Thursday, January 29, 2015


Being spiritual minded versus carnal minded, relying on God for all your needs, and living in a way of godliness where God isn't hindered to respond to your prayers.

Unconfessed sin, unforgiveness, lack in faith, mistreating others, complaining about God and His provisions.


God has to work behind the scene. What you are asking in prayer may take time and preparation; the gift will be received according to its season. For example: you may be asking for a certain position that you applied for; God may need to remove some people who are transitioning to their great new blessing, or who are failing at their task, or who may impose a threat towards you, or He may be awaiting that new person in management who will be the one that finds favor in you. There are many reasons as to why God may not give us something right away. For instance, another example may be that you are stuck in traffic, trying to make it to an important engagement, or emergency, when you find yourself asking for God's help to get you there in a timely manner; however, consider that the delay may be God's way of protecting you, or someone else, from an impending danger, that neither you nor the other person foresees. 

On the other hand, God may be saying, "Wait or No", to your prayer. "Wait", may be that you are not ready to receive what you are asking, or what you are asking isn't ready to be given to you, or what you are asking, isn't God's very best for you so, you're left waiting for that greater blessing He has in store for you. For example: you are praying for a godly wife or husband, but you yourself are not living godly in some area of your life; God won't place His children with children of disobedience. Or maybe God has someone in mind for you, but that person isn't ready to receive you; they are still in the process of conforming, transitioning, or being placed in alignment so, the two of you cross paths. Reasonably, what you think you want, God instead prepares to give you what you need; the Holy Spirit often intercedes for us in prayer, when we don't know what to pray. As a final note, be sure that you're asking with the right motive; for God's glory, and not self-centered, self-glorified requests, that are always denied.


God is offended by prayers that don't ask for much. God likes to,"FLEX HIS POWER". His heart is touched by prayers that sound impossible to do! The BIGGER your prayer; the MORE GLORY He gets out of it for His name sake.


Confess your sins, and repent from them. Forgive others that have transgressed against you. Go to any person that you may have offended, and seek to reconcile your relationship. Come to God knowing what you want, and expecting to receive; without faith, you won't stand before God approved. He doesn't move for those whose faith wavers. Don't stop praying for what you want; instead, continue to pray until He moves. Pray through your prayer by praying outside your ordinary prayer ritual; it shows God that you are serious about your request. Try fasting, or praying when it's a major sacrifice for you (late at night, early in the morning, missing out on something you really wanted to do, or that's routine, or pray more than once a day). Personally, I make it a practice to pray my greatest desires during Passover while fasting.



Pray for an increased passion to pray. Pray for spiritual eyesight, enlightenment, and discernment. Pray that the Holy Spirit reminds you of the armor of God, that you wear it, and use it, during spiritual warfare. Pray for God's help when you are weak, facing trials and temptations. Pray that you always have a thankful heart before God and others; instead, of complaining. Pray for conviction when being lead astray so that you are constantly examining yourself. Pray for self-control. Pray for deliverance. Pray for others: family, friends, co-workers, workplace, churches, pastors, persecuted Christians, new workers for the harvest of souls, nonbelievers, your enemies, the homeless, the addicted, marriages, widows, widowers, associates, the abused, the neglected, orphans, the sick, the heartbroken, backsliders, the spiritually lost. Pray for disciples to come to you, that you can mentor, be a good witness too, and who will help spread the teachings of Jesus Christ.


Tuesday, January 27, 2015


 Yes, God does hear our complaints; which isn't a good thing.

Absolutely nothing is wrong with feeling annoyed, irritated, or overwhelmed about a circumstance; however, talking negatively about it, has no worth other than being a means to transgression.

Numbers 11:1-4 states, "And when the people complained, it displeased the Lord: and the Lord heard it; and His anger was kindled; and the fire of the Lord burnt among them consumed [them that were] in the uttermost of the camps".  

Why would God rebuke so harshly for complaints?

God hates complaining because by it there is no faith found, but only the forsaking of His name, and the forgetfulness of His wondrous works. Let's face it; we all are guilty of complaining whether it's due to family, friends, medical, finances, workplace, traffic, friends, .... all life's issues. And regardless to our complaints, it did not change our circumstance any better than when the circumstance first began. If anything, it just excited our anger or disappointment even more, until we were worse off with feeling drained, frustrated, sick, or repetitive in our behavior. In addition, we often found ourselves in a heated argument with someone else over careless words or actions we may have used, while shifting blame.

Do you see why God hates complaining?

Complaining offers no solutions to bringing resolve to any circumstance. It also says to God, "This is something you don't possess power to change". 

God's response to us is:

Matthew 6:25-34 "Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds in the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

Philippians 4:6-7 "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for what He has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything that we could understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

How does God compensate complaining, and the lack of trust in Him?

He will give us what we want but with trouble added. The trouble isn't because He hates us, but to rebuke us for our impatience, lack in trust, love, and reverence towards Him, to lessen our thoughts of self-righteousness, and arrogance, to place our focus back on His goodness, and His grace that He has provided for us at present, and the past. (Psalms 106, Numbers 11)

What does He expect us to do when we feel a need to complain?

God wants you to come to Him and speak on your pain, ask for His help, praise Him for what He has already done for you in the past, and what things you do not suffer because He has blessed your life. He also wants you to state that you trust Him, while committing yourself to praising Him, and sharing about Him to others, passing on His knowledge and instructions, during the process that He works things out for you (Romans 8:28). 

How does praising God resolve my circumstances?

God delights in those who remembers His name, "I will rescue those who love Me. I will protect those who trust in My name. When they call on Me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them. I will reward them with a long life, and give them my salvation" (Psalm 91:14). By following God's instruction; He will bless your life.

