Tuesday, December 30, 2014


The year began in 2004, when I would be reunited with an estranged relative who was at the time incarcerated on a life sentence. It would be the dates, April 2nd through the 5th when we would agree to go on a three day fast with only fruit juice and water to drink. During the fast; we were unaware that we were fasting and praying during the calendar dates of the Passover. In faith we prayed together in unison everyday, 8am and 8pm, for his release from prison, and my directions regarding my trying 10 year marriage. Little did we know that God would not only answer our prayer, but reveal Himself to us!!!! During the month of April after the fast, miracles, wonders, signs, dreams, appearances, and voices began manifesting, not only in my home in Maryland, but at the prison in Georgia, as a witness before us both.

On April 8th, I received a subconscious prophecy that my cousin would receive a letter from the prison that would involve seven years, but that he was to ignore the notice, and give another two years. With this in mind, I went downstairs to the kitchen calendar and began recording that day of prophecy as the, "Day Of Revelation", but a small still voice corrected me, and whispered in my right ear, "The Day Of Atonement." So at hearing this, I scribbled out, "Day of Revelation", and wrote: "The Day of Atonement". It didn't dawn on me what atonement meant, because I had never heard of the word before; that's how ignorant I was to the Bible, at that time. For this reason, I went upstairs to grab the dictionary to look the word up, and discovered that the meaning was defined; the death of Christ which he died for our sins. Later that afternoon, my cousin called, and I shared the prophecy to him.

As the months rolled by, other unexplained events began taking place. Which brings us to the month of August; the eighth month of the year. I was arriving back to my home in Maryland after a long drive to Georgia, dropping my kids off at their grandparents, for the Summer. Going directly to the Master's bedroom to use the cordless phone, it was then that I would discover that it was no longer working. My husband and I had two identical sets of the cordless phones that we had purchased at the beginning our marriage, which had never given us problems before. We had one set upstairs in our room, and the other set downstairs, in the basement that was used as a office. Given these points, I attempted several times in trouble shooting the problem by checking the cords, battery, unplugging it and restarting it, but to no avail. By near evening, my husband called the house, checking on the status of the kids being dropped off. I relayed that the drop off went fine, but that I was concerned as to what had happened to the phone upstairs; it wasn't working. Likewise, he told me that he was going to ask me the same question; he thought that maybe there was something I had done to the phone. After our call ended, with no explanation for the phone fault, I began reflecting on the times when God had been manifesting miracles throughout the year, upon my requests, and by His own will. So, I got on my knees beside my bed, and began to pray to God saying, "Lord, I know I have asked you several times, if this is you performing these miracles over the past few months, and you have replied that I AM talking to you, but I want to ask one more time again... IS THIS YOU?! REALLY YOU?!!! IF THIS IS YOU, THEN I WANT YOU TO CUT THAT PHONE BACK ON, THEN I WILL KNOW FOR CERTAIN THAT I AM TALKING TO YOU, AND THAT YOU WANT ME TO MOVE BACK TO GEORGIA WHERE MY COUSIN IS RESIDING!!!" As I came off of my knees, the same small still voice that spoke to me in April, manifested in my right ear again, and whispered, "Sunnnndayy." I stood still for a moment, and said to myself, "Sunnday???". Then as I proceeded to walk out the room, passing the television that was to my left, which had the phone headset resting on the top of it, I heard the small still voice once again ... but directing, "Go put it on the receiver." I stopped, turned towards the headset on the television, and shook my head, then placed my hand on my hips, rolled my neck and eyes like a typical sassy woman, stating out loud, "IF IT'S REALLLLLY GOD, then I don't have to PUT IT ON THE RECEIVER!!!" I then continued to walk out the bedroom door; that date was on Thursday, August 5th, 2004. On Friday, August 6th the next day, I walked into my room again, coming in from running errands, and as I entered the room, the small still voice stopped me again saying, "Go put it on the receiver." This time, I grabbed the headset, but placed it on the downstairs receiver, versus upstairs, and vice versa, placed the downstairs headset on the upstairs receiver, so that I would not have to run downstairs to the basement just to answer the phone. Sunday arrived, and my husband called the house once again; I answered the phone upstairs in the Master's room. He asked me to go online on the computer in the office to check when the credit card payment was due and how much needed to be paid, since neither one of us had remembered to pay it for the month, and to call him back. I rushed downstairs to the computer in the office, pulled up the credit card statement, and reached for the phone next to the computer to call him back. As I began talking to him about the payments, I gradually began to realize that the phone was working ... confused ... I thought to myself, "I must have accidentally switched up the phones"... So, I told my husband could he hold on for a moment... (I began to creep up the stairs towards the third level to the Master's bedroom). As I crepted into the bedroom, I picked up the other headset, placing both headsets to both my ears, and then my husband yells out in both phones, "GEWANDRA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!!! I AM TRYING TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT SOMTHING IMPORTANT!!!!!!" At that moment , realizing that both phones were working, on Sunday as the voice said; I SCREAMED TO THE TOP OF MY LUNGS, and fell into the bathroom door, crawled up in a fetal position, crying hysterically, my husband asks, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU???!!! WHAT HAPPENED??!!!!!" I responded, "Do you remember the phone, the phone...the?!!!" He says, "What phone?!!!" I respond, "The phone that wasn't working...." He says, "Yeah, so what?!!!" I respond still crying, shaking, scared..."Well, it's working ... I told God to cut it back on if I was talking to Him and ...it's back on ....and it's Sunday....He said Sunday, and it's Sunday, and it's working...." My husband says, "What?!!! Gewandra, call me back when you get yourself together, because you are not making any sense right now!!!" That date was August 8th, 2004, Sunday which was the eight month , the eighth date, of the eighth day of the week, which gives us the Roman Greek name given to Jesus Christ, 888 (research can be done online regarding the Roman Greek name given to our Lord and Savior). After August 8th, 2004, God continued to speak to me, even joke with me, and performed many other miracles, signs, and wonders. I began to see orbs around the house, and even possessed a high sense of clairvoyance, knowing things going on around me without me being directly present.

