Thursday, November 6, 2014


The last few topics, the signs of God's wrath, observed through the timing of the blood moons were shared. It was revealed that once the rapture of believers take place; those who are left behind will suffer much persecution beyond imagination. God and His angels will avenge for the sake of righteousness. His wrath will consist of several great earthquakes that will move hills and mountains, cease to the growth of crops causing hunger and starvation throughout the world, darkened skies with the moon turning blood red, and the sun turning pitch black, fallen stars landing upon the earth, the blasting of trumpets from angels signifying each release of torment that's been appointed, billowed smoke cloaking the skies from the opening of the Abyss where the angels of death are held until their appointed time, gigantic locusts with long hair and stingers that will cause tormenting pain to sinners for five months without relief or death, along with painful and ugly sores that will break out upon them, conformed believers will have their heads cut off (Rev 8:12, 9:2, 6:12, Jer 4:24, Joel 2:10, 30-31). During this period in time; many people will do harm to themselves hoping to die, but death will not be found, it will flee from them. Whatever injury a person inflicts upon themselves voluntarily, or involuntarily; they will remain in that painful and excruciating state, without the hope of dying for five months. The only fortunate event during the Great Tribulation's period of seven years, will be the opportunity for nonbelievers to believe for a second chance; however, the cost for believing, will be extremely tormenting for the spirit of Satan will have them severely persecuted, taking their lives, within the last three and a half years of his reignment. The devastation will surmount to the death of one fourth of the world's population. Innumerable counts of Gentiles (non-Jews) from all nations (African-Americans, Caucasians, Asians, Indians, Spanish, etc.) will become believers; including, 144,000 Israelite's from all 12 tribes; yet, not one of the newly conformed believers, will be able to withstand the day of judgement (Rev 14:1, 6:17). For the wrath will come directly from God and His angels upon the children of disobedient, and from the hands of Satan and evil, upon the righteous. As of today, right now, every person has the opportunity to escape God's judgement by accepting; Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior, and living the lifestyle that is commanded of them. However, so many are not heeding to His warnings; instead, they are neglecting, ignoring, mocking, disbelieving, indulging, ungrateful, and focused on themselves, and what this world offers to them for the moment, which is only temporal. The day of the Lord is a time in which God will directly deal with all those who don't quicken, and turn from their sinful ways. God is not slow at His wrath, but waits mercifully, trying to give each and every person the opportunity to escape the fearful and dreadful day (2 Peter 3-9). He is not forgetful of those who reject Christ, blaspheming Him, boasting in pride and rebellion, being nonchalant about His commands and appointed day. All people must stand to face God: those in the Heavens, upon the earth, in the sea, beneath the earth, and in Hell; no person will be found self-sufficient (Rev 20:12-15). Once the seventh seal is broken; the preliminary birth pains and sorrows before the period of the Great Tribulation will be over, and the Great Tribulation begins. The demonic forces that will be given rights to destroying sinners (those who will also have the mark of the beast upon them) will be commanded not to harm those who will be marked by God as believers, nor will they be given rights to destroying the grass, plants, or trees, but only those who do not have the seal of God's approval upon them (Rev 9:4). This is where we find correlation with the time of Exodus in Egypt, where the Jews were told to place Lambs blood above their doorways, which would prevent the angel of death from killing their firstborn sons. Which ever home was not found with the blood above their doorpost; their firstborn males died, to include the firstborn males of animals.

Jesus Christ is the Lamb for us in the past, present, and future; without His blood upon us as our protection, we will be left to God's wrath on the day of the Lord, and to eternal death. God's comforting promise to all believers is that no genuine believer will be judged or condemned to death and hell. He will not allow anything in Heaven, upon earth, nor Hell to ever separate Himself from those who truly love Him (Rev 7:9). All believers will be robed in white symbolizing their purity and holiness which was atoned for them by the blood of Jesus Christ; all their sins will be washed away, no longer remembered. They will all stand before God perfected with new bodies that are incorruptible, having victory over death, and judgment, possessing eternal life free from sickness, trials, tribulations, hopelessness, and weary, standing forever in joy (Eph 2:8). Believers by the millions will be thankful that they conformed themselves to Christ, accepting, believing, dying during the holocaust of the Great Tribulation, and even more thankful will be the believers of right now, that were spared from experiencing the day of the Lord, by being caught up in the sky with Jesus Christ during the; Apocalypse, the period before the Great Tribulation began.

I, Pastor; Gewandra Smith, speak to all people who will hear, "Don't refuse the pardon in which God has given to you freely. There is nothing that a single soul can do to make themselves righteous before God; not through works, or good, nor through favor, or appearance, not through anything, except the blood of Jesus Christ. Don't be fooled into believing that this world is getting by with all the wickedness that is within it. Nothing, absolutely nothing, could be so far from the truth. This world we live in, and the situations we are accustomed to experiencing everyday, are no more than a stage act. Once the curtain falls, our viewers (God, His Angels, Satan, and his demons) will have the final judgment on our script and performance. Be careful of the people you allow around you; for, everyone is not concerned about their eternal life, but only the pleasures that exist right now. Every person are not aware of the truth either because they are lazy in finding out the truth by studying, blinded by the enemy with all the worldly distractions, offers, and bust, been told lies through false teachings, trying to blend in with the crowd, loving themselves feeling self-sufficient, or are lacking knowledge because they have not been taught by others, where the ability of independent learning is a weakness for them so, therefore they live a life without any guidance; although, they may be interested in knowing and accepting the truth. People, as a whole, follow crowds, not knowing where the crowd is going, and are lead to the slaughter. Don't follow everything that the world is doing: divorcing without God's stipulations, committing adultery, fornicating, drinking heavily, stealing, lying, envying, backbiting, homosexuality, using profane language, acting out in revenge or domestic violence, cheating on taxes or within other matters, embezzling, viewing or being a part of pornography, murdering, raping, using or dealing drugs, being involved in the black arts: sorcery, witchcraft, astrology, voodoo, Ouija boards, palm reading, ignoring, neglecting, mocking, or blaspheming God, prostitution, being self-righteous, prideful, arrogant, aggressive, slanderous, gossiping, involved in bestial or any other immoral form of sexuality, to include incest, impartiality, racism, unforgiving, gluttony, and the rest. Instead, choose to live as God has called all people that He has created to live: holy, pure, and without spot, or blame. You may find yourself standing alone, because the world has no interest in righteousness; however, coming away from the sinful behaviors of the world is what following God is all about. The world hated Jesus Christ for his righteousness, and the world will hate you too. But know that that is only one of the many tactics in which Satan deceives, threatens, and brings doubt upon our lives. He doesn't want us to experience what he does not have; eternal life, peace, love, and joy with God. We all are in a spiritual warfare though we cannot see our opponents with our eyes; we are able to feel their presence through our trials, and tribulations. Stand strong for God!! And though we all must go through the hardships, and sufferings, of life just as Jesus Christ had too; we are confirmed in Him that God will help us through each and every one of them, bringing about victory. Through every challenge, we will become stronger in faith, endurance, and perseverance, as we draw closer to our appointed time of one day standing before God and His throne".