Tuesday, August 19, 2014


The fourth church mentioned in the book of Revelations is the church of Thyatira. Thyatira was the smallest of the seven churches that was located near the third church; Pergamum. Thyatira; although, considered the least important, was warned by Jesus regarding, the danger of judgment that laid ahead of them, due to their sins.

Thyatira is known for the behaviors of compromise that corrupted their church. The spirit of Jezebel was very influential concerning the people there. Without compromise to their holiness and purity; their opportunities for advancement and prosperity were often threatened. Worldly church leaders often took position in the churches, preaching to the believers that they should not totally separate themselves from worldly activities and functions. The church was taught that by isolating themselves from those who were disobedient to God, showed an outward sign of being snobbish and the desire of not wanting to be socially acceptable. Without being socially accepted; they risked losing their promotions, jobs, houses, personal power, and approvals to reside within better communities. Although, the church of Thyatira knew the consequences of participating in worldly affairs, would harm their mind, bodies, souls, and hearts; they still participated, without trusting God for their provisions. Thyatira found themselves seduced and enticed into lying, cheating, heavy drinking, sexual immortality, idolatry, and more. Despite their love and desire to chase after the heart of God; their involvement in fellowshipping with those of unrepentance caused them to be drawn into weaknesses of their own flesh. Thyatira did nothing to stop the false preaching and teaching that came from the false appointed teachers placed in position within their church, nor the worldly members that were being baptized without a heart for repentance, which left their church corrupted.

The corruption of Thyatira is a cry out to the believers of today; they should be wise in who they allow themselves to fellowship with, or lead them in doctrine, and example. Believer's should not lower their holiness and purity in order to make gain with the world in any way or form, but instead, trust God for their provisions. A believer should believe, follow, obey, attach themselves, and love Christ with their heart at all cost. Believers are never to compromise with the world within their jobs, neighborhoods, relationships, communities, and churches. Compromising even in secret is known to God whether behind closed doors, in the dark, in offices, houses, or parked cars; He sees all and knows all, and will reward all those for what they have done with their bodies, for good or for bad.

Revelations 2

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