Within those months, my cousin received a letter from the Board of Probation that he was declined for probation, but would be offered another review in seven years (prophecy come to pass). ... As I prepared to make my move to Georgia as God commanded ... I asked God if I could go to Georgia, and work under a Minister, teaching elementary, and His gospel, until I finished college some time later. In addition, I asked if I could have a new home of my own, with new furniture, but also that He can help me make the payments. If His answer was; yes, then I wanted Him to cut my alarm clock on a few minutes before it was set to go off. Well, HE DID JUST THAT!!!! One evening, I tried sleeping, but I couldn't with all that was going on around me; I was very drained, and fatigued. So, I went downstairs to take a sleeping pill for the evening. As I laid back on the bed, waiting for the pill to take effect, I placed my earphones on my ear from my portable CD player, while listening to; Smoke Norful. I ended falling asleep before the CD finished playing, but it did evntually end, while I was asleep. However, I was awakened by the CD being BLASTED in my ears!!!! As I opened my eyes startled, the music cut off!!! I got up shook my head, questioning why God would do me like that?!! Then I got up to change into my night clothes, and climbed back into bed, but not before I set my alarm clock for 5:30 a.m. As morning approached, my alarm clock sounded off at 5:09 a.m. I awoke, saw the time, questioned again why my alarm would go off at such a wrong time! I hit snooze, went back to sleep, and was awakened again to the sound of the alarm, this time 5:30 a.m! After I had been up for awhile, I again questioned the timing about the alarm clock, before I recalled my question to God about dropping out of school for awhile, while still becoming a Teacher. Responsively, I stopped my college studies at the college I was attending. Nonetheless, as I prepared for my move to Georgia, I felt hesitate to follow through with what God had told me, doubting myself, God, and faith despite the miracles. I even made attempts to stay in Maryland versus going to Georgia. That's when I received a gift from my cousin in the mail, a book titled, "The Dreamgiver", by Dave Wilkerson. My attempts to disobey God was not working; my efforts to stay in Maryland kept failing me. I had no choice but to go to Georgia because God blocked every avenue for prosperity in for me in Maryland!!! Before arriving to Georgia, I placed my last $500 dollars on a new townhome, for the building cost, while I interviewed with a local Minister for a teaching position. I ended up being approved for the townhome with Suntrust Bank before I even landed a job in Georgia, with my only job being in Maryland with Springview Christian Preschool that I ended up resigning with in order to move. I ended up moving into my new home in Georgia, without a final job offer!!! A week later, the Minister called me, and asked if I would come in to speak with him concerning the position, so I went to meet with him on August 8th, 2005, a year from the date that God told me to go to Georgia!!! I signed the teaching contract being given the job offer receiving $775.00 every two weeks!!! A few weeks later, I received my final papers on the closing of my house with my final mortgage payments; surprisingly, my payments came to $775.75 a month, matching what I was being paid at my new job!!! God had kept His promise to me and said, "YES", to all my requests!!! Not only that, He blessed me with $25,000 cash from the equity of my previous home!!! On April 13, 2006, on the morning of first day of Passover, God had my alarm to go off at 5:09 a.m. again in remembrance of my Exodus!!!! Also that same year, two years later from his letter from the Boards of Probation, my cousin received a reconsideration letter stating that he was being granted to go to a half way house orientation on August 8th 2006!!! He was completely released in year 2007!!

There is SO MUCH MORE to this testimony, but it would be way too long to post!!! I am seeking to do a book and possible movie release!!! I do have all the evidence of a lot of the miracles that transpired where I was able to preserve as proof and confirmation behind what I have shared!!! I am posting a few photos of some of the mentioned miracles below. And in case you didn't know; Biblically, the number eight means; New Beginnings!!! AND YES, AUGUST IS STILL MY CELEBRATE MONTH!!!! April 14-15, 2014, I was hired at a local Christian store, during the first day of Passover, after praying and asking God again if He would bless me with another job where He was welcomed, and that I could worship Him freely!!! He paid me with those famous numbers again!!! So, if you ever receive a text from me; now, you know why signature reads, "GOD'S CHILD # 775

After research, I found out that the number nine also means; Consciousness ( i was awakened by the alarm). 5 means grace. 7 means perfection and completion. 70 means restoration.


This is how my tag was issued....God's plan.... ED-Education, 8-August, 8-eighth day, M-Miracle, 4-year 2004

Date of the Teaching Contract: 8-8-2005

Teaching Pay

Mortgage Amount

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