Thursday, December 4, 2014


Who can stop the God's hand from processing or slowing down time? Who can stop His hand from judgment? Who can stop His hand from favor and grace?
The ungodly will have been given time to turn from their wicked ways; instead, they will continue to rebel against God even within their final hours. Despite all that God will bring upon the earth in vindication and opportunity for repentance; the ungodly will hold to their own desperate and trying will. Before the seventh trumpet, God will have turned the moon to blood, the sun as black as sackcloth, one third of the water supply into blood and bitterness killing one third of all sea life, one third of the earth into absolute darkness, one third of the human population destroyed through famine, tormenting locusts, thousands of demonic horsemen, hail made of blood and fire, and nuclear meteoric masses of fallen stars. Yet, the hearts of the wicked will remain unchanged, unmoved, hardened beyond God's reach; henceforth, the seventh trumpet is blasted.
The seventh trumpet is the trumpet of finality. Its burst will not come with grace as the other trumpets before it. It's announcement will bring forth God's final judgment of destroying the rest of all mankind that exists so that the new earth will be created for the saved believers. A mighty messenger will come down from Heaven from the very throne of God, robed in a cloud with an appearance of magnificence, and power. A rainbow  of mercy and glory, will set above the messenger's head, and the face will shine with enormous light. The messenger's feet will be of righteousness, and strength, resting upon the earth and land, proclaiming rightful possession of both, with the Holy Scriptures held within hands. The message to be heard from the only worthy messenger, with the sound of seven thundering voices, and roaring power; the lion of Judah, announcing finality, and completeness. Why bring man to closure?  For the antichrist, the New World Order Leader, will have turned against the entire world. He and his followers will have refused all opportunities of repentance, and life; God's appointed time in prophecy will have come to begin all things anew, as it was in the beginning. The timing of the glorious salvation, and redemption, of the entire world, will take its place.  "Behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind" (Isaiah 65:17).
As can be seen; studying, and living God's Words is to be taken seriously, and with urgency. God will not force His way upon anyone; however, He will do all that He can to guide us in the right direction so that we all may be saved. Apostle John and Ezekiel both were handed the scroll of God's Words, and were commanded to taste them; they both had a similar experience, the bitterness and sweetness of the truth. God's Words consists of both sin and forgiveness, death and life, judgment and salvation, damnation and deliverance, heaviness and joy, hell and heaven, bondage and freedom, destruction and restoration, and  corruption and perfection. We all  have the choice of making our own decision; no one else will make that decision for us. For some, choosing to make the decision to live according to someone else's standards outside of their own, will be more than they can submit too. The consequences of their rebellion will not phase them; at least for now. As believers whether teachers in a church or not; are to go out into the world and teach God's truth in its sweetness, and bitterness, no matter who may accept or reject, as it will be in the time of the Great Tribulation. Believers are to bring every soul that will hear them into relationship with Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. It's important to realize that there will be no extra brownie points for doing what is commanded of you by God. One should not seek God to reward them for the things that they ought to do. It is a spirit of selfishness and greed that sets one apart from God on the merits of being rewarded to bring others to Salvation, which was given so freely, and without earning to them. God has given believers the hidden treasures of His mysterious through His grace, favor, and mercy; they too should want to bless others. 

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