Tuesday, August 5, 2014


The second church mentioned in the book of Revelations of the seven churches of Asia Minor is Smyrna.

Why is it important for us to know about these churches???

1. Jesus is the author of Revelations given through the vision of  John.
2. Jesus wrote to the seven churches to reach all of us, not just the church.
3. Revelations is the book written only for believers.
4. Believers are to grow in maturity by having access to the knowledge that God wants us to know.
5. Revelations reveals your time and generation: what is past, what is present, and what is expected in the future to come...ready or not.
6. Jesus' Revelation brings enlightenment to unanswered concerns.
7. Revelations remind believer's to remain in place, waiting on the promise of eternal life, that they may not be distracted, misled, grow weary, or fall from grace, receiving only God's wrath, after years of fighting the good fight of the Christian race.

Smyrna's name means bitter. It is derived from the word; Myrrh, which is a sticky plant substance that is/was used for oil, perfumes, and embalming. Myrrh was one of the gifts given to Jesus Christ from the wise men during His early childhood years, representing the honor behind Christ's death that would save all mankind.

The church of Smyrna was a dedicated church to the Word of God. They were very loyal in keeping God's requirements; remaining true,  pure,and placing God first. They were constantly persecuted without mercy in the hands of the unbelieving Jews. The church of Smyrna were: ridiculed, mocked, cursed, lied on, slandered, imprisoned, criticized, backbitten, torn down, ripped from prosperity to poverty, discriminated, and killed, because of their loyalty to God. No matter what trial or temptation that seized them; they stood for God, never wavering, or compromising their faith and trust in Him. Jesus reminded them that He was the First and the Last; no matter what they came against, they were to know that He was there with them in the beginning, middle, and end of it all. They were not to fear any threats, or harm, even through the hands of the government, or prosecutors; they were not the final say so in their injustice.

Jesus sends the urgent message to us all that He is with us. He is aware of the injustice that comes against us because we stand for what is right. He wants us to know that He DOES hold those in government accountable for any perversity or misuse of their power towards all people. Today, we see those in power misuse their authority to harm others secretly... so they believe; yet, Jesus says to the people that those who do us harm WILL BE JUDGED. There is nothing that none of us do in secret. God is all knowing. He is there during the beginning of our mistreatment, the middle of it, and to its end. We are not to stand in fear of mankind that synagogue for Satan; their end is foretold in Revelations. Those who stand in  judgment are not awaiting for the series of episodes to occur in Revelations before they receive vengeance, instead,  they are awaiting their own series of death...their physical death, and then the second death of hell fire. The government stands not in final authority; God does. Believer's are to be assured that whatever persecution we may suffer; it is only temporary. Jesus suffered before us. Believer's suffer because Jesus suffered. The episode of Jesus suffering passed away, and so shall it be for those who believe and trust in Him as their Savior. Our trials are only temporary and subject to pass away according to God's written laws that only He control  in seasons, hours, minutes and seconds. God Wills not to forsake us but to be with us through it all to the very end, even to the place where we will find ourselves one day standing before Him.

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