Thursday, August 28, 2014


A high percentage of people would believe that they are not in the practice of crafts or black magic so they exclude themselves from verses in the Bible that speaks of divination and sorcerers. However, crafts and black magic are not just those who conjure up spirits, talk to the dead, allow themselves to be possessed by dark forces, practice casting omens, fortune tellers, those who perform astral projection or found playing with Ouija boards; in fact, craftiness can be found amongst all people.

1st Samuel 15:23 reads, "For rebellion is as the sin of divination... and Revelations 22:15 reads, "Outside are the dogs and sorcerers and the sexually immoral, murderers, idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood". Just within those two verses of many, one can see that divination is defined beyond magic, and that sorcerers are compared and contrasted with what God would see one as practicing any type of form of deception. Digging deeper; in what ways would a person be found to be in the act of rebellion against God? The most reasonable answer would be any act that goes against His morals and standards that would not be considered as being righteous. Think of any acts that you could list that would be considered going against the Word of God. How many people do you know that you can say are practicing those behaviors that you listed? How many people have you witnessed around you that you don't know that are practicing those behaviors? And how many of those behaviors did you leave out because you are practicing those behaviors? Using the check list below; how did your list compare to some of the types of rebellions listed in the Bible?

lying, stealing, gossiping, causing division and strife, foolishness, eavesdropping, meddling, profanity, drunkenness, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, loose behavior, controlling, physical, emotional, spiritual, financial abuse, jealousy, lust, envy, hatred, unforgiveness, abortion, accusing, fear, arrogance, worry, bitterness, blasphemy, boasting, causing a child to sin, hindering others, ignoring the poor and homeless, putting the cares of the world before God, lacking prayer, study, fellowship, and praise, practicing worldliness, being a poor example for raising your child(ren), dishonoring parents, murder, idolatry, name calling or threats, astrology, judging others, eating blood, offending, persecuting others due to righteousness, complaining, dressing loosely or indecent, giving the appearance of evil, despising others, abusing or using illegal drugs, disobeying ones employer, fraud, mocking, double-minded, resisting God, not fearing God, breaking promises or oaths, impatience, racism, impartiality, being quick tempered.... the list goes on.

Would these sins just be an issue with the heart of a person?

What is it about those sins listed that are of sorcery or divination?

The first answer would be... No. A persons heart become defiled by allowing themselves to submit to the influence and practice of spiritual craftiness. Ephesians 6 tells us that we are never fighting against flesh and blood but with spiritual wickedness in high places; forces that we cannot see and are supernatural. Everything that we go through is brought by a spiritual force whether for the good or the bad. We are spirits first and embodied as flesh and blood second. We will attract those things that are spiritual because we are spirits. We when oppose to do the will of God or those things that are considered righteous; we invite dark forces to overtake us. The understanding of how these dark forces become empowered by the careless things we do; helps us to break the influence they have in our lives and within the lives of others.

For example; when we gossip about others, we have open ourselves to the destruction of another persons reputation through the craftiness of spoken words (curses) and then we entice others to join in our craftiness by having them to spread the words to others, influencing their minds. When we cannot get our way with something; we turn to the craft of manipulation, control, or intimidation to get what we want because it works in the spiritual realm. When we want advancement and feel hindered; we compromise, slight, or manipulate in order to gain the power we otherwise feel we would miss out on if we did not resort to some type of cunningness, or submissiveness where we allow ourselves to be at the mercy of another person's control or we persuade them gaining control over them through the appearance of false compliance. When we feel that something is in our way and it may cause us discomfort, loss, or the lesser upper hand; we resort to fear, aggressiveness, accusations, or even murder. When we feel jealous of someone else; we resort to the craft of isolating or ignoring a person, rumors, impartiality, division, or coveting. When we don't feel loved, appreciated, or noticed by a person; we resort to the craft of abandonment by turning our affections to someone else despite the feelings of the other person involved or the laws of God (if it's a marriage), submit ourselves to vain imaginations where we lower our self-esteem by believing others are conspiring against us, or produce evil thoughts of revenge towards the offending person that lacks reverence. When we come against strongholds in trials or temptations; we resort to disbelief or doubt creating imaginary thoughts that create a prospect of our future being doomed, devise underhanded schemes to conquer due to desperation and fear, or presume that the temptation that we are facing isn't as bad as it seem which keeps us enslaved to the forces of darkness that entice, seduce, and lure us repeatedly into the deed that is meant to destroy our soul. It doesn't matter what we may go through as sin; behind each act is the act of spiritual craftiness from the powers of unseen foes that seek to keep us bound in destroying ourselves and/or others.

Ways to prevent yourself from being in the way of craftiness is to:

*Pray daily against strongholds, temptations, and curses that will present themselves to attack you. Pray that the blood of Jesus covers you, and refuse any activities that you may be involved in that open the doors to inviting demonic activity in your life, asking God for deliverance.

* Depart any person(s) that enjoy participating in the acts of rebellion against God or who seek to control, manipulate, or intimidate you. Don't attempt to control the controller or abuser; just remove them from your life. Their power loses its effectiveness when you no longer submit to them. Never repay evil with evil; that's the intending plot of the kingdom of darkness.

*Ignore any thoughts that manifests and opposes your peace of mind, whether they are your own thoughts, or someone else's thoughts, spoken over you. God isn't the author of confusion nor has He given us the Spirit of fear; anything that comes to steal, kill, or destroy you in mind or your future for prosperity isn't from God.

*Practice studying the Word of God, living the Word of God, and teaching the Word of God to others that they may be delivered too.

*Stand for nothing but righteousness in how you relate to others in your thoughts, words, and deeds.

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