Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Over the course of sermons that I post; I want to also share with you further events where God and I  communicated during the year of 2004 and 2005, which I call, " The Year of Miracles". To this day, He continue to speak to me; although,  not as often as He did in that year. Sometimes, He speaks to me through visions and dreams, or audibly through a whisper in my right ear, or telepathically with information that impresses itself upon my mind as if it has been stamped; other times, through supernatural manifestations like He did with Ned's Rainbow.

During the year of 2004, after my children had returned from Georgia, visiting our family for the Summer, before heading back to school; I went to God again in prayer, asking Him that same popular question, while kneeling bedside my bed, "God is this you doing all these miracles? Is this REALLY YOU??? If this is REALLY YOU... I want you to send me the BIGGEST, MOST BEAUUUUUUTIFUL RAINBOW, I HAVE EVER SEEN!!! ... And then... I will believe that this is you".  As the day progressed, I decided to do what I most often do with my children, as a family treat; take them to the library! I enjoy reading not only alone when I get that wind down quiet time, or when I was busy teaching in a classroom, but also at night to my children as a part of our quality time. I get a thrill out of creating voices for the characters, while taking in the priceless expressions, and laughter, children reward me in return. To get back to the point, as we entered the library, I gave permission to my son; Andel, to take his little sister Monikah, to the Kiddie Corner to pick out books, while I browsed books on the meaning of numbers. God often used numbers as a coded message in some of the miracles that He performed during that year, which left me inquisitive behind their meaning. As I grabbed a selective few books to take back to a table to read; an older Caucasian male around his late 60's, wearing glasses and a hat, interrupted me after I had sat down. He stated, "Myyyyyy.... you must be reading something interesting...what are you reading?!", as he stood by my table starry eyed. I quickly glanced up at him and smiled, only to retreat back to my reading, not sure what to say to him... just wondering to myself, "Why is he all up in my business?" Before I could utter some words back; Andel, ran up to the table next to the man. The man rubbed Andel's head and said, "You know... does anybody think as to why oil is applied to the hair when the body is mostly made up of water... oil and water don't mix". I responded, "That's a pretty good question...I don't know". Then the man began conversing back and forth with Andel as they laughed back and forth with each other. I really wish I was more in tuned to what they were saying. Andel was only 8 years old back then; today he is 19, and neither one of us can really recall the contents of their conversation that transpired, but he remembers the man. Eventually, the kind man, smiled at me, and said that he would leave me to my reading since he could tell that I was very much into it. I responded that it was very nice to meet him, as he parted his way out of the front door of the library. Meantime, about an hour and a half, had surpassed, so I motioned Andel to go get his sister so that we could check our books out, and go home. As we left the library, I searched for the man in the parking lot had been talking with us in the library; we had just left seconds after he had left, but he wasn't any where to be found. Resuming... seconds turned into minutes, minutes into seconds, seconds into hours, hours into days, and days into weeks... I continued to search the sky every where I went looking for the rainbow. Even on rainy days, a rainbow did not appear. I began doubting again, feeling that I had made everything up in my own little head again; although, I knew for certain that the miracles had happened. I was feeling let down. One night, as I was preparing my children for bed; I realized that I had not read their library books to them, and they were due back the next day! So, I had them to climb into bed with me as usual, and I began to read the first book, which my daughter; Monikah, glees "That's my book! I got that book!" The book was titled, "Ned's Rainbow", by Melanie Walsh. As I began reading the book, it spoke on Ned who was soooo in love with rainbows... he had rainbow everything...even rainbow pajamas! Ned's mother wanted to surprise him, so she painted his room into a beautiful rainbow, the most beautiful rainbow, Ned had ever seen... as I read through each page... I paused, feeling frozen, ...as tears streamed down my face. Andel and Monikah asked, "Mommy... why are you crying?" I choked pass the tears, and said, "He answered me..." They asked, "Who mommy?".... I responded, "God". At the end of the story Ned stands in the window, and it ends, "Ned still looks out the window for real ones". Which made me roll over with laughter!!! Just thinking.... God watched me the whole time searching the sky; He had answered me, and was awaiting me to discover Him, most likely while laughing at me!!! :)

Ned's Rainbow wasn't the only book He used that day. He also used another book that I had checked out that I read to my classroom, the next day, titled, "Once A Upon A Time" by Niki Daly. I will share that miracle on another post. I often think back on that kind gentle man...thinking....



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