD being BLASTED in my ears!!!! As I opened my eyes startled, the music cut off!!! I got up shook my head, questioning why God would do me like that?!! Then I got up to change into my night clothes, and climbed back into bed, but not before I set my alarm clock for 5:30 a.m. As morning approached, my alarm clock sounded off at 5:09 a.m. I awoke, saw the time, questioned again why my alarm would go off at such a wrong time! I hit snooze, went back to sleep, and was awakened again to the sound of the alarm, this time 5:30 a.m! After I had been up for awhile, I again questioned the timing about the alarm clock, before I recalled my question to God about dropping out of school for awhile, while still becoming a Teacher. Responsively, I stopped my college studies at the college I was attending. Nonetheless, as I prepared for my move to Georgia, I felt hesitate to follow through with what God had told me, doubting myself, God, and faith despite the miracles. I even made attempts to stay in Maryland versus going to Georgia. That's when I received a gift from my cousin in the mail, a book titled, "The Dreamgiver", by Dave Wilkerson. My attempts to disobey God was not working; my efforts to stay in Maryland kept failing me. I had no choice but to go to Georgia because God blocked every avenue for prosperity in for me in Maryland!!! Before arriving to Georgia, I placed my last $500 dollars on a new townhome, for the building cost, while I interviewed with a local Minister for a teaching position. I ended up being approved for the townhome with Suntrust Bank before I even landed a job in Georgia, with my only job being in Maryland with Springview Christian Preschool that I ended up resigning with in order to move. I ended up moving into my new home in Georgia, without a final job offer!!! A week later, the Minister called me, and asked if I would come in to speak with him concerning the position, so I went to meet with him on August 8th, 2005, a year from the date that God told me to go to Georgia!!! I signed the teaching contract being given the job offer receiving $775.00 every two weeks!!! A few weeks later, I received my final papers on the closing of my house with my final mortgage payments; surprisingly, my payments came to $775.75 a month, matching what I was being paid at my new job!!! God had kept His promise to me and said, "YES", to all my requests!!! Not only that, He blessed me with $25,000 cash from the equity of my previous home!!! On April 13, 2006, on the morning of first day of Passover, God had my alarm to go off at 5:09 a.m. again in remembrance of my Exodus!!!! Also that same year, two years later from his letter from the Boards of Probation, my cousin received a reconsideration letter stating that he was being granted to go to a half way house orientation on August 8th 2006!!! He was completely released in year 2007!!

There is SO MUCH MORE to this testimony, but it would be way too long to post!!! I am seeking to do a book and possible movie release!!! I do have all the evidence of a lot of the miracles that transpired where I was able to preserve as proof and confirmation behind what I have shared!!! I am posting a few photos of some of the mentioned miracles below. And in case you didn't know; Biblically, the number eight means; New Beginnings!!! AND YES, AUGUST IS STILL MY CELEBRATE MONTH!!!! April 14-15, 2014, I was hired at a local Christian store, during the first day of Passover, after praying and asking God again if He would bless me with another job where He was welcomed, and that I could worship Him freely!!! He paid me with those famous numbers again!!! So, if you ever receive a text from me; now, you know why signature reads, "GOD'S CHILD # 775

After research, I found out that the number nine also means; Consciousness ( i was awakened by the alarm). 5 means grace. 7 means perfection and completion. 70 means restoration.


This is how my tag was issued....God's plan.... ED-Education, 8-August, 8-eighth day, M-Miracle, 4-year 2004

Date of the Teaching Contract: 8-8-2005

Teaching Pay

Mortgage Amount


Much is said about the season of the Great Tribulation in Revelations; it isn't a time in which many people will want to be here to witness its events. Although, we brace ourselves from the inevitable future of God's forthcoming prophecies; today's adversities should not be overlooked, for they are the labor pains and sorrows, capable of ending our lives, before the son of perdition is ever born.

It is so easy to be confused and taken over by what controls most of our livelihood today; the world's government. As in the days of Kings, the people could not accept God as their only source for direction and guidance. They needed someone who they could see, hear, and touch, aiding to their immediate senses; despite, that God appeared before them as a cloud during the day, a pillar of fire at night, protecting and providing for them, while performing miracles (Exodus 13, 16, 33, 1 Samuel 8:6-8, Deut 31:15). God had the Prophet Samuel to forewarn the people that by seeking another idol, they would be treated unjustly, and made to pay heavy taxes; yet, the people still rejected God as their means for governing (1 Samuel 8:9-22).  Similarly, governments all over the world today, are imperfect. Nonetheless,  people expect our government to one day bring everything into perfection; no more wars and conflicts, no more hunger, no more homelessness, no more debts, better treatments for the sick which will rule out all sickness, no more separatism, no more injustice, and so on. However, in light of those expectations, what is failed to be realized is that perfection can never come from what is imperfect. All people are imperfect beings, and with imperfect beings comes corruption. People are naturally drawn to themselves, wickedness, the love of money, pleasures, possessions, and all things that gratify their senses, even if that means strife, war, and conflict. Within our governments there is thievery, suppression, lies, enslavement, trickery, manipulation, abuse and enslavement, a testing to supremacy over God's laws and a need to be God, greed, idolatry, perversion, secrecy, hidden motives and agendas, racism and genocide, neglect, arrogance, sorcery, murder, adultery, addictions, and all other forms of immorality. For this reason, God will resend Jesus Christ back to earth to reclaim what is His; despite, those who reject, ignore, and rebel against Him. Jesus Christ will rule the earth, and every nations, for one thousand years. During His thousand year reign there will be no hunger, homelessness, sickness and disease, wars, and conflicts, but complete peace in man. Even up to this present time, God has always been the means for peace, reconciliation, restoration, provision, healing, and happiness. He is the One that is all knowing, and all seeing, the Creator and Maker of all things living and nonliving, the all powerful, where impossibilities cannot be found. God is eternal, without a beginning, and never having an end; He exists, and will always exist, never to cease from existing. God gives life and all that is added to life, being the rightful Master and Lord of every life that accepts and rejects Him. So, it will be so... every tongue will confess that He is Lord, and every knee above the earth, on earth, and below earth will bow to Him (Romans 14:11, Philippians 2:10).

