Wednesday, August 13, 2014


The church of Pergamum is the third church of mention in the book of Revelations. This church is very much like the churches of today. Jesus gives a very strong rebuke to not only the congregation, but the Ministers, to the point of naming the place of Pergamum; Satan's Throne.

What was so bad about the place of Pergamum that they were called; Satan's Throne???

..... Worldliness.

Worldliness destroys temples. Jesus makes it clear in Revelations that He does approve of churches adding worldly functions to its programs in the church or within the members homes. Nor does He approve of members being baptized who have not truly repented of their worldly behaviors while accepting Christ. And lastly, but not the least, He doesn't accept false teaching and preaching, added to the context of the Scriptures.

If a church becomes polluted with worldliness; God holds the Minister responsible, and the church as a whole. Ministers are not only to tend to the needs of the people, but the needs of the church, protecting its integrity. The only way to protect the integrity of the church is to not accept worldly behavior from those of the members. A Minister is responsible for making sure that those who follow are living holy, and pure lives. It is unacceptable that the mention for repentance and the turning away from worldly behaviors remain avoided in order to please the people, being fearful of their reactions, or actions, towards being corrected. By avoiding rightful confrontation; souls remain lost, sin continues to spread within the church, and the church's existence becomes ineffective, which is a very serious act of violence against Christ. A Minister must infest the sores of the people to bring about healing; baptizing those who are not truly repented in heart only offers them false hope. Equally, a Minister or Christ follower must endure persecution to protect God's Word, and to bring about Salvation in the lives of the lost. Jesus has spoken that the world will hate those who do His will, speak the truth, and live the life He expects all His believers to live (Matthew 10:22, John 15:18, 1 Peter 4:12-13).

Today's generation is without excuse for the ways of the church. We have all been warned to bring about repentance; not to follow after the path of those who are common. It only takes the gathering of the faithful to step forward and speak without fear as to how the church and its members should be living and functioning within their personal lives and within the church. Jesus isn't seeking just the voice, but also the actions of expelling those from the church who refuse to listen. Jesus expects for those who are faithful to remain faithful even unto death; for He died for us so that we may live. To be a witness is the same as being a martyr (2 Timothy 3:12)

Those within the church are professing Christ while committing adultery, fornication, homosexuality, drunken parties, idolatry, deception, and the sorts of all sins. People are in need of learning to live sacrificial lives as Christ sacrificed His life for them; by doing so, they deny themselves of worldliness, while holding on to the truth and purity. People do not need to fear change for the better for there is no where that God's Word cannot reach them to protect them, even to the depths of Hell. True belief and Salvation will always involve repentance.

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