Wednesday, December 3, 2014


What is it about the imaginary man that is different from the man that is visible? The most reasonable answer would be that one can be seen with the visible eye while the other cannot. However, visibility goes a lot deeper than just being seen with the naked eye. One may try to prove their own self-existence by standing in a mirror, while the mirror gives off the appearance of their reflection. However, the reflection only serves as an allusion; that is known as, "Smoke and Mirrors." Smoke and Mirrors is a metaphor for a deceptive, fraudulent or insubstantial explanation or description, which is often compared to the illusion's performed by magician's, making objects appear or disappear by extending or retracting mirrors amid a distracting burst of smoke.

Does this sound a bit too deep?

The Lord Himself has said, "For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like". (James 1:24) Does he forget because he has short term memory loss? Does he forget because he really did not pay attention to his details? Does he forget because what was standing in the mirror was only imaginary? Perhaps, because there was no one else around to give witness that what he saw about himself was really the truth? Ironically, either answer above would be correct.
James, the half-brother of Jesus, expresses repeatedly the need for man to live what he believes to be of truth in order to show himself to reflect the image of Christ. It is the imaginary man who believes that they can have fight and quarrels and still reflect His image. It is the imaginary man that steals, cheats, and lies and still see himself as righteous. It is the imaginary man that goes to church for attendance, recognition, and tradition, feeling secured in the Book of Life. It is the imaginary man that fornicates, commits adultery, homosexuality, rape, molestation, bestiality, indulges in pornography, lusts, and masturbates, that see himself as acceptable. It is the imaginary man that curses, slanders, gossips, backbites, and constantly complains, that sees himself as a peacemaker. It is the imaginary person who doesn't forgive, lacks mercy, and is revengeful, that sees himself full of compassion. It is the imaginary man that neglects, ignores, abuses, and takes for granted their spouses, children, and parents, seeing themselves to be a person that is to be honored. It is the imaginary man that sows discord and separation between their children and the other parent, seeing themselves as just and family oriented. It is the imaginary man that is clubbing, drunk, high and selling, that sees himself as enjoying life. It is the imaginary man that exposes his or her body for recognition, enticement, and seduction, seeing themselves as pure and respectable. It is the imaginary man who says that they accept; Jesus Christ, as his or her Saviour, continuing to live the way they want to live, and seeing himself as saved.


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