As was previously stated, "Although, we brace ourselves from the inevitable future of God's forthcoming prophecies; today's adversities should not be overlooked, for they are the labor pains and sorrows, capable of ending our lives, before the son of perdition is ever born". It's human nature to follow crowds, whether for good or for the worse. Nonetheless, what is permitted to influence, does not lessen our accountability, whether that influence comes from our friends, family, associates, workplace, church or government. Worshippers of God should never pledge allegiance and respects to any other idol other than God. Governments have and will continue to create laws that are unlawful to God, with many people following and accepting their strange doctrines, instead of rebuking and refusing to adhere, to what is meant to destroy them. Their influence isn't limited to  corrupt laws and injustice, but also through non-filtered  media and music; much of it, meant to enslave the mentality, conduct, lifestyle, and choices of the people, keeping people's minds from being open-minded, evoking how they should think. We live in a very dark and evil world; you're either going to die by tragedy, while trying to survive this world, sickness, natural causes, or for being a worshipper of the One True God. Afterwards, you will either die a second death due to being judged and condemned for what you allowed to enslave you, or either have life given back to you eternally, granted that you lived to be a dedicated and devoted servant of God, accepting Jesus Christ, as your Lord and Savior. The trying times of today should not be ignored; for, the afflictions offer within themselves extreme distress, and the possibility of finality, even before The Great Tribulation. Evil will never relent itself; it will take God wiping everything out, to start anew. Thus, placing ones faith behind the earth's government instead of the Kingdom of God, will certainly give an unfavorable outcome every time. Even so after Jesus Christ's Millennium; evil within this world will stand once again against Him as a final rebellion, only to be destroyed in the end.



Tuesday, December 23, 2014



Romans 7:14-24
So the trouble is not with the law, for it is spiritual and good. The trouble is with me, for I am all too human, a slave to sin. I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate. But if I know that what I am doing is wrong, this shows that I agree that the law is good. So I am not the one doing wrong; it is sin living in me that does it. And I know that
nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. I want to do what is right, but I can't. I want to do what is good, but I don't. I don't want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway. But fi I do what I don't want to do, I am not really the one doing wrong; it is sin living in me that does it. I have discovered this principle of life-that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong. I love God's law with all my heart. But there is another power within that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me. Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death?
Why do we find it so difficult to go cold on being lured, enticed, and seduced into doing the wrong things?
Our nature which is part spirit and part flesh wars with each other. Our spirit wills to do what is right, because it a part of God. Yet, our flesh has a need to fulfill its senses of sight, smell, taste, touch, and sound. What we allow to entertain us, becomes an instrument for influence, and enslaves us whether for the good or the bad (Gal 5:17, Rom 7:23).
How can I build myself up against the flesh?
Ways in which we fuel our flesh in becoming stronger than our spirit is by the intake of food, poor choices in media and music, bad company of friends which corrupt good character, drugs and alcohol, the lack in studying God's Word, the lack in communicating with God through prayer, and in practicing righteous behavior (1 Corinth 55:33, Prov 13:20, Rev 18:4, Lk 22:40, 4:13).
Ways in which we build our spirit over our flesh; read God's Word daily, meditate on God's commands, place what has been revealed to us through the Holy Sprit into daily practice, sing to God, and pray sometimes with and without fasting, cast all your worries upon God, and find ways to bless someone else's life by words or gestures (Num 6:24-26, 1 Peter 5:7, 2 Tim 2:15).  Furthermore, we must surround ourselves around others who are like-minded; who are interested, and pursuing, the heart of God (2 Corinth 5:1, 1 Corinth 15:33, 5:11, Jude 1:20, Ezra 8:23, Ps 55:22).
What are God's thoughts about me when I fail at doing what is right?
God loves you know matter who you are. He loves the sick, the possessed, the fornicators, adulterers, prostitutes, homosexual, spiritually unclean, liars, thieves, murderers, persecutors, lost souls, the addict, depressed, racist, the impartial, the idolaters, the infamous, cursers, strifers, the greedy, money lovers, and all those who sin (Rom 5:8, Luke 6:32). What He does not love is the act of sin (Prov 6:16, Ps 97:10, Mal 2:16). Because of His love for you, and His hatred towards sin; He has given you a way to pardon yourself away from the stain of sin, so that you, and not the sin, can reign with Him forever in eternity with everlasting life. God knows that life here with the tempter isn't easy so with that knowledge, He gives forgiveness, to those who see their faults, and seek to turn from doing wrong. God sees that as long as you are still alive; He has given you the opportunity for a new start.
How many times will God forgive me for the same sin?
God will forgive you as many times as needed. However, His grace in forgiveness isn't to be taken for granted. He knows when we are truly remorseful, seeking change, and when we are only seeking to remain in our rebellion, while using His grace to appease our guilt (Matt 18:21, 6:15, 11:26, Hebrews 10:26, 1 John 1:19).
Will I ever overcome my sin(s)?
Yes, you have the power within you to overcome all things when you are lead by God. When you purposely place God before you, and seek to please Him, and not your flesh, or people; you will win every time (1 Corinth 15:57, 10:13). Nevertheless, you will find yourself wrestling with sin in one area or another from time to time because you and all people have an adversary who prowls to see who he can devour. With that said; temptations and trials will NEVER go away until the day you are with God, being given a new body, a new earth, and a new Heaven. Your faith to overcome the struggles of sin must be renewed every day; for, every day presents itself a new challenge (Rom 6:1-2, Gal 5:17, 1 Peter 5:8, 2 Corinth 5)
Should I be worried about what others think of me; although, I've changed?
No, you should not be concerned about judgments from other people unless they are without sin themselves; according to God, all have fallen short of His glory (Rom 3:23). People are not to judge other people, because they do not truly know us from our beginning or our end, nor do they know what circumstances we have had to face in life to get us in the predicament we are end. When a person purposely decides to judge someone; they have placed themselves on the throne of God, stating that they are sovereign, and God is not, which places in the way of  God's judgment (Matt 7:1, Jam 4:12).
Is eternal death the only means for punishing sin?
No. Not all sins lead to eternal death. Yet, all sins are punishable. God has told us curses chase the unrighteous, but blessings chase the righteous. If we want all things to go well with us in life, we must adhere to the commandments of God. Curses are consequences brought upon us for forsaking the warnings of God. God tells us beforehand what will happen when we participate in each sin; therefore, it is up to us to purposely decide to choose either to be protected or  to walk from up under the umbrella of His protection. The adversity we experience due to our rebellion is due penalty. God will use chastisement to lead us back to Him, making restoration the purpose, behind His disciplinary act (Ecc 2:26, Prov 28, Heb 12:8, Jer 31:18, Lev 26:28, 2 Sam 7:14, Job 5:17, Ps 6:1).

