Tuesday, September 2, 2014


What would the churches of today be like if they were faithful in focusing on Jesus Christ in their ministries, programs, and activities, and requiring and helping members to walk in the ways of the commands of the Lord, preserving holiness, purity, and love one another, reaching out in missionary support in local and distant: neighborhoods, public areas, homes, and workplaces, by being a doer in helps than just listening to and ignoring the cries of the people? ... If churches were committed and focused on Christ; they would be like the well loved church of Philadelphia, the sixth church mentioned in the book of Revelations 3.

Philadelphia is the model church in which Jesus Christ desires all churches to be. They never wavered in their love for Him by compromising, becoming sluggish or inactive, worshipping the church and its functions, neglecting and ignoring: true worship, prayer, praise, study, obedience to God's commands, and fellowship, living a life of immorality or mediocrity, participation in idolatry or false doctrine, nor preaching to please the people; instead, they did all that was required of them, which in turn, moved God to protect and provide for all their needs. The church of Philadelphia was known to be a small church with limited resources; yet, never complained, grumbled, or murmured about helping those less fortunate. Due to their faithfulness and love for the people; God ensured that their resources never ran short of itself.

Philadelphia bordered three other cities: Lydia, Mysia, and Phrygia. They were very generous and welcoming to their neighbors, doing all that they could in support of their needs, while sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with them. Philadelphia was found to be sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with whom ever they came in contact with in and out of their border; living up to the meaning of their name... brotherly love. Jesus Christ marveled the church of Philadelphia to the point of opening doors to them that no man was capable of shutting. Although, the church was established in a area of periodic earthquakes, suffering major destruction, they were kept from being totally destroyed, whereas, the bustling church of Sardis, that also neighbored Philadelphia, was completely wiped out. Philadelphia likewise to their aid to others, was given aid from Emperor Tiberius, in the rebuilding of their church, and later renamed themselves; Neoceasarea, The New City of Caesar.

Jesus Christ and His inheritance is the promise to all believers; therefore, believers in return should be marked with the fruits that identify them to Christ. Christ seeks for every believer to study the truth, live the truth, and speak the truth, amongst taking on the persecution of mocking, backbiting, rejection, cursing, abuse, imprisonment, attacks, temptations, misuse, and even death that will come with following Him (Matthew 10:22).  Some believers of today, weigh out their options before deciding to do what they know is right to do or before deciding to share the gospel of truth with friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, associates, or strangers. Think of times when you may have decided it's not the right time to pray, study, worship, share the gospel, or stand in protection of the Word of God through: defending the Word, living holy and pure, helping others where you are capable of helping. When we stop to second guess doing the Will of God; we lose focus of Jesus Christ, relying on our own strength, interests, and desires. God commands of believers that want to share in His inheritance to do His Will, not their own. The only way to prove that one is truly a believer, not just a professor of Christ, deceiving themselves to be saved, is to study, live, and speak the truth as Philadelphia; any other way is considered without life, vain, and unfaithful. God promises to protect and provide for all those He considers His chosen people. Any person that follows after the heart and Will of God through faith, are His chosen nation, and  will inherit His Kingdom, be given the crown of life, a new name, and dwell with Him one day again in the promised land of Jerusalem (Romans 9:25-26). God warns believers to remained focused on Jesus Christ because the day of Christ's return is rapidly approaching; one does not want to be found where they have fallen from grace, blotted from the Book Of Life, because they were distracted or lead away from the truth (Revelations 3:11).

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