Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Why must be war with this world and sin?
Why won't God just end it all so that peace prevails?
Understanding those questions are easily answered than one might think; however, they are not easily resolved as God would want them to be.

One question that may not ever be answered on this earth or within the next life may be, "Why did God create Lucifer knowing that he would one day rebel against Him, and bring chaos, grief, suffering, sin, and death? Only for the plausible afterthought to be, "Although, He did... He still made a way of escape". The spiritual struggle that exists behind God's creation of Lucifer, and mankind, really does not have anything to do with us. It has to do with Lucifer's anger towards being cast out of Heaven due his envy, selfishness, and pride. Long before there was people; there was Lucifer, and the other host of angels. When God created mankind; Lucifer, sought out to take his revenge out on people created in the image of God, since he could not overtake God directly. By placing mankind in the direct line of fire; Lucifer, knew that it would deeply grieve God. God takes absolutely no pleasure in seeing man suffer through sickness, disease, persecution, trials, and temptations, only to suffer in eternal torment, due to sin. Thus, He made a way of reconciliation through the conception, birth, death, and atonement of Jesus Christ; His only begotten Son. Nevertheless, Lucifer was created with profound, supernatural wisdom, knowledge, and intelligence that surpasses anything that man could ever imagine that he possess. Moreover, still to this day, he still has access to certain parts of heaven and God, in which he is able to trod back and forth between hell, earth, and heaven, to listen, watch, and accuse (Job 1:7, 2:2, 2 Chronicles 18: 18-21, Ephesians 6:12, Luke 10:18). Altogether, with this in mind, Lucifer knew that a Savior would come from Israel, with the purpose of defeating him from destroying all of mankind through his ruthless counter play. For this reason, aligned with his failed disposition of overthrowing God, he is called, "The Dragon" (Revelation 12:3-4) although, he does not resemble a dragon in appearance. Lucifer is the highest, and most dazzling, being ever created by God, shining in magnificence, as like the glory of God Himself; yet, is only recognized by his evil works. Nonetheless, his opposition, does not remove, nor lessen, his gift in: power, authority, and possession of a kingdom of his own, that coerces the world's allegiance (Revelation 12:3-4).

Since the prophecy of Jesus birth; Lucifer, sought out all means of delaying God's promise to man, in hopes that death would avail, against his knowledge, "it is impossible to hinder or prevent God's perfect will" (Gen 4:1, Gen 5:6, Gen 27:41, Exodus 1:8, 2 Sam 13, 2 Chronicles 21:1, 2 Kings 8:25, 9:11, Matt 2:1, 4:1, Luke 4:29, John 7:1, 19:1). Thus, Israel the symbolized woman in Revelations 12, did give birth to the Savior and Messiah, undeterred by his strategic demise. With triumph, Jesus Christ completed his purpose for our Salvation; the underlying reason why Israel still today, has many enemies, and are constantly under attack. Be that as it may, Lucifer, only loses at his attacks against God, Jesus Christ, Israel, and mankind, through those who place their trust, hope, and life in Jesus Christ. Not all people will take the offer that God has made in making it possible for them to stand before Him, forgiven; although, they stand before Him accused. (Romans 3:23). Under those circumstances, those who comply with sin, are left at the disposal of God's wrath and judgment (Heb 10:26), and Lucifer's original plan of inflicting enormous pain into the heart of God, as recompense. This great spiritual struggle isn't about man, but between God and Lucifer. This war will continue into the last days; Israel and Christ followers being attacked, tempted, persecuted, humiliated, and murdered. Lucifer knows that his time will come to an end soon, so with the time that he does have; he missions to bring about confusion, destruction, pain, division, bloodshed and murder, and the redemption of those who have chosen to accept God as their ruler. In short, the struggle will never end with Lucifer, before Jesus wins war with him in the Armageddon; Lucifer wants as many people under his power and worship as possible, before his final doom, of being cast out of heaven and earth for good. He does not work alone, but with his order of ranks of fallen angels that fell with him out of heaven (Rev 12:4, Luke 10:18, Isaiah 14:12). But even so, God too, does not work alone, upon Salvation, He brings to believers, ministering angels that watch over, protect, and guide (Heb 1:14).

As a final point, if God was to just end it all so that peace prevailed; Jesus Christ's death would be in vain, and many people who could have been saved, would not be, because they did not have the opportunity to repent and accept Salvation. So, with that in mind, is better to war the wages, and allow people to make up their own minds to where they want to spend eternity; instead of God, enforcing it upon them. God Wills to uphold His promises. He promised a Savior for all those who were willing to receive Him.

1 comment:

  1. Why must be war with this world and sin? Could be -
    Why must there be war with this world and sin?
    Blessings, Geoff
