Wednesday, December 17, 2014



Israel are the chosen people of God for the reason that they are the chosen genealogy in which the Messiah and Saviour; Jesus Christ, came. Though they are the chosen; they were not made perfect through the birth of Jesus Christ. Like all other nations and tribes, Israel are only saved through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In fact, Israel plays a major part in the death of Jesus Christ more than any other nation being that they were the hands in which the Saviour and Messiah, was crucified (John 19). Furthermore, on the subject of Israel's rebellion, they are just as guilty as all others when it comes to rejecting, disbelieving, cursing, neglecting, denying, disobeying, ignoring, and blaspheming God, through: murder, sexual immorality, coveting, self-righteousness, idolatry, adultery, slothfulness, false prophets and heresies, sorcery, homosexuality, fornication, deception, lying, theft, strife, drunkenness, wickedness, vain imaginations, and a host of other sins (Romans 3:23, Titus 1:16). For this reason, God has placed His judgment against Israel as vindication for their disobedience, as He has set His judgment against all ungodliness, and evil within the world. Consequently, due to the rebellion of Israel; the antichrist, will set himself high within God's holy temple, calling himself; god, enforcing that the entire world give allegiance to him, after Israel makes the blunder of going into a falsified seven year peace treaty, that will only last three and half years during the time in which the temple is built, before the agreement is broken by the " ' abomination that causes desolation' " (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, Rev 11:2, Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15). There will be a one world government in which the entire world will have to submit to the rule of the son of perdition, or be martyred, within the last three and half years of the broken peace treaty, a season Jesus calls; The Great Tribulation. Nonetheless, many true believers amongst the Jews and Gentiles will refuse to give loyalty to him, which will cause a major global holocaust of millions, on top of millions, of Christians, and those of other strong faiths.

Despite, the ill fate that Israel will bring upon themselves and the world; the Lord will have mercy upon them, as He does for all people who have fallen short of His glory. God loves all people but detests our sin. There is absolutely nothing God would not do to try and save His people from His final wrath, even if that means using lesser means of wrath to bring about repentance. God is a faithful God. He made promises to Abraham, Jacob, David, Paul, and Peter to restore Israel. Under those circumstances, God brings Israel to repentance by sending two great and powerful witnesses to bear the testimony of Jesus Christ. God says, "I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth" (Revelation 11:3) In the earlier Biblical times, people wore sackcloth in times of great distress, death, and mourning, while throwing dirt upon their heads (Joel 1:8-13, Genesis 37:34, 2 Samuel 3:31, Job 16:15, 42:6, Lamentations 2:10, 1 Kings 21:27, 1 Chronicles 21:16) So, it would be just to say, that the sackcloth will be worn by the witnesses to pronounce a strong dire to reach the people of Israel, in hopes of rescuing them from death; God's final wrath for unbelievers. The two great witnesses will come to Israel during the final three and half years of Israel's broken peace treaty during; The Great Tribulation. They will confront and condemn sin, and announcing that Jesus Christ is the Saviour and Messiah of the world, who came to save all people through His death and resurrection. With this in mind, all true Ministers are sent forth by God, equipped with the necessary commission, gifts, and powers, to bear themselves as strong witnesses against sin and the declaration that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation. It is God who sends all true ministers to preach the true and only gospel, during their time of season of ministry, being a lampstand before the world (John 15:16, Acts 9:15, 26:16). The prophets and forefathers before this generation, and the two great witnesses to come in the end time, are the example in which all ministers are to pursue. There is absolutely no excuse for a minister to say that it is impossible to complete the task God has given unto them; if they are truly called, God gives to all the empowerment to succeed In times of drought, persecution, weakness, or confusion; a minister must approach God in prayer, asking for His strength, guidance, wisdom, and increased power (Acts 1:8, 4:33, 1 Corinthians 2:4, Ephesians 3:16). Thus, He will give His two great witnesses in the time of; The Great Tribulation, supernatural abilities which will bear great influence, likewise to Elijah and Moses, to protect themselves from harm, until their task is complete. Once complete, the two witnesses will be assassinated by the antichrist. The world, its leaders, and unbelievers, will have developed an enormous amount of hatred towards the witnesses for their boldness, devotion, and stance, against the corruption of the world, with its sins and allegiance towards the antichrist. Astoundingly, there will be gift exchanging in the celebration of their deaths, as their martyred bodies lay in the streets, in plain view, for three days, parading the power of the man of lawlessness (Revelations 11:7-10). Though, it will appear to be a lost victory for the Kingdom of God; it is neither the entrance, nor the death of the witnessess that bring about the repentance and restoration of Israel, but their... resurrection. The two witnesses will have the breath of God breathed back into their bodies as they stand in resurrection, striking fear into the hearts of those who witness them, ascend into Heaven (Revelations 11: 11-12). This major event coincides with was witnessed in the earlier Biblical times with Enoch (Genesis 5:24), Elijah (2 Kings 2:11), and last, but not least, Jesus Christ (Acts 1:9-11). It also is a witness to what will happen to all true believers in the second coming of Jesus Christ acknowledged as; The Rapture (Matthew 24:30, Acts 1:11).

At last, after the two witnessess ascension, in vindication for their deaths; there will be a great earthquake that will kill seven thousand people, converting a great number of unbelieving Israelites into believers.



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