Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Much is said about the season of the Great Tribulation in Revelations; it isn't a time in which many people will want to be here to witness its events. Although, we brace ourselves from the inevitable future of God's forthcoming prophecies; today's adversities should not be overlooked, for they are the labor pains and sorrows, capable of ending our lives, before the son of perdition is ever born.

It is so easy to be confused and taken over by what controls most of our livelihood today; the world's government. As in the days of Kings, the people could not accept God as their only source for direction and guidance. They needed someone who they could see, hear, and touch, aiding to their immediate senses; despite, that God appeared before them as a cloud during the day, a pillar of fire at night, protecting and providing for them, while performing miracles (Exodus 13, 16, 33, 1 Samuel 8:6-8, Deut 31:15). God had the Prophet Samuel to forewarn the people that by seeking another idol, they would be treated unjustly, and made to pay heavy taxes; yet, the people still rejected God as their means for governing (1 Samuel 8:9-22).  Similarly, governments all over the world today, are imperfect. Nonetheless,  people expect our government to one day bring everything into perfection; no more wars and conflicts, no more hunger, no more homelessness, no more debts, better treatments for the sick which will rule out all sickness, no more separatism, no more injustice, and so on. However, in light of those expectations, what is failed to be realized is that perfection can never come from what is imperfect. All people are imperfect beings, and with imperfect beings comes corruption. People are naturally drawn to themselves, wickedness, the love of money, pleasures, possessions, and all things that gratify their senses, even if that means strife, war, and conflict. Within our governments there is thievery, suppression, lies, enslavement, trickery, manipulation, abuse and enslavement, a testing to supremacy over God's laws and a need to be God, greed, idolatry, perversion, secrecy, hidden motives and agendas, racism and genocide, neglect, arrogance, sorcery, murder, adultery, addictions, and all other forms of immorality. For this reason, God will resend Jesus Christ back to earth to reclaim what is His; despite, those who reject, ignore, and rebel against Him. Jesus Christ will rule the earth, and every nations, for one thousand years. During His thousand year reign there will be no hunger, homelessness, sickness and disease, wars, and conflicts, but complete peace in man. Even up to this present time, God has always been the means for peace, reconciliation, restoration, provision, healing, and happiness. He is the One that is all knowing, and all seeing, the Creator and Maker of all things living and nonliving, the all powerful, where impossibilities cannot be found. God is eternal, without a beginning, and never having an end; He exists, and will always exist, never to cease from existing. God gives life and all that is added to life, being the rightful Master and Lord of every life that accepts and rejects Him. So, it will be so... every tongue will confess that He is Lord, and every knee above the earth, on earth, and below earth will bow to Him (Romans 14:11, Philippians 2:10).

As was previously stated, "Although, we brace ourselves from the inevitable future of God's forthcoming prophecies; today's adversities should not be overlooked, for they are the labor pains and sorrows, capable of ending our lives, before the son of perdition is ever born". It's human nature to follow crowds, whether for good or for the worse. Nonetheless, what is permitted to influence, does not lessen our accountability, whether that influence comes from our friends, family, associates, workplace, church or government. Worshippers of God should never pledge allegiance and respects to any other idol other than God. Governments have and will continue to create laws that are unlawful to God, with many people following and accepting their strange doctrines, instead of rebuking and refusing to adhere, to what is meant to destroy them. Their influence isn't limited to  corrupt laws and injustice, but also through non-filtered  media and music; much of it, meant to enslave the mentality, conduct, lifestyle, and choices of the people, keeping people's minds from being open-minded, evoking how they should think. We live in a very dark and evil world; you're either going to die by tragedy, while trying to survive this world, sickness, natural causes, or for being a worshipper of the One True God. Afterwards, you will either die a second death due to being judged and condemned for what you allowed to enslave you, or either have life given back to you eternally, granted that you lived to be a dedicated and devoted servant of God, accepting Jesus Christ, as your Lord and Savior. The trying times of today should not be ignored; for, the afflictions offer within themselves extreme distress, and the possibility of finality, even before The Great Tribulation. Evil will never relent itself; it will take God wiping everything out, to start anew. Thus, placing ones faith behind the earth's government instead of the Kingdom of God, will certainly give an unfavorable outcome every time. Even so after Jesus Christ's Millennium; evil within this world will stand once again against Him as a final rebellion, only to be destroyed in the end.



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