Wednesday, November 19, 2014


God's wrath isn't short of mercy. Despite the natural catastrophes that will come as vindication against the ungodly; it's alternative purpose is to bring the ungodly to repentance, an effort to spare them from the final torment of the everlasting lake of  fire. However, the ungodly are not moved by God's persistence. Many will still refuse to turn from their hardened hearts, and wicked ways.
Upon the blast of the fifth trumpet, the key to the Abyss; the bottomless pit, is given over to Satan; the Abaddon and Apollyon (destroyer), from the One (Jesus Christ the Messiah), who is worthy of giving it to him. Satan is no longer restricted from releasing his afflicting demons, and evil spirits, upon the earth.  Once the Abyss is opened; a heavy, far reaching, cloak of smoke, will darken the sky, sun, and moon. The unbelievers will witness their very own asphyxiation through extreme horror and terror of the underworld, they have never seen. Locust the size of horses, faces of humans, long hair as a woman with the appearance of a gold crown, teeth like a lion, stingers as a scorpion, indestructible breastplates, and wings with the sound of many chariots, will afflict them with excruciating pain, that will stay with them for five months. The grief from the poisonous sting will be so intense; the victims will beg to die, but death will flee from them, leaving them to their inevitable torture (Jeremiah 8:3). Many converted believers will witness the wrath of God upon the ungodly, but they themselves will be unharmed by the carnivore locusts; for, they will have the seal God upon their foreheads.
After this comes the blasting of the sixth trumpet, the commencing of the Four Demonic Military Horsemen, bringing with them the intent of fulfilling God's wrath through more bodily harm, as vindication for the heartless and cruel holocaust of His people.  These demonic horsemen will be released from the bottom of the Euphrates River, a river in which the Garden of Eden once stood by, and whose Western land was promised to the father of the nation of believers; Abraham. The Euphrates is the area in which the promised nation of Israel first came into disaster, slavery, and death. Nonetheless, the four horsemen with an army of two hundred million, are assigned to kill one third of the earth's population, who do not have the seal of God upon their foreheads. The army will be wearing indestructible breastplates ranging in the colors of fiery red (human nature and sin), sapphire blue (chastening, teaching, holiness, tabernacle), and yellow sulfur (wisdom, and knowledge). Their horses will have heads and mouths that appear ferocious, cruel, devouring, full of power, and of spitting fire. God's wrath is deserving for the whole entire world will be under the complete control, power, and rebellion of the antichrist. The entire world will be in full support of killing all believers. As of today, there are only specific areas which support the killing of believers, but in the end times, there will be a one world order in which all people will be forced to give their allegiance and loyalty to their state, or be starved to death, and decapitated. God will not stand still in executing His judgment upon those who harm His people. He has recorded an exact date and time in which He will launch His wrath upon all those who reject, ignore, neglect, disbelieve, and mock Him and His people. He will exact toll on those who accept idolatry, practice sorcery, indulge in all kinds of sexual vices and immorality, and unmercifully kill, steal, and cheat. God is bound to His Words. He has spoken that He will vindicate for all believers past, present, and future. He will uphold the blood of Jesus Christ, that is denied, blasphemed, and made light of.
As of year 2014; we are in the times of the Apocalypse, but how far are we from the gate of the Great Tribulation??? Recall that we are the only century of the blood moons, and that there are eight (8 representing a new beginning) tetrads (set of four series) between year 2000 and 2100. No other century before us 1600's, 1700's, 1800's, nor the 1900's, have had blood moons. Acts 2:20 "The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the day of the Lord comes, the great and magnificent day". Revelation 6:12-13 "I watched as He opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, and the stars in the sky fell to the earth..." We have had a tetrad for year 2014 on April 15th on Passover, and on October 8th, during Israel's Feast of Tabernacles. The other two which are a part of the tetrad will appear next; Passover, April 5, 2015, and September 28, 2015, during another Feast of Tabernacle. The next tetrad after 2014-2015, won't appear again until year 2032-2033. In addition, there are also signs during our times of wars, strife, and economical breakdown... Watch the video below which takes place in Egpyt.... remember the four horsemen represented in our earlier study with their symbolism (Rev 6): White-the antichrist, Black-economical breakdown, Red-war, and White-death.

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