Thursday, September 25, 2014


Some people will admit that they are not always following the commands of God, while others will profess that it is impossible to be counted unrighteous or mediocre when they hold themselves to the title of being a Christian. However, being identified as a Christian, or any other religious name, ritual, or ceremony, has no power when it comes to God's approval  concerning Salvation. God has shared with man that all come SHORT of His glory (Romans 3:23). Falling short of His glory has some to do with who a person chooses to identify themselves as being, or following, but overall, it isn't the only criteria. One could very well consider themselves to be a Christ follower while God considers them to being a child of darkness. A child of darkness is anyone that falls short of His glory, being counted as God's enemy, refusing to follow in obedience to His commands, living their lives as a son of perdition (one who belongs to Satan being cast out into hell).

Laodicea, the last church mentioned in book of Revelations, given to John in a vision, through the prophetic words of Jesus Christ is identified as the worse church amongst: Sardis, Ephesus, Smyrna, Philadelphia, Pergamum, and Thyatira. Laodicea lived life neither hot nor cold when it came to serving God; they were half-hearted, self-centered, boasting, blind people, who were considered, worthless and useless in the sight of God. Therefore, God views any person that neglects or ignores His Words, choosing their own will at life to be as Laodicea; choosing at their own cost and loss.  One is considered foolish to look towards the church and its rituals of baptism, membership, ordinances, services, functions, ceremonies, fellowship, volunteering, and attendance to be confirmation that they are secured in the eternal life. Choosing to believe that church participation has power to save, leads a person to grave danger!!! God isn't seeking perfect or imperfect dedication towards a Pastor or Church; but instead, those who worship Him personally, outside of the church, in truth and faithfulness. Christ Spirit does not rest in all churches; Christ has removed His Spirit from some, because they are like Laodicea... lukewarm and half-committed. Churches that appear dead, dry, desolate, without peace or purpose, and  confusion; whether they are bustling with activities, entertainment, or admiration for the Pastor, in the sight of God are seen without His Spirit and with no count. God's Spirit rest in churches like Philadelphia; churches that preach the truth as a warning, leaving people uncomfortable in conviction, celebrating righteousness, and having no tolerance for unrighteous living, bearing forgiveness, peace, hope, and support, not just from the Pastor, but from the members in whole, who are considered the church. Church support should go beyond  times of our own personal crisis, but in times when we need to be reminded of the truth, and urged to live according to what is acceptable to Jesus Christ. God is the source of all good that people experience; all wealth, purpose, meaning, significance in life, love, joy, peace, and our trust in Him.  In return for God's good; we should not be half-hearted people, desiring our own way of life, acknowledging God only in time of droughts and heartaches, neglecting His mission of spreading His good news to others concerning Salvation and the life after, being sanctified in church while living impure and unholy out of church, halfway supporting the church but seeking the church to always support us, being ineffective witnesses before unbelievers through our behavior, along with ignoring the need for prayer, Bible Study, and devotion. It is better to be cold than to be lukewarm for God has said that He will vomit out the lukewarm; for, it is better to have absolutely no commitment towards Christ than to mock God in being lukewarm. A lukewarm person wavers back and forth, not aware that they have a problem.  Attending church to save our conscience from guilt adds nothing to the approval from God towards our Salvation. We who say that we follow Christ, should live life as if we are one body with Christ, operating as a counterpart to His body, supplying nourishment for growth, to the rest of His body, that we are held accountable to being an overseer. Our life here on earth is more than money and materials things, passion, desire, and lust, human knowledge, effort, and ability. We are spiritual beings first, with the need for a spiritual relationship, with the Creator of all spirits, before the need of being human, which will one day perish with all other things; our spirit will live on. As spirits we have an urgent need to connect with other spirits, sharing the good news of our Creator's gift for eternal wellness. We need not grumble or complain that we may offend others by sharing the truth of the gospel; those who do not share His gospel to excuses, deny Christ, and for that, He will consider them lukewarm.  God holds us accountable, not out of anger towards us, but out of His love for all people so, that all may know their errors, correcting themselves, saving themselves from eternal doom (John 5:14).  Our obedience in how we live bear witness to the truth we share, and also lead others towards being spiritually born again, spiritually imperishable, in fellowship with Jesus Christ, receiving His care, strength, provisions, love, joy, peace, goodness, and hope, with the added promises of one day sitting upon a throne, ruling, and reigning with Christ forever.

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