Tuesday, August 26, 2014


The church of Sardis is the fifth church of warning in the book of Revelations; the Words of Jesus Christ given as vision through the eyes of John. What's interesting to note is that Revelations is the last book of the Bible giving prophecy that foretells what issues are in the end likewise to the placement of the book itself, and what was revealed about the church of Sardis is confirmed to us in the churches of today.

The issues with the church of Sardis is that they were an esteemed church seen as an important, lively, prosperous, well-liked, church because they were always bustling with activities and social gatherings for the communities and their families. Sardis had activities that met the pleasures of the people at every age. They performed their social customs of religious rituals, ceremonies, and worship without the true focus on Jesus Christ, and the sins of the people. Sardis was a church of exciting entertainment; a way for people to feel that they were securely fellowshipping with Christ behind dancing, praising, singing, joining activities, partaking in communion and baptizing, tithing, doing fundraisers, attending church and its functions, socially eating and drinking together, attending bible studies, praying, doing all that they could to keep the organization of the church going without a true hunger or thirst for righteousness, the epiphany of Jesus Christ. Sardis could not be convinced that its church was dead, lifeless, and without the Spirit of God because of its activities and its growing numbers in members; however, Jesus Christ called Sardis dead because works do not have His Spirit nor His power. Though the people danced, shouted, cried, and prayed; Jesus said they were without energy, life, His Spirit, and had works that were vain, because their hearts were far from Him. Their works within the church were for themselves, the community, and their organization, for their own entertainment and socializing; yet, their sins, immorality, and hunger and thirst for doing the wrong things remained with them. The gathering of Sardis only existed because it was the thing to do.

Jesus wants the Ministers of today to draw His Sword on the people of the church; He wants them not be comforted by His Word nor entertained but made to heal by the purging of their sins. Jesus wants people to hear about their wrongdoings, and how it runs short of the glory of God. He wants people to turn from their wrongdoings that lead them to eternal death. It is so important for the people to hear about their sins to the point that God wills to hold the Minister accountable of those souls that are lost due to the Minister holding back the Sword of His Word, "But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood" (Ezek 33:6). God does not want His Word to be a source of entertainment as if it is a love song with a beautiful voice, but that it is a voice with conviction, and warning for change (Ezek 33:31-32). God does not want the people in the church half asleep and with wandering thoughts, but their hearts focused on being cleansed and purified. God did not see the Church of Sardis to be fulfilling, complete, perfect, or carried out the way it was created to function. Church in the sight of God should be not be for socializing, the enslavement to religious rituals, business networking, public imagery, or for family and community activities, but a place where people should come to place their sins before them to seek change within their personal lives and their relationship with God. God wants people to walk with him moment by moment everyday of their lives in open confession to their wrongdoings so that they remain spotless, without blame, and pure.

What good is it to dance, to praise, to sing, to join functions, activities, and boards at church, to be baptized, to eat, drink, and fellowship, to partake in communion, to have perfect attendance, to teach and preach, when your body is alive, but your soul is counted dead??? (Mark 8:36)

The promises of God are only made to those who keep their souls alive.

For everyone when they are first born again names are recorded in the Book of Life; however,  if you do not fulfill the requirements that confirm that you have been changed, your name is blotted out at the time of your death (Rev 20:15, Rev 21:27, Exo 32:33, Psa 69:28, Dan 12:1)

Those who are were truly born again will be dressed in white, not blotted out the Book of Life, and will be acknowledged before God by Jesus Christ.

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