Tuesday, September 30, 2014


In the last series of posts, our focus was the seven churches mentioned in Revelations from the visions given to Apostle John from our Lord and Savior; Jesus Christ. The seven churches which are symbolized as stars held in Jesus hands are again; Ephesus, the church that lacked love and dedication towards Jesus Christ, but was committed to the church and its functions; Smyrna, the dedicated church which suffered much persecution while remaining faithful to the service of God; Pergamum, the sightly beautiful church that allowed members without true repentance to be baptized, and allowed false and corrupted teachers to teach false doctrine, and known by the name given to them by Jesus Christ as Satan's Throne;Thyatira, the corrupted church which compromised their relationship with God, in order to gain worldly position, influence, and money; Sardis, the church full of bustling activities, entertainment, and admiration for the Pastor, committing to its programs, activities, and functions for the communities and its members versus placing their focus on Jesus Christ (which was later completely destroyed by God through an earthquake, while preserving the church of Philadelphia); Philadelphia, the church fully commended and praised by Jesus Christ for their devotion, dedication, perseverance through persecution, consistent commitment, and love for other people ... and last; Laodicea, the lukewarm and half-committed church that was neither hot nor cold, but served God half-halfheartedly in prayer, study, church, and lifestyle, living a double life in sin. As before, these churches are given to us in Revelation as a wake up call to our churches today; it is God's urgent message and warning that the Pastors and his members find repentance in their ways in the church before it is too late. For we live in the end times, as Revelation is not only placed in the end of the Bible as symbolism, but also pertains to our history, at present, the future that is here, and still to come.

Our next journey in faith; we will be focusing on the Throne of God, and The Book of Destiny that contains the Seven Seals to our world's future, revealed to Apostle John through the visions given to him from Jesus Christ. We will also continue to focus on the teachings of the Armor of God, which God shares with us in Ephesians 6, and how we can effectively use the Armor against our enemy and adversary; Lucifer, that we may win our Christian race that is set before us, receiving the eternal promises of God, as our inheritance, and share with Jesus Christ.

God not only holds The Book of Life which contains all the names of true believers who will one day enter Heaven upon their death, but He also holds The Book of Destiny which foretells our future upon the earth, while we are still yet living. The only person worthy and authorized to open The Book of Destiny is Jesus Christ for He is without sin, and the slain Lamb for the atonement of all sinners. Being that God is perfect, pure, holy, and without darkness; no one else fits His description except Jesus Christ, whom is able to open the Book. This revelation is revealed to Apostle John as he takes sight of what Jesus unfolds before him, as the doors of Heaven are opened to Him, through his vision. All that John witnessed were given to him from God Himself, which assures us that all that was revealed to John, to be revealed to us, was not of his own imagination, and will surely happen as it is recorded.

There are three doors mentioned in Revelations 4: The door for evangelism and missions, the door of the human heart, and the door of revelation. The door to evangelism and missions is the door of the churches; to bear as witnesses of the gospel of Jesus Christ, through its teachings, and through the lifestyle of one that walks in truth. All believers are to share the gospel of Jesus Christ to their families, friends, neighbors, co-workers, associates, communities, states, and even other countries. Those who follow Christ are to share to anyone that will openly receive  hearing about Jesus Christ. They are to be the light and the salt of the earth, which leads to the second door; the human heart. When believers share the gospel of Jesus Christ to others; it is up to the person who openly receives the message to open their heart to the truth, allowing Jesus Christ to enter their lives. By doing so, the person permits God to work within in them, bringing about a rebirth in their body, soul, and spirit. They are gradually conformed to the image of Christ, living righteous lives, and committed to the service of God by helping to further God's Kingdom by sharing the gospel of truth, and assisting the less fortunate, grief stricken, addicted, the sick and shut in, widows, orphaned, abused, and spiritually lost. As the reborn believer continues to grow in Christ, they are brought to the third door; the door of revelation. The promises, goodness, and the love of God begins to be revealed to them beyond what is written in scripture; the Words become LIVE. The believer actually experiences more revelation about God Himself, themselves, others, and the world with its events, that surround the return of the Savior Jesus Christ. A believer learns that the events that they see everyday are not in man's control, by circumstance, nor by chance, but by God's Will, given in the book of Revelations, as history that must happen. Although, believers become aware of the events to happen; they are left with the security in knowing that God will rescue them from the trials, hardships, sufferings, and the great tribulation to come. They understand that God is sovereign, in control of everything, and will not stop the events from occurring, but will be there with His children through the process.

It is revealed to all people that God is so glorious and majestic that is impossible to describe Him, through the vision that was given by Apostle John; for, he saw God sitting upon His throne. Yet, God is describe as being in terms of a magnificent pure, translucent, bright, clear, brilliant, sparkling light, beyond the most precious stones and gems that we have here upon earth. This reveals to all people that God is to be valued likewise to the most precious, as the most divine, and purest of pure that is beyond or comprehension and imagination; He is an indescribable glory. God's smile and countenance is described as beyond the Jasper of today; shining brightly as of the concentrated light of a laser, penetrating nothing but absolute purity to the point where one cast their own eyes down in shame; reaffirmation that they are indeed far short of His glory, for there is no darkness found within Him. Above His throne rests a radiant emerald green rainbow, representing the grace of God. Beneath His feet rests a transparent sea of glass resembling Sapphire, stretching out before His throne, representing God's value and purity, and His ability to clearly see all things through his attribute of being omniscience, where from Him, nothing is hidden. Surrounding Him stands four angelic creatures that reminds one of an lion, ox, eagle, and man in essence to their power, supremacy, strength, swiftness, and intelligence. The creatures stand near Him day and night, never leaving their position, as they sang out to God, how glorious, wonderful, deserving of praise and worship He is, from amongst all His creations in the Heavens, earth, and earth beneath. Surrounding Him was also twenty-four elders (ministers), sitting upon thrones, wearing white robes, and crowns of gold, representing those who came out of the great tribulation, serving God. The voice of God is majestic; described as a combination of lightning, rumbling, and thunder. John also witnesses the burning of seven torches that represent the fullness and completeness of the Holy Spirit.

From John's vision whether one chooses to believe or not believe; it does not change that God is the first being of the universe, the Creator of all things, the beginning and the end, the controller of all events, the Savior of the world of all things He created at Will, and the author of the Holy Bible, and the Judge that sits upon the throne in Heaven, one day having all His creation to worship Him, and knowledge Him by name, power, truth, and worth.


PSALMS 102:25



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