Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Behind the enemy lay blockbuster schemes that he has learned to master over thousands of years; his schemes made easy, for many people use the defense of being, "too weak", to stand against him, as a means to justify the presence of sin in their lives. However, God has said, "My grace is all you need. My power works best in your weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:9). An individual's power rests in knowing God's Word to combat Satan's school of hard knocks. If a person does not study to know God's Word to use in times of trials and temptations; the only other option left is to be impacted by Satan's dictations, constantly struggling with purpose, and the belief that they were created to live a life of confusion and defeat. One satanic scheme is to have one to doubt that they will overcome a major calamity in their life; however, on the contrary, trials are meant to strengthen, and promote God's people, imposing trust and faith in Him, and His Words, driving the enemy to flee. As God's promises manifest behind using His Word in times of adversity; a person will grow stronger in faith, patience, perseverance, confidence, self-control, and the sharing of the gospel. On the other hand, a person is left blind in knowing that the satanic scheme of temptations and threats are used only by Satan for the sole purpose of enticing one into doing what is wicked, to completely destroy their relationship with God, and the hopes of an eternal life which is founded by faith. 
For this reason, let's look at some ways in which one gives their mindset to Satan to justify not studying God's Word:
I'm too busy.
I'm too tired.
Every time I read the Bible, I fall asleep.
The Bible sounds too much like a fable.
There are different ways in getting to know God.
Nobody else seems to be concerned about it.
I don't understand what the Bible is saying.
I don't know where to start in the Bible.
The Bible was written to control people.
I feel condemned when reading the Bible.
The Bible contradicts itself.
I don't believe the Bible was written by God.
The Bible hasn't helped me to live more faithful.
The Bible is too complex to be understood.
The Bible wasn't written for this generation; times have changed since then.
Christians have bad attitudes and don't even live by their own doctrine.
The Bible is the Christian's way of forcing their belief on somebody.
The churches are only about getting rich off of somebody.
The churches today are full of entertainment; the Word is far from them, so why should I care?
The churches don't help anybody anymore.
As we can see, there are many ways in which man will shift blame on why they cannot take the responsibility for knowing the truth for themselves. When people choose to ignore, neglect, reject, or rebuke the Word of God; Satan is ecstatic. He knows that person is left at his disposal; He has become their chosen teacher. The Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God is disarmed in that person's life. They are not protected; instead, they will be more influenced by immoral traditions, customs, media, vain imaginations, political incorrectness, false prophets, injustice, perversity, misleading doctrines, novels, magazines, ....pretty much...the world. Satan has a series of different teaching methods to conform the minds of those left empty of God's Word. He will speak directly to their minds suggesting thoughts that will conceive sin (as he spoke to Eve), or He will use another carnal individual (as he used Eve to lure Adam) or an alternative means for communication (like music or television), to lure them into doing what is gratifyingly wrong. Either way, he has the upper hand, for the victim has no scripture to be brought into remembrance, to guide them to the truth.
There is no one that can live separate from God and His Word and survive this world. One will soon enough need His Word for encouragement, to find healing, peace, or purpose, to guide them from harm, or direct to them to their destiny, to find wisdom, and to save their life in the life to come. It is evident that without knowing scripture one is left to the difficult task of learning life the hard way.

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