Tuesday, November 25, 2014


A common misunderstanding amongst believers is believing that their faith functions on its own outside them. However, the Word of God was created to be used as a verb; without the Word being forcefully hurled likewise to the enemy's fiery darts; it remains dead, completely useless (James 2:17, 2:26).

Doubt, worry, temptation, discouragement, impure thoughts, habitual patterns, guilt,  job loss, death, financial strains, setbacks, seduction, enticement, greed, illness and infirmities, strife, division, loneliness, rejection, addictions, revenge, jealousy, unforgiveness, and impartiality, are just a few ways in which the adversary burns us with his arrows. God reminds us that when we go through these moments of trials and persecution; it is not from the hands of another human being, but in fact, from the rulers in high places (Ephesians 6:12). We ourselves; although, saved, can be used by Satan to attack another person. It doesn't take possession; just the mere use of words to affluence our minds creating vain imaginations. Many of us, are not equipped to discern when we are being mislead, used, or made a target, because we don't study to recognize the manifestations, nor practice using our armor to become masters. Instead, believers walk around, waiting on God to do something with something He has already given us.

Consequently, the enemy has made a lot of people believe that they are losing their minds, that God doesn't favor them as an individual, that they're a being of perversity, lack self-control, that they are useless to the Kingdom of God, that without society acceptance they are of little to no importance, that they were only created to be made a ridicule or to be used, that they're incapable of change, that they have messed up in their past or present so bad that there is no hope left for them... The common key point that is so often overlooked is this; not only has God given us the names of the enemy: tempter, accuser, father of lies, evil, destroyer, murderer, antichrist, beast, dragon, evil one, god of this age, king of Babylon, lawless one, little horn, man of sin, roaring lion, rulers of darkness, prince of the power of the air, ruler of demons, ruler of the world, serpent of old, son of perdition, thief, wicked one, star, as indication that we will come face to face with opposition, but that fiery darts are targeted at our minds. Our minds give the fiery darts their ammunition. Believers don't have to accept what the enemy propels at them. We can raise our Shield of Faith to act on our faith by using the Sword of the Spirit, to resist worry, fear, doubt, temptation, impure thoughts, and Satan's questioning (Ephesians 6:16). The sword is twofold; it consist of the Holy Spirit reminding us of the Word of God that's applicable to the fiery dart that comes at us, and that we must speak out loud with our mouths, the biblical verses, to demobilize the arrow (s) in mid air. The Sword is the most dangerous weapon against the enemy; he hears the Word, and flees!!!  In addition, as we use the knowledge of the Word against him; we become more conformed to Christ, who first used God's Words against the adversary.

Do not place your focus on thoughts that are of no value to the Spirit, but instead, focus on those things that are of good cheer, purity, and holiness. Satan knows us all, as much, if not better, than we know ourselves; for certain, he knows our weaknesses. He is persistent in breaking down our walls so that he can have complete control of our will through repetitious sins that bring stronger demons to create strongholds; moreover, true believers receive the most fiery darts.

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