Wednesday, December 17, 2014



Israel are the chosen people of God for the reason that they are the chosen genealogy in which the Messiah and Saviour; Jesus Christ, came. Though they are the chosen; they were not made perfect through the birth of Jesus Christ. Like all other nations and tribes, Israel are only saved through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In fact, Israel plays a major part in the death of Jesus Christ more than any other nation being that they were the hands in which the Saviour and Messiah, was crucified (John 19). Furthermore, on the subject of Israel's rebellion, they are just as guilty as all others when it comes to rejecting, disbelieving, cursing, neglecting, denying, disobeying, ignoring, and blaspheming God, through: murder, sexual immorality, coveting, self-righteousness, idolatry, adultery, slothfulness, false prophets and heresies, sorcery, homosexuality, fornication, deception, lying, theft, strife, drunkenness, wickedness, vain imaginations, and a host of other sins (Romans 3:23, Titus 1:16). For this reason, God has placed His judgment against Israel as vindication for their disobedience, as He has set His judgment against all ungodliness, and evil within the world. Consequently, due to the rebellion of Israel; the antichrist, will set himself high within God's holy temple, calling himself; god, enforcing that the entire world give allegiance to him, after Israel makes the blunder of going into a falsified seven year peace treaty, that will only last three and half years during the time in which the temple is built, before the agreement is broken by the " ' abomination that causes desolation' " (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, Rev 11:2, Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15). There will be a one world government in which the entire world will have to submit to the rule of the son of perdition, or be martyred, within the last three and half years of the broken peace treaty, a season Jesus calls; The Great Tribulation. Nonetheless, many true believers amongst the Jews and Gentiles will refuse to give loyalty to him, which will cause a major global holocaust of millions, on top of millions, of Christians, and those of other strong faiths.

Despite, the ill fate that Israel will bring upon themselves and the world; the Lord will have mercy upon them, as He does for all people who have fallen short of His glory. God loves all people but detests our sin. There is absolutely nothing God would not do to try and save His people from His final wrath, even if that means using lesser means of wrath to bring about repentance. God is a faithful God. He made promises to Abraham, Jacob, David, Paul, and Peter to restore Israel. Under those circumstances, God brings Israel to repentance by sending two great and powerful witnesses to bear the testimony of Jesus Christ. God says, "I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth" (Revelation 11:3) In the earlier Biblical times, people wore sackcloth in times of great distress, death, and mourning, while throwing dirt upon their heads (Joel 1:8-13, Genesis 37:34, 2 Samuel 3:31, Job 16:15, 42:6, Lamentations 2:10, 1 Kings 21:27, 1 Chronicles 21:16) So, it would be just to say, that the sackcloth will be worn by the witnesses to pronounce a strong dire to reach the people of Israel, in hopes of rescuing them from death; God's final wrath for unbelievers. The two great witnesses will come to Israel during the final three and half years of Israel's broken peace treaty during; The Great Tribulation. They will confront and condemn sin, and announcing that Jesus Christ is the Saviour and Messiah of the world, who came to save all people through His death and resurrection. With this in mind, all true Ministers are sent forth by God, equipped with the necessary commission, gifts, and powers, to bear themselves as strong witnesses against sin and the declaration that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation. It is God who sends all true ministers to preach the true and only gospel, during their time of season of ministry, being a lampstand before the world (John 15:16, Acts 9:15, 26:16). The prophets and forefathers before this generation, and the two great witnesses to come in the end time, are the example in which all ministers are to pursue. There is absolutely no excuse for a minister to say that it is impossible to complete the task God has given unto them; if they are truly called, God gives to all the empowerment to succeed In times of drought, persecution, weakness, or confusion; a minister must approach God in prayer, asking for His strength, guidance, wisdom, and increased power (Acts 1:8, 4:33, 1 Corinthians 2:4, Ephesians 3:16). Thus, He will give His two great witnesses in the time of; The Great Tribulation, supernatural abilities which will bear great influence, likewise to Elijah and Moses, to protect themselves from harm, until their task is complete. Once complete, the two witnesses will be assassinated by the antichrist. The world, its leaders, and unbelievers, will have developed an enormous amount of hatred towards the witnesses for their boldness, devotion, and stance, against the corruption of the world, with its sins and allegiance towards the antichrist. Astoundingly, there will be gift exchanging in the celebration of their deaths, as their martyred bodies lay in the streets, in plain view, for three days, parading the power of the man of lawlessness (Revelations 11:7-10). Though, it will appear to be a lost victory for the Kingdom of God; it is neither the entrance, nor the death of the witnessess that bring about the repentance and restoration of Israel, but their... resurrection. The two witnesses will have the breath of God breathed back into their bodies as they stand in resurrection, striking fear into the hearts of those who witness them, ascend into Heaven (Revelations 11: 11-12). This major event coincides with was witnessed in the earlier Biblical times with Enoch (Genesis 5:24), Elijah (2 Kings 2:11), and last, but not least, Jesus Christ (Acts 1:9-11). It also is a witness to what will happen to all true believers in the second coming of Jesus Christ acknowledged as; The Rapture (Matthew 24:30, Acts 1:11).

At last, after the two witnessess ascension, in vindication for their deaths; there will be a great earthquake that will kill seven thousand people, converting a great number of unbelieving Israelites into believers.



Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Behind the enemy lay blockbuster schemes that he has learned to master over thousands of years; his schemes made easy, for many people use the defense of being, "too weak", to stand against him, as a means to justify the presence of sin in their lives. However, God has said, "My grace is all you need. My power works best in your weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:9). An individual's power rests in knowing God's Word to combat Satan's school of hard knocks. If a person does not study to know God's Word to use in times of trials and temptations; the only other option left is to be impacted by Satan's dictations, constantly struggling with purpose, and the belief that they were created to live a life of confusion and defeat. One satanic scheme is to have one to doubt that they will overcome a major calamity in their life; however, on the contrary, trials are meant to strengthen, and promote God's people, imposing trust and faith in Him, and His Words, driving the enemy to flee. As God's promises manifest behind using His Word in times of adversity; a person will grow stronger in faith, patience, perseverance, confidence, self-control, and the sharing of the gospel. On the other hand, a person is left blind in knowing that the satanic scheme of temptations and threats are used only by Satan for the sole purpose of enticing one into doing what is wicked, to completely destroy their relationship with God, and the hopes of an eternal life which is founded by faith. 
For this reason, let's look at some ways in which one gives their mindset to Satan to justify not studying God's Word:
I'm too busy.
I'm too tired.
Every time I read the Bible, I fall asleep.
The Bible sounds too much like a fable.
There are different ways in getting to know God.
Nobody else seems to be concerned about it.
I don't understand what the Bible is saying.
I don't know where to start in the Bible.
The Bible was written to control people.
I feel condemned when reading the Bible.
The Bible contradicts itself.
I don't believe the Bible was written by God.
The Bible hasn't helped me to live more faithful.
The Bible is too complex to be understood.
The Bible wasn't written for this generation; times have changed since then.
Christians have bad attitudes and don't even live by their own doctrine.
The Bible is the Christian's way of forcing their belief on somebody.
The churches are only about getting rich off of somebody.
The churches today are full of entertainment; the Word is far from them, so why should I care?
The churches don't help anybody anymore.
As we can see, there are many ways in which man will shift blame on why they cannot take the responsibility for knowing the truth for themselves. When people choose to ignore, neglect, reject, or rebuke the Word of God; Satan is ecstatic. He knows that person is left at his disposal; He has become their chosen teacher. The Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God is disarmed in that person's life. They are not protected; instead, they will be more influenced by immoral traditions, customs, media, vain imaginations, political incorrectness, false prophets, injustice, perversity, misleading doctrines, novels, magazines, ....pretty much...the world. Satan has a series of different teaching methods to conform the minds of those left empty of God's Word. He will speak directly to their minds suggesting thoughts that will conceive sin (as he spoke to Eve), or He will use another carnal individual (as he used Eve to lure Adam) or an alternative means for communication (like music or television), to lure them into doing what is gratifyingly wrong. Either way, he has the upper hand, for the victim has no scripture to be brought into remembrance, to guide them to the truth.
There is no one that can live separate from God and His Word and survive this world. One will soon enough need His Word for encouragement, to find healing, peace, or purpose, to guide them from harm, or direct to them to their destiny, to find wisdom, and to save their life in the life to come. It is evident that without knowing scripture one is left to the difficult task of learning life the hard way.

Thursday, December 4, 2014


Who can stop the God's hand from processing or slowing down time? Who can stop His hand from judgment? Who can stop His hand from favor and grace?
The ungodly will have been given time to turn from their wicked ways; instead, they will continue to rebel against God even within their final hours. Despite all that God will bring upon the earth in vindication and opportunity for repentance; the ungodly will hold to their own desperate and trying will. Before the seventh trumpet, God will have turned the moon to blood, the sun as black as sackcloth, one third of the water supply into blood and bitterness killing one third of all sea life, one third of the earth into absolute darkness, one third of the human population destroyed through famine, tormenting locusts, thousands of demonic horsemen, hail made of blood and fire, and nuclear meteoric masses of fallen stars. Yet, the hearts of the wicked will remain unchanged, unmoved, hardened beyond God's reach; henceforth, the seventh trumpet is blasted.
The seventh trumpet is the trumpet of finality. Its burst will not come with grace as the other trumpets before it. It's announcement will bring forth God's final judgment of destroying the rest of all mankind that exists so that the new earth will be created for the saved believers. A mighty messenger will come down from Heaven from the very throne of God, robed in a cloud with an appearance of magnificence, and power. A rainbow  of mercy and glory, will set above the messenger's head, and the face will shine with enormous light. The messenger's feet will be of righteousness, and strength, resting upon the earth and land, proclaiming rightful possession of both, with the Holy Scriptures held within hands. The message to be heard from the only worthy messenger, with the sound of seven thundering voices, and roaring power; the lion of Judah, announcing finality, and completeness. Why bring man to closure?  For the antichrist, the New World Order Leader, will have turned against the entire world. He and his followers will have refused all opportunities of repentance, and life; God's appointed time in prophecy will have come to begin all things anew, as it was in the beginning. The timing of the glorious salvation, and redemption, of the entire world, will take its place.  "Behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind" (Isaiah 65:17).
As can be seen; studying, and living God's Words is to be taken seriously, and with urgency. God will not force His way upon anyone; however, He will do all that He can to guide us in the right direction so that we all may be saved. Apostle John and Ezekiel both were handed the scroll of God's Words, and were commanded to taste them; they both had a similar experience, the bitterness and sweetness of the truth. God's Words consists of both sin and forgiveness, death and life, judgment and salvation, damnation and deliverance, heaviness and joy, hell and heaven, bondage and freedom, destruction and restoration, and  corruption and perfection. We all  have the choice of making our own decision; no one else will make that decision for us. For some, choosing to make the decision to live according to someone else's standards outside of their own, will be more than they can submit too. The consequences of their rebellion will not phase them; at least for now. As believers whether teachers in a church or not; are to go out into the world and teach God's truth in its sweetness, and bitterness, no matter who may accept or reject, as it will be in the time of the Great Tribulation. Believers are to bring every soul that will hear them into relationship with Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. It's important to realize that there will be no extra brownie points for doing what is commanded of you by God. One should not seek God to reward them for the things that they ought to do. It is a spirit of selfishness and greed that sets one apart from God on the merits of being rewarded to bring others to Salvation, which was given so freely, and without earning to them. God has given believers the hidden treasures of His mysterious through His grace, favor, and mercy; they too should want to bless others. 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


What is it about the imaginary man that is different from the man that is visible? The most reasonable answer would be that one can be seen with the visible eye while the other cannot. However, visibility goes a lot deeper than just being seen with the naked eye. One may try to prove their own self-existence by standing in a mirror, while the mirror gives off the appearance of their reflection. However, the reflection only serves as an allusion; that is known as, "Smoke and Mirrors." Smoke and Mirrors is a metaphor for a deceptive, fraudulent or insubstantial explanation or description, which is often compared to the illusion's performed by magician's, making objects appear or disappear by extending or retracting mirrors amid a distracting burst of smoke.

