Wednesday, January 21, 2015


What is a family portrait?
A group of well-knowns that have grown over
the years to encourage forged symbolism?
Maybe its the display of fancy frames
and lace that's fashioned with good taste
to compliment a fine furnishing.
Is that why so much work is put into the layout?
What colors to wear, how to style my hair,
and what studio suits the affair?
High gloss, matte, and Kodak trait
cautiously chosen to hide the sentimental
and dark side of true emotions.
Well, if that's the case, may I please step down
so, I don't become a part of this ever-evolving distortion?
I rather be alone sitting in my room
writing my best friend about the love and unity
that is founded by my Heavenly Father.
He has a home that is built on gold and diamonds
that embrace well-planted gardens
and there is little effort to attend His royal palace
for all I have to wear is white.
Don't you know that mercy and forgiveness
will be served as His main course every night?
So, what is the true family portrait?
It's the gathering of all God's children
with His Words painted on the canvas of their hearts.
Written by: Evangelist Gewandra Smith

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