Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Why hasn't God answered my prayers??? How could God allow this?! I'm not perfect; why keep trying?! Why would God hurt me like this?! Where is God behind all this mess?! I'm doing all that God requires of me... why would He ignore my faithfulness??? I'm outnumbered, and feel all alone, while everyone else is out living and doing all that they please without consequences. He said that He would protect me, but why didn't He??? How can I face my enemy, after boasting about my God, when I appear defeated?! Faith is by hearing; I've heard so, now where is the evidence??? Maybe God's Word isn't for me.
We have all had our doubts as believers. Doubt is normal. However, doubt isn't the final answer. We must remember not only what God has spoken to us behind our faith, but before our faith, "Our faith will be tested". God's tests are not meant to destroy us for He has said, "I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" (Jeremiah 29:11). Job's future certainly did not look like it could be prosperous; in fact, it appeared just the opposite, as if his entire wealth, health, family, and hope, were completely wiped out. In the end, we learn that God held to His promises, and blessed Job beyond what He could have ever hoped for. But if we take a step back to the beginning, "Where did the source of all Jobs problems come from?" (Job 1:7-12) Was it not Satan that spoke against Job, seeking to devour him, before God's own sight? Yet, God allowed Job's faith to be tested, while giving Satan restrictions to the extent of his powers. Job went back and forth with his family and friends as to why God would permit such suffering upon him when he lived his life as an upright, just, and faithful follower. Job began to doubt, wishing that he had never been born (Job 3:1-7). In spite of, Job continued to walk in his imperfect faith, believing that what ever God handed him was justified; although, he lacked understanding. Jeremiah went through his battles with doubt. He stood before endless ridicule before those he shared the gospel with (Jeremiah 20:7-10). The disciples on the road to Emmaus were confused within their faith; one minute Jesus was alive, next dead, then alive again (Luke 24:13-35). Abraham was certainly struck with confusion too; he was promised a son, which was born to become a great nation, but was then told to sacrifice his son to God, only to be stopped in the middle of the process of being faithful (Hebrews 11:17, Genesis 22). Does God just like playing games with His creations??? Are we of such unworth that we can be slighted, ignored, tried through extreme persecution, shaken, and forsaken?! Neither God nor Satan thinks so. In fact, we are of such dire value that it is necessary to prove our worth. When believers fall into sin or doubt; they are being tried at that moment. Times of joy and contentment are seasons that change as all other seasons do. Faithfulness for a day, does not grant believers security in tomorrow's coming. The building of faith is a daily chore. Every new day comes with the responsibility of building a whole new perspective before and after our faith based on the experiences that will come behind the different levels of trials, temptations, and tribulations for that day. How faith worked for one circumstance will be a whole new experience with another. Why? Because our faith has to grow. Like a flower needs sunlight, soil, water, and minerals; faith needs challenges, endurance, perseverance, trust, and patience. Once a believer has mastered a trial; it's TURN UP TIME!!! It's time to restrengthen the strength!!! Satan wants to destroy the hope of believers because in doing so, believers in turn worship him, believing the doubt over God's Word; the author and finisher of our faith. For that reason, believers are to continue to push forward, pass Satan's tactics of destroying our trust in God. Just as Satan tested Job; our faith will be tried, before God's hand will move. And God will certainly MOVE. He esteems His reputation as faithful, and the protector of His people; all trials will not last always. God honors His Word. Yet, accordingly, just as water in a pot does not boil any faster by staring at it, neither does faith deepen by a person remaining content. Reminding ourselves that we are saved, is where we will find our faith, with the knowledge that we are the children of the day, that will never be left in the dark (1 Thessalonians 5:8).

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