Does this sound a bit too deep?

The Lord Himself has said, "For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like". (James 1:24) Does he forget because he has short term memory loss? Does he forget because he really did not pay attention to his details? Does he forget because what was standing in the mirror was only imaginary? Perhaps, because there was no one else around to give witness that what he saw about himself was really the truth? Ironically, either answer above would be correct.
James, the half-brother of Jesus, expresses repeatedly the need for man to live what he believes to be of truth in order to show himself to reflect the image of Christ. It is the imaginary man who believes that they can have fight and quarrels and still reflect His image. It is the imaginary man that steals, cheats, and lies and still see himself as righteous. It is the imaginary man that goes to church for attendance, recognition, and tradition, feeling secured in the Book of Life. It is the imaginary man that fornicates, commits adultery, homosexuality, rape, molestation, bestiality, indulges in pornography, lusts, and masturbates, that see himself as acceptable. It is the imaginary man that curses, slanders, gossips, backbites, and constantly complains, that sees himself as a peacemaker. It is the imaginary person who doesn't forgive, lacks mercy, and is revengeful, that sees himself full of compassion. It is the imaginary man that neglects, ignores, abuses, and takes for granted their spouses, children, and parents, seeing themselves to be a person that is to be honored. It is the imaginary man that sows discord and separation between their children and the other parent, seeing themselves as just and family oriented. It is the imaginary man that is clubbing, drunk, high and selling, that sees himself as enjoying life. It is the imaginary man that exposes his or her body for recognition, enticement, and seduction, seeing themselves as pure and respectable. It is the imaginary man who says that they accept; Jesus Christ, as his or her Saviour, continuing to live the way they want to live, and seeing himself as saved.


Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Nonbelievers can be quite a challenge! But are believers to challenge nonbelievers or just let them be??? ... Here is how the Lord sees it...

All mankind was created with God's breath within them; He is from which our spirits first came into existence. He gave us not only His breath, but He would later give us all a conscience that would tell us right from wrong. In the beginning, Adam and Eve were made immortal, never to perish; however, they were not given the discernment between good and evil, because it was never intended for man to know. Since Adam and Eve lived with God in those times; He gave them orders directly on what to do and what not to do. It was through their disobedience in eating from the forbidden tree; The Knowledge of Good and Evil, in which all mankind would come to know good and evil. Therefore, man was also given an inner voice of moral sense to help rebuke, guide, and correct behaviors that would be against the Will of God. Additionally, the Holy Bible which is God's recorded Words of right and wrong, inspired through the Holy Spirit, along with all creations of nature which reveal obvious law and order, give further enlightenment. Mankind has been left with no excuse for wrong living; despite, the sins of Adam and Eve.

Although, mankind is God's creation; many decide to live contrary to God in righteousness, holiness, and purity. People are quite aware of His existence, power, and grace; yet, some purposely choose to deny, neglect, and ignore the truth, because it gets in the way of them feeling that their wisdom has a limited statue, that they're too smart to lean on doctrine that bears the resemblance to fables, that they're to able body to not depend on oneself, too creative not to create a better life for themselves, too authoritative to be controlled by someone else's views and ideas, and too logical to reason with anyone else's standards. Next to denying God comes the will to replace God with empty philosophies, and high sounding, worthless, speech, which comes from the spirit of the adversary. Consequently, they become puffed up, and void of God, refusing to acknowledge Him in obedience, praise, worship, prayer, or study, creating within themselves their own gods, law, standards, or person, that will offer them the type of lifestyle that is pleasing to them. Where man thinks he is wise; he becomes a fool. "There is a way that seems right to man, but the end thereof are the ways to death" (Proverbs 14:12, 16:25). "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ. Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence" (Colossians 2:8, 23).

As believers we are not to force the truth on anybody. There is no need to keep pestering someone to accept something that they believe isn't the right choice for them. The choice that a person makes for themselves is their choice. God does not force us to go against our freewill so believers should not do something that not even God Himself would do. Believers are to share the gospel with everyone, with the knowledge that everyone will not accept what they are saying to be the truth. It is ok to be rejected for sharing the gospel, "If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town, and shake the dust off your feet" (Matthew 10:14).  The dust off your feet is symbolizing a curse left upon that person or home, not from you, but from their rebellion to accept the truth. "See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse-the blessing if you obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you today; the curse if you disobey the commands of the Lord your God and turn from the way that I command you today by following other gods, which you have not known" (Deuteronomy 11:26-28). God loves all people; those who choose Him, and those who do not. Believers should not show hatred, unkindness, impatience, anger, resentment, or wreck peace with those who choose to deny God. Believers are to love all people as God loves all people who have all fallen short of His glory (Romans 3:23). Be gentle, but bold, and strong in your approach with the gospel, not in a way that judges others, but where you bear witness to what God has done for you, and for the world. Don't speak to those who oppose you as if they lack sense; they have a strong sense in which God has given to all man. In spite of their sense; they choose to suppress it so that they can have their own way. This is where a believer should pray for the lost; prayer can certainly change things.



Tuesday, November 25, 2014


A common misunderstanding amongst believers is believing that their faith functions on its own outside them. However, the Word of God was created to be used as a verb; without the Word being forcefully hurled likewise to the enemy's fiery darts; it remains dead, completely useless (James 2:17, 2:26).

Doubt, worry, temptation, discouragement, impure thoughts, habitual patterns, guilt,  job loss, death, financial strains, setbacks, seduction, enticement, greed, illness and infirmities, strife, division, loneliness, rejection, addictions, revenge, jealousy, unforgiveness, and impartiality, are just a few ways in which the adversary burns us with his arrows. God reminds us that when we go through these moments of trials and persecution; it is not from the hands of another human being, but in fact, from the rulers in high places (Ephesians 6:12). We ourselves; although, saved, can be used by Satan to attack another person. It doesn't take possession; just the mere use of words to affluence our minds creating vain imaginations. Many of us, are not equipped to discern when we are being mislead, used, or made a target, because we don't study to recognize the manifestations, nor practice using our armor to become masters. Instead, believers walk around, waiting on God to do something with something He has already given us.

