Thursday, November 13, 2014


I don't believe many would disagree with having silence opposed to a lot of noise. By the same token; during the Lord's day of judgment, silence will be the most dreaded event for both man, and Heaven.The season of preliminary birth pains and sorrows with natural disasters, diseases, wars, and economical downfall, will come to a faltering end; not for the better, but for the worse. The sun will have blackened out, the moon changed to blood red, a third of sea life destroyed, a third of the water supply toxin, hills and mountains shifted, volcanic explosions, stars fallen from the sky as meteorites, crops scarce causing starvation, and the New World Order Leader; the antichrist, will have instituted a law in which believers will not be able to buy, sell, or make trade, without receiving the mark of the beast on their forehead or right hand. It will be a time in which believers will be executed by deliberate starvation, and the removing of their heads. Consequently, God moves forward with the seventh seal. Upon the seventh seal, there is absolute stillness; Jesus Christ, the angels, nor any other Heavenly form, moves...speaks...sings...praises, for one half hour. Everything within the Heavens are as if time has stood still as anticipation, suspense, and respect for what God brings forth draws near. Seven angels stand before God as He hands them each a trumpet; the trumpets symbolizing power, within them, their own judgment against the children of disobedience, coming directly from God. These events must come in order that the believers, reigning in Heaven with God, or still upon the earth, during the time of the great distress, are vindicated for their torment, suffering, and unmerciful holocaust. God will move forward to bring repayment upon the evildoers, on account of their wickedness; in addition, He moves to bring upon them repentance, an opportunity to escape the final end of being cast into the everlasting lake of fire. Despite, His power, many will still refuse to turn from their wicked ways. " ' Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and hurled it on the earth; and there came peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning and an earthquake' " (Rev 8:5) There will be a massive thunderstorm that comes with lightning, and intensified earthquakes; the great tribulation, propelled, throughout the universe, from the hurling of the censer, which holds fire and the incense of prayers belonging to the Saints. All people will know that a greater change has occurred. Hail as large as bowling balls mixed with fire and blood will rain down upon them, likewise to the hail that killed many of the Amorites during the war against Israel at Gibeon (Joshua 10:11). A third of the earth, trees, and grass will be burned from the hail (Rev 8:7). " ' I will sweep away everything from the face of the earth." declares the Lord. I will sweep away both men and animals; I will sweep away the birds of the air and the fish of the sea. The wicked will have only heaps of rubble when I cut off man from the face of the earth," declares the Lord ' " (Zep 1:2-3). An interesting note; God always works in thirds. He swept one third of the stars down to earth with Lucifer when he was cast out of Heaven and upon the earth (Rev 12:4) He caused darkness to befall upon Egypt for three days (Exodus 10:21-29). He will cause one third of the water, night, grass, trees, sea life to be destroyed (Rev 8:7). He raised Jesus Christ back to life within three days (1 Corinthians 15:4, Romans 8:11). I would give in theory that the third could represent; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, but again, that's just my reasoning. Upon the blast of the second trumpet; there will be a massive volcanic explosion that will move mountains forcefully into an ocean, which will cause the water to turn blood red, destroying all sea life, and ships, likewise to Exodus 7: 20-21, the plague of the fish in Egypt. To that end, the third trumpet will blast causing the meteor; Wormwood (its name represents idolatry and immorality, which are both bitter to God), to explode over one third of the earth, affecting the water system with poison, killing many upon drinking. Thereafter, the fourth trumpet will blast causing an astronomical eclipse, " ' In that day," declares the Sovereign Lord, "I will make the sun go down at noon and darken the earth to broad daylight' " (Amos 8:9). One third of the sun, moon, and stars will be eclipsed.  Keep in mind that the events are not just means for affliction as they were in Egypt's time of the Exodus, but instead, this will be the timing of God's wrath upon the ungodly, for their ungodliness, to vindicate for believers, and a final attempt to lead them towards repentance. God's wrath will not fall upon believers that convert during the tribulation; for,  they will be sealed with His mark. However, the threat of wrath will not be far from those who belong to Him; for, the unbelievers will end the lives of believers through their own strength.
Trumpets five through seven will be posted: Thursday, November 20th, 2014.

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