Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Do you believe that you are wholeheartedly good? That you are an overall good person with little imperfection? Maybe you believe that within the final analysis compared to other people; you are doing better than most, so that good within you, is enough to evoke God's approval. Besides, God knows your heart ...right? Well, you may be in for a surprise...
Did you know that God judges not only a person's actions, but the contents of their thoughts as guilt and sin too? Most people know the famous verse of Matthew 5:28, "But I say to you everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart". Thus, the Lord teaches us that the lust, first originated from the "thought" to gaze upon the woman, which then from His omniscience; He could see the other thought of opportunity and courage conceived from a defiled heart. God is well aware that if a person had the courage or was given the opportunity to make possible the full contents of their heart, they would in fact, act upon it. So, it is with God, that He judges not only what we act out, but what we allow to become our thought; for, our thoughts are a god before us. What we create in our minds, if pondered on long enough, will enslave us. A person forgets and disregards the calling to righteousness, holiness, and purity, when they mediate on their own vain imaginations which gratifies, controls, and fulfills desires. Those fulfillments become the measure for morality, and the pseudo-notion that one has escaped judgment and accountability. Man's first nature isn't righteousness; but instead, wickedness conceived in the mind, that defiles the heart.
Let's look at some ways in which impure thought processing defiles the heart:
Wickedness: misusing and abusing God and people to one's own advantage regardless to justice.
Evil: malicious acts of wickedness towards God and people, with the desire to cause harm, affliction, division, and loss.
Greed: a need to possess, control, out power, to have more than what is one's share.
Depravity:  the desire for ill-will for another person, out of spite or holding a grudge.
Murder: to deliberately kill another person for one's own gratification.
Strife: verbal conflict to cause disturbance in gaining something.
Envy: a thought of grief from wanting something that someone else has, wanting it to be taken away even if it causes the other person to suffer pain behind losing it.
Deceit: dishonesty, misleading another person through plots, in efforts of protecting oneself from guilt, or to gain a dishonest measure.
Malice: a person who looks for, hopes for, or causes the worse for others in words, actions, or influence.
Gossips: a person who carries information whether true or false to other persons in hopes assassinating a persons character or reputation.
God-Haters: persons that do not love God or His laws; children of disobedience.
Insolent: a self-righteous person who ignores, and rejects the laws of God and man, and lives according to his or her own standards.
Arrogant or Moralist: a person who believes they possess all knowledge and worth, placing themselves above others, while looking down on others; pride.
Boastful: a person who exalts themselves based on what they have, they can do, or pretend to possess.
Rebellious: a person that rejects, defies, ignores laws, whether instituted by God, State, or parent. 
Senseless: a person who refuses being taught by any teacher or experience, prefers to be closed minded, and ignores the subconscious.
Faithless: persons who break promises or agreements without thought to the other party; undependable.
Heartless: a lack of sensitivity or emotions for others, love that only presents itself to gain an advantage, false love, abusive abnormal love.
Ruthless: a person without mercy, or compassion for others, whose only mission is to use, and possess others regardless to the outcome of their well-being.

Racist: a group of people or individual who exalts their race above others believing that their race is the determinant for humanity and capabilities. Whose belief is that God chose and designed their race to be superior over all other human forms; whence, maltreatment, inferiority, and inequality is considered just.

All people could all use some soul cleansing; including myself. God's plan for people is to love one another as one would love themselves. However, another problem, which would be a later sermon, is that some people don't love themselves or have the wrong idea behind what it means to love themselves, so in turn, people don't love others the way God designed for them to love. One way to bring about right love is to learn to control our thought processing, that way our heart does not become defiled. By learning methods to counteracting temptations in the mind; our hearts stand the chance of being approved by God. Any thought that opposes God, resurrects itself above God. No one is guiltless when it comes to wrong thoughts. At least four to five times a day, a person allows a wrong thought to cross their mind, due to a lack in training the mind to focus on those things that God commands us to focus on. Sources for mind pollution stem from media, music, friends, family, and etc., which in turn, exposes us more to the practice of wrong thinking, leaving us in a position of enslavement. However, all hope is not lost; the way to recovery is to begin NOW... Begin your day, asking God for the forgiveness of your sins both knowingly and unknowingly in thought, heart, speech, and actions. Let Him know that you seek repentance in all things that do not please Him, and that you seek His help in showing you areas in your life where you need improvement. Ask God to remove any and all stumbling blocks that keep you from having a complete and healthy relationship with Him and others, and that He increase the strength in you to overcome all temptations, fiery darts, and influence that are not beneficial to you, others, or His Kingdom. Our minds are a battlefield, the first grounds for spiritual warfare. God says to pray without ceasing, not only because trouble awaits to prey upon us, but that so that we too don't become troubled within ourselves. God has spoken that all those who souls have not been reborn through the washing of the Holy Spirit, will not inherit His Kingdom.

                                                              Titus 3:5

He saved us not because of righteous things we have done, but because of His mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth, and the renewal by the Holy Spirit.

                                                        Ephesians 5:26-27

To make her holy, cleansing her by the washing, with water through the Word, and to present her to Himself, as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle, or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.




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