Consequently, the enemy has made a lot of people believe that they are losing their minds, that God doesn't favor them as an individual, that they're a being of perversity, lack self-control, that they are useless to the Kingdom of God, that without society acceptance they are of little to no importance, that they were only created to be made a ridicule or to be used, that they're incapable of change, that they have messed up in their past or present so bad that there is no hope left for them... The common key point that is so often overlooked is this; not only has God given us the names of the enemy: tempter, accuser, father of lies, evil, destroyer, murderer, antichrist, beast, dragon, evil one, god of this age, king of Babylon, lawless one, little horn, man of sin, roaring lion, rulers of darkness, prince of the power of the air, ruler of demons, ruler of the world, serpent of old, son of perdition, thief, wicked one, star, as indication that we will come face to face with opposition, but that fiery darts are targeted at our minds. Our minds give the fiery darts their ammunition. Believers don't have to accept what the enemy propels at them. We can raise our Shield of Faith to act on our faith by using the Sword of the Spirit, to resist worry, fear, doubt, temptation, impure thoughts, and Satan's questioning (Ephesians 6:16). The sword is twofold; it consist of the Holy Spirit reminding us of the Word of God that's applicable to the fiery dart that comes at us, and that we must speak out loud with our mouths, the biblical verses, to demobilize the arrow (s) in mid air. The Sword is the most dangerous weapon against the enemy; he hears the Word, and flees!!!  In addition, as we use the knowledge of the Word against him; we become more conformed to Christ, who first used God's Words against the adversary.

Do not place your focus on thoughts that are of no value to the Spirit, but instead, focus on those things that are of good cheer, purity, and holiness. Satan knows us all, as much, if not better, than we know ourselves; for certain, he knows our weaknesses. He is persistent in breaking down our walls so that he can have complete control of our will through repetitious sins that bring stronger demons to create strongholds; moreover, true believers receive the most fiery darts.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


God's wrath isn't short of mercy. Despite the natural catastrophes that will come as vindication against the ungodly; it's alternative purpose is to bring the ungodly to repentance, an effort to spare them from the final torment of the everlasting lake of  fire. However, the ungodly are not moved by God's persistence. Many will still refuse to turn from their hardened hearts, and wicked ways.
Upon the blast of the fifth trumpet, the key to the Abyss; the bottomless pit, is given over to Satan; the Abaddon and Apollyon (destroyer), from the One (Jesus Christ the Messiah), who is worthy of giving it to him. Satan is no longer restricted from releasing his afflicting demons, and evil spirits, upon the earth.  Once the Abyss is opened; a heavy, far reaching, cloak of smoke, will darken the sky, sun, and moon. The unbelievers will witness their very own asphyxiation through extreme horror and terror of the underworld, they have never seen. Locust the size of horses, faces of humans, long hair as a woman with the appearance of a gold crown, teeth like a lion, stingers as a scorpion, indestructible breastplates, and wings with the sound of many chariots, will afflict them with excruciating pain, that will stay with them for five months. The grief from the poisonous sting will be so intense; the victims will beg to die, but death will flee from them, leaving them to their inevitable torture (Jeremiah 8:3). Many converted believers will witness the wrath of God upon the ungodly, but they themselves will be unharmed by the carnivore locusts; for, they will have the seal God upon their foreheads.
After this comes the blasting of the sixth trumpet, the commencing of the Four Demonic Military Horsemen, bringing with them the intent of fulfilling God's wrath through more bodily harm, as vindication for the heartless and cruel holocaust of His people.  These demonic horsemen will be released from the bottom of the Euphrates River, a river in which the Garden of Eden once stood by, and whose Western land was promised to the father of the nation of believers; Abraham. The Euphrates is the area in which the promised nation of Israel first came into disaster, slavery, and death. Nonetheless, the four horsemen with an army of two hundred million, are assigned to kill one third of the earth's population, who do not have the seal of God upon their foreheads. The army will be wearing indestructible breastplates ranging in the colors of fiery red (human nature and sin), sapphire blue (chastening, teaching, holiness, tabernacle), and yellow sulfur (wisdom, and knowledge). Their horses will have heads and mouths that appear ferocious, cruel, devouring, full of power, and of spitting fire. God's wrath is deserving for the whole entire world will be under the complete control, power, and rebellion of the antichrist. The entire world will be in full support of killing all believers. As of today, there are only specific areas which support the killing of believers, but in the end times, there will be a one world order in which all people will be forced to give their allegiance and loyalty to their state, or be starved to death, and decapitated. God will not stand still in executing His judgment upon those who harm His people. He has recorded an exact date and time in which He will launch His wrath upon all those who reject, ignore, neglect, disbelieve, and mock Him and His people. He will exact toll on those who accept idolatry, practice sorcery, indulge in all kinds of sexual vices and immorality, and unmercifully kill, steal, and cheat. God is bound to His Words. He has spoken that He will vindicate for all believers past, present, and future. He will uphold the blood of Jesus Christ, that is denied, blasphemed, and made light of.
As of year 2014; we are in the times of the Apocalypse, but how far are we from the gate of the Great Tribulation??? Recall that we are the only century of the blood moons, and that there are eight (8 representing a new beginning) tetrads (set of four series) between year 2000 and 2100. No other century before us 1600's, 1700's, 1800's, nor the 1900's, have had blood moons. Acts 2:20 "The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the day of the Lord comes, the great and magnificent day". Revelation 6:12-13 "I watched as He opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, and the stars in the sky fell to the earth..." We have had a tetrad for year 2014 on April 15th on Passover, and on October 8th, during Israel's Feast of Tabernacles. The other two which are a part of the tetrad will appear next; Passover, April 5, 2015, and September 28, 2015, during another Feast of Tabernacle. The next tetrad after 2014-2015, won't appear again until year 2032-2033. In addition, there are also signs during our times of wars, strife, and economical breakdown... Watch the video below which takes place in Egpyt.... remember the four horsemen represented in our earlier study with their symbolism (Rev 6): White-the antichrist, Black-economical breakdown, Red-war, and White-death.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Why hasn't God answered my prayers??? How could God allow this?! I'm not perfect; why keep trying?! Why would God hurt me like this?! Where is God behind all this mess?! I'm doing all that God requires of me... why would He ignore my faithfulness??? I'm outnumbered, and feel all alone, while everyone else is out living and doing all that they please without consequences. He said that He would protect me, but why didn't He??? How can I face my enemy, after boasting about my God, when I appear defeated?! Faith is by hearing; I've heard so, now where is the evidence??? Maybe God's Word isn't for me.
We have all had our doubts as believers. Doubt is normal. However, doubt isn't the final answer. We must remember not only what God has spoken to us behind our faith, but before our faith, "Our faith will be tested". God's tests are not meant to destroy us for He has said, "I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" (Jeremiah 29:11). Job's future certainly did not look like it could be prosperous; in fact, it appeared just the opposite, as if his entire wealth, health, family, and hope, were completely wiped out. In the end, we learn that God held to His promises, and blessed Job beyond what He could have ever hoped for. But if we take a step back to the beginning, "Where did the source of all Jobs problems come from?" (Job 1:7-12) Was it not Satan that spoke against Job, seeking to devour him, before God's own sight? Yet, God allowed Job's faith to be tested, while giving Satan restrictions to the extent of his powers. Job went back and forth with his family and friends as to why God would permit such suffering upon him when he lived his life as an upright, just, and faithful follower. Job began to doubt, wishing that he had never been born (Job 3:1-7). In spite of, Job continued to walk in his imperfect faith, believing that what ever God handed him was justified; although, he lacked understanding. Jeremiah went through his battles with doubt. He stood before endless ridicule before those he shared the gospel with (Jeremiah 20:7-10). The disciples on the road to Emmaus were confused within their faith; one minute Jesus was alive, next dead, then alive again (Luke 24:13-35). Abraham was certainly struck with confusion too; he was promised a son, which was born to become a great nation, but was then told to sacrifice his son to God, only to be stopped in the middle of the process of being faithful (Hebrews 11:17, Genesis 22). Does God just like playing games with His creations??? Are we of such unworth that we can be slighted, ignored, tried through extreme persecution, shaken, and forsaken?! Neither God nor Satan thinks so. In fact, we are of such dire value that it is necessary to prove our worth. When believers fall into sin or doubt; they are being tried at that moment. Times of joy and contentment are seasons that change as all other seasons do. Faithfulness for a day, does not grant believers security in tomorrow's coming. The building of faith is a daily chore. Every new day comes with the responsibility of building a whole new perspective before and after our faith based on the experiences that will come behind the different levels of trials, temptations, and tribulations for that day. How faith worked for one circumstance will be a whole new experience with another. Why? Because our faith has to grow. Like a flower needs sunlight, soil, water, and minerals; faith needs challenges, endurance, perseverance, trust, and patience. Once a believer has mastered a trial; it's TURN UP TIME!!! It's time to restrengthen the strength!!! Satan wants to destroy the hope of believers because in doing so, believers in turn worship him, believing the doubt over God's Word; the author and finisher of our faith. For that reason, believers are to continue to push forward, pass Satan's tactics of destroying our trust in God. Just as Satan tested Job; our faith will be tried, before God's hand will move. And God will certainly MOVE. He esteems His reputation as faithful, and the protector of His people; all trials will not last always. God honors His Word. Yet, accordingly, just as water in a pot does not boil any faster by staring at it, neither does faith deepen by a person remaining content. Reminding ourselves that we are saved, is where we will find our faith, with the knowledge that we are the children of the day, that will never be left in the dark (1 Thessalonians 5:8).

