Thursday, September 4, 2014


In the still of the night you find yourself tossing and turning, peace in the night stolen. In the light of the day which should brighten our dark spaces of our minds; nothing is found but yesterdays old news of worries, fear, and doubt. Believers are left wondering; God what have I done wrong to deserve what I am going through? Lord, are you saying I can bear this? Father, why test me so severely? Have I lost my mind to vain imaginations that there is more out there that will pull me through this than my own efforts??! Am I being made a fool of that one would laugh, mock, ridicule, and try me, because I believe, when surely I am ... alone???

All believers have been here. Believe it or not; so have nonbelievers.

What is it that takes us to this point of scare in depths, widths, and heights?




Is fear an indication that we truly aren't believer's because we contradict God's Word that He has not given us a spirit of fear??? (Timothy 1:7)

Mankind is naturally drawn to fear when we face obstacles bigger than ourselves which seem to always come at the most unexpected time.


Because we somehow feel that we are self-sufficient; that we are in control of everything that surrounds us. We place a false assumption upon ourselves that we possess more power than God upon the earth because human power appears to be what is most resourceful in a human world... besides, didn't we create the theories behind science? Build fast forms of transportation, communication? Create a way to have our own everlasting light at our own disposal with the flick of a switch? Did we not create ways in controlling and manipulating people, electronics, appliances??? Did we not create ways for enforcement with ammunition, destroyers, tanks, and bombs??? Although, we are gifted with ways of innovations in a human world; we don't war with each other (Ephesians 6). It may appear that we do because of what we see with our eyes; however, the real threat is unseen. Peter reminds us saying, "Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if it was something strange was happening to you, but rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ so, that you may be overjoyed when His glory is revealed" (1Peter4:12-13)

Ever wonder why trials, crisis, or the robbing of your peace comes from out of no where??? You cannot see all there is to see; you were not created to have all power and all control over everything...YOU NEED GOD.

God has enemies and if you are a believer; God's enemies are also yours, just as Jesus inheritance is yours. God's enemy does not just consist of Satan and his fiends, but people who refuse righteousness; the children of the prince of power in the air, the children of disobedience. There will always be war as long as there are those of righteousness and those of unrighteousness. Righteousness is used against unrighteousness, as unrighteousness is used against righteousness, as it was with Jezebel and Elijah. Jezebel was for all unrighteousness, in every form, whilst Elijah was for every form of righteousness; they were the opposite of each other in all aspects. Just think of it; what does Jesus have in common with Satan??? We can list some things only because Satan mimics Christ, not because He is an equal to Christ. In the end time, Satan will try to mimic Christ's resurrection by resurrecting the pope that will be known as the Chief Son of Perdition, Satan will come riding on a white horse likewise to Christ, he will perform miracles causing statues to even cry (Revelations). Believers are under a constant war, just as we are assigned angels from God to protect us, we are assigned demons to torment us from Hades. With that said; we are to not live by the faith of yesterday, but renew our faith daily, for our enemies lurk to steal, kill, and destroy us daily. We can fall into the traps of doubt, worry, and fear, when we try to apply our former faith to present circumstances. Doubt, worry, and fear are not indications that we are not believers; instead, it tells us that our belief is imperfect, and in order for it to be refined, we must hold on to our sword in the spirit for daily blood baths of our enemies by speaking and believing the Word of God to be true in our lives. Mark 9:14-27 tells us of the story of a man that had a demon possessed son; the man speaks to Jesus, "It has often thrown him both into the fire and into the water to destroy him. But if You can do anything, take pity on us and help us!” And Jesus said to him, “ ‘If You can?’ All things are possible to him who believes.” Immediately the boy’s father cried out and said, “I do believe; help my unbelief. Through this man's time of trial; he acknowledged that he was a believer although his belief needed some tweaking. And because Jesus saw that the man admitted to his weakness and yet, professed to being a believer in the power of God... his son was healed. Believers, it only takes faith as small as a mustard seed to win the approval of God; however, not trusting that God will make a way through your circumstance, does absolutely nothing for God, your faith, and your circumstance... in that case, your enemies will always win. God has spoken that trials will come against us while we are on this earth; therefore, He promises to be there with us THROUGH IT. Through it, tells us that God Wills not to take our trials from us, but to give us the strength and power to overcome the test, if we only trust in him despite how things appear to us (John 16:33, James 1:1-13, 1 Corinthians 10:13, Isaiah 43:2).

Believers is okay to ask God for help, realizing that you are nothing on your own without Him, if you are truly standing in faith, you will be able to rest a night, focus during the day, remain calm with the knowledge that God's peace includes conflict, but HE IS WORKING IT OUT!!! YOU DON'T NEED TO SEE EVERYTHING... THAT'S THE DEFINITION OF FAITH...


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