Thursday, November 13, 2014


I don't believe many would disagree with having silence opposed to a lot of noise. By the same token; during the Lord's day of judgment, silence will be the most dreaded event for both man, and Heaven.The season of preliminary birth pains and sorrows with natural disasters, diseases, wars, and economical downfall, will come to a faltering end; not for the better, but for the worse. The sun will have blackened out, the moon changed to blood red, a third of sea life destroyed, a third of the water supply toxin, hills and mountains shifted, volcanic explosions, stars fallen from the sky as meteorites, crops scarce causing starvation, and the New World Order Leader; the antichrist, will have instituted a law in which believers will not be able to buy, sell, or make trade, without receiving the mark of the beast on their forehead or right hand. It will be a time in which believers will be executed by deliberate starvation, and the removing of their heads. Consequently, God moves forward with the seventh seal. Upon the seventh seal, there is absolute stillness; Jesus Christ, the angels, nor any other Heavenly form, moves...speaks...sings...praises, for one half hour. Everything within the Heavens are as if time has stood still as anticipation, suspense, and respect for what God brings forth draws near. Seven angels stand before God as He hands them each a trumpet; the trumpets symbolizing power, within them, their own judgment against the children of disobedience, coming directly from God. These events must come in order that the believers, reigning in Heaven with God, or still upon the earth, during the time of the great distress, are vindicated for their torment, suffering, and unmerciful holocaust. God will move forward to bring repayment upon the evildoers, on account of their wickedness; in addition, He moves to bring upon them repentance, an opportunity to escape the final end of being cast into the everlasting lake of fire. Despite, His power, many will still refuse to turn from their wicked ways. " ' Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and hurled it on the earth; and there came peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning and an earthquake' " (Rev 8:5) There will be a massive thunderstorm that comes with lightning, and intensified earthquakes; the great tribulation, propelled, throughout the universe, from the hurling of the censer, which holds fire and the incense of prayers belonging to the Saints. All people will know that a greater change has occurred. Hail as large as bowling balls mixed with fire and blood will rain down upon them, likewise to the hail that killed many of the Amorites during the war against Israel at Gibeon (Joshua 10:11). A third of the earth, trees, and grass will be burned from the hail (Rev 8:7). " ' I will sweep away everything from the face of the earth." declares the Lord. I will sweep away both men and animals; I will sweep away the birds of the air and the fish of the sea. The wicked will have only heaps of rubble when I cut off man from the face of the earth," declares the Lord ' " (Zep 1:2-3). An interesting note; God always works in thirds. He swept one third of the stars down to earth with Lucifer when he was cast out of Heaven and upon the earth (Rev 12:4) He caused darkness to befall upon Egypt for three days (Exodus 10:21-29). He will cause one third of the water, night, grass, trees, sea life to be destroyed (Rev 8:7). He raised Jesus Christ back to life within three days (1 Corinthians 15:4, Romans 8:11). I would give in theory that the third could represent; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, but again, that's just my reasoning. Upon the blast of the second trumpet; there will be a massive volcanic explosion that will move mountains forcefully into an ocean, which will cause the water to turn blood red, destroying all sea life, and ships, likewise to Exodus 7: 20-21, the plague of the fish in Egypt. To that end, the third trumpet will blast causing the meteor; Wormwood (its name represents idolatry and immorality, which are both bitter to God), to explode over one third of the earth, affecting the water system with poison, killing many upon drinking. Thereafter, the fourth trumpet will blast causing an astronomical eclipse, " ' In that day," declares the Sovereign Lord, "I will make the sun go down at noon and darken the earth to broad daylight' " (Amos 8:9). One third of the sun, moon, and stars will be eclipsed.  Keep in mind that the events are not just means for affliction as they were in Egypt's time of the Exodus, but instead, this will be the timing of God's wrath upon the ungodly, for their ungodliness, to vindicate for believers, and a final attempt to lead them towards repentance. God's wrath will not fall upon believers that convert during the tribulation; for,  they will be sealed with His mark. However, the threat of wrath will not be far from those who belong to Him; for, the unbelievers will end the lives of believers through their own strength.
Trumpets five through seven will be posted: Thursday, November 20th, 2014.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


“‘You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone adorned you: carnelian, chrysolite and emerald, topaz, onyx and jasper, lapis, lazuli,  turquoise and beryl.]Your settings and mountings were made of gold; on the day you were created they were prepared. You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained you. You were on the holy mount of God; you walked among the fiery stones. You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you. Through your widespread trade you were filled with violence,and you sinned. So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God, and I expelled you, guardian cherub, from among the fiery stones. Your heart became proud on account of your beauty,and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings. By your many sins and dishonest trade you have desecrated your sanctuaries. So I made a fire come out from you, and it consumed you, and I reduced you to ashes on the ground in the sight of all who were watching. All the nations who knew you are appalled at you; you have come to a horrible end and will be no more.’” Ezekiel 28:12-19

When the greatest angel (Lucifer) that was ever created was cast out of  Heaven; there fell with him, one third of the other angels that stood with him, believing that he could out reign God, and become His equal (Rev 12:4). God showed no mercy towards the angels that willfully chose to bow down and worship Lucifer. In their foolish rebellion; they quickly learned that God alone was/is Sovereign. From that day forward, those angels were given the eternal curse of forever being governed by Lucifer's iron fist; their minds forever corrupted, with evil, as reprobates, from where it was once holy. (Matt 18:10, Mark 13:32).

Angels are spirits without bodies, given different levels of ranks, thrones, dominions, principalities, and responsibilities in how they serve God, and now Lucifer; yet, they are able to transform their spirits to appear as human beings when need be. Their strength, knowledge, and wisdom surpasses human beings; although, they are not all knowing, omnipresent, nor omnipotent like God (Ps.103:20, Dan 9:21-23,Matt 24:36).  They are immortal, and do not marry, nor reproduce (Matt 22:30). All angels carry the responsibility of being messengers, in which hence the word; Angel, is derived. In addition to being messengers, if they serve and worship God; they praise Him, guide, provide, protect, deliver, strengthen, and encourage humans, answer prayers for God, care for believers at the time of their death, and act as executioners for punishing sin when commanded by God. However, if they belong to Lucifer; they oppress, deceive, possess, afflict and cause infirmities (sickness and disease), kill, destroy, cause strife, discourage, bring doubt, tempt, haunt, cause insanity, belittle, degrade, expose, lure, entice, seduce, cause: addictions, murder, suicide, immorality, and cause confusion, and controlling peoples minds. Demons (the word demon means evil spirit) are only interested in doing the opposite of everything that is holy, pure, and righteous; they are unclean spirits, with individual personalities, and different levels of degrees to their wickedness. Take note; just as humans are assigned angels by God; we are also assigned demons from Lucifer. God clearly tells us in Ephesians 6; that we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but of the rulers, and principalities of darkness, in high places. We could also say; in low places, for Lucifer (Satan), and his angels (demons), are also here on earth, as well as below our feet, within the earth. You may ask, "How is that so??? How can they be in different places at once???" Some demons and Satan, are not bound, and have been given the freedom to roam the earth, and Hell. Only the most profusely corrupted, evil angels, are bound by God, being saved, to be released, for the day of Judgment. Angels whether of God or Lucifer, cannot be in more than one place at the same time, likewise to God.

The angels of God follow the commands of God, bringing to pass God's promises to His people of hope, peace, joy, love, deliverance, restoration and vindication for being mistreated; however, those who belong to Lucifer, mission to bring our soul to condemnation, where we dwell with them in eternal punishment of fire and torment. They want to take as many of us with them as they can; for, they hate God, and in turn hate us, because we are created in His image, and are His most valued creation. They will stop at nothing to gather all the souls that they can, at the command of Satan. Although, they are a defeated foe by the blood of Jesus Christ, and His resurrection; they are able to deceive many, and lead them astray, causing people to believe false doctrines, fall to temptation, and strongholds, that disqualify us for the promises of God, snatching our crowns of life from us, like birds snatching seeds from a footpath (Luke 8:4-15). By knowing, speaking, and living the commands in which God has given us; we can all live, and not die. Jesus Christ's blood came with a price that set all of us free from death though God's grace and mercy. We need not allow our invisible enemies to bring upon us doubt having us to believe that God's Words are not true. God is not a man that He should lie nor that He should repent (Num 23:19). Trust in Him in ALL THINGS, and lean not on your own understanding; for, our knowledge and abilities are limited, but ALL THINGS are possible through Christ who strengthens us. By trusting God, we still our faith. By watching for Lucifer's deceptions that don't line up with God's Word; we recognize how the enemy operates. Deny Satan access to your life with temptations, doubt, make believe, and impure thoughts. Watch out for his gain in technology that advances his schemes of lust, seduction, gluttony, and pride. Remain focused on God's Word. The Holy Spirit will bring His Words back into remembrance; follow the Holy Spirit's lead. Do not neglect studying, praying, praising, and worshipping God, which helps to minimize the works of your flesh, while building up your inner spirit. Ask God for the ability to discern spirits, hidden motives, and illusions. And last, don't forget to wear your spiritual armor DAILY: the helmet of salvation (knowing you are saved through the blood of Jesus Christ), the sword of the spirit which is the Word of God, the breastplate of righteousness (daily walk in righteousness, and the building of our faith), the belt of truth (knowing, speaking, and living the truth), and shodding your feet with preparation of the gospel of peace (sharing the God's Word with others).