When it comes to complaining; we should allow our words to be few, and set our minds only on  things that are positive, and of God's truth. Complaining brings negativity to the atmosphere, before you realize it, it will have passed from person to person, causing bitterness, depression, hostility, and a room full of other grumblers. Furthermore, it will later cause the first person to complain to appear foolish when things are finally brought to a resolve. We should always seek to understand a situation before airing our own self-centered opinions. The Word of God says, "For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned" (Matthew 12:37).  Yes, God is saying that He will judge us by our words, but also keep in mind,  positive words bring favor, while foolish words always bring defeat; we end up hurting ourselves, God, and others around us.  


Wednesday, January 21, 2015


What is a family portrait?
A group of well-knowns that have grown over
the years to encourage forged symbolism?
Maybe its the display of fancy frames
and lace that's fashioned with good taste
to compliment a fine furnishing.
Is that why so much work is put into the layout?
What colors to wear, how to style my hair,
and what studio suits the affair?
High gloss, matte, and Kodak trait
cautiously chosen to hide the sentimental
and dark side of true emotions.
Well, if that's the case, may I please step down
so, I don't become a part of this ever-evolving distortion?
I rather be alone sitting in my room
writing my best friend about the love and unity
that is founded by my Heavenly Father.
He has a home that is built on gold and diamonds
that embrace well-planted gardens
and there is little effort to attend His royal palace
for all I have to wear is white.
Don't you know that mercy and forgiveness
will be served as His main course every night?
So, what is the true family portrait?
It's the gathering of all God's children
with His Words painted on the canvas of their hearts.
Written by: Evangelist Gewandra Smith


Why must be war with this world and sin?
Why won't God just end it all so that peace prevails?
Understanding those questions are easily answered than one might think; however, they are not easily resolved as God would want them to be.

One question that may not ever be answered on this earth or within the next life may be, "Why did God create Lucifer knowing that he would one day rebel against Him, and bring chaos, grief, suffering, sin, and death? Only for the plausible afterthought to be, "Although, He did... He still made a way of escape". The spiritual struggle that exists behind God's creation of Lucifer, and mankind, really does not have anything to do with us. It has to do with Lucifer's anger towards being cast out of Heaven due his envy, selfishness, and pride. Long before there was people; there was Lucifer, and the other host of angels. When God created mankind; Lucifer, sought out to take his revenge out on people created in the image of God, since he could not overtake God directly. By placing mankind in the direct line of fire; Lucifer, knew that it would deeply grieve God. God takes absolutely no pleasure in seeing man suffer through sickness, disease, persecution, trials, and temptations, only to suffer in eternal torment, due to sin. Thus, He made a way of reconciliation through the conception, birth, death, and atonement of Jesus Christ; His only begotten Son. Nevertheless, Lucifer was created with profound, supernatural wisdom, knowledge, and intelligence that surpasses anything that man could ever imagine that he possess. Moreover, still to this day, he still has access to certain parts of heaven and God, in which he is able to trod back and forth between hell, earth, and heaven, to listen, watch, and accuse (Job 1:7, 2:2, 2 Chronicles 18: 18-21, Ephesians 6:12, Luke 10:18). Altogether, with this in mind, Lucifer knew that a Savior would come from Israel, with the purpose of defeating him from destroying all of mankind through his ruthless counter play. For this reason, aligned with his failed disposition of overthrowing God, he is called, "The Dragon" (Revelation 12:3-4) although, he does not resemble a dragon in appearance. Lucifer is the highest, and most dazzling, being ever created by God, shining in magnificence, as like the glory of God Himself; yet, is only recognized by his evil works. Nonetheless, his opposition, does not remove, nor lessen, his gift in: power, authority, and possession of a kingdom of his own, that coerces the world's allegiance (Revelation 12:3-4).

Since the prophecy of Jesus birth; Lucifer, sought out all means of delaying God's promise to man, in hopes that death would avail, against his knowledge, "it is impossible to hinder or prevent God's perfect will" (Gen 4:1, Gen 5:6, Gen 27:41, Exodus 1:8, 2 Sam 13, 2 Chronicles 21:1, 2 Kings 8:25, 9:11, Matt 2:1, 4:1, Luke 4:29, John 7:1, 19:1). Thus, Israel the symbolized woman in Revelations 12, did give birth to the Savior and Messiah, undeterred by his strategic demise. With triumph, Jesus Christ completed his purpose for our Salvation; the underlying reason why Israel still today, has many enemies, and are constantly under attack. Be that as it may, Lucifer, only loses at his attacks against God, Jesus Christ, Israel, and mankind, through those who place their trust, hope, and life in Jesus Christ. Not all people will take the offer that God has made in making it possible for them to stand before Him, forgiven; although, they stand before Him accused. (Romans 3:23). Under those circumstances, those who comply with sin, are left at the disposal of God's wrath and judgment (Heb 10:26), and Lucifer's original plan of inflicting enormous pain into the heart of God, as recompense. This great spiritual struggle isn't about man, but between God and Lucifer. This war will continue into the last days; Israel and Christ followers being attacked, tempted, persecuted, humiliated, and murdered. Lucifer knows that his time will come to an end soon, so with the time that he does have; he missions to bring about confusion, destruction, pain, division, bloodshed and murder, and the redemption of those who have chosen to accept God as their ruler. In short, the struggle will never end with Lucifer, before Jesus wins war with him in the Armageddon; Lucifer wants as many people under his power and worship as possible, before his final doom, of being cast out of heaven and earth for good. He does not work alone, but with his order of ranks of fallen angels that fell with him out of heaven (Rev 12:4, Luke 10:18, Isaiah 14:12). But even so, God too, does not work alone, upon Salvation, He brings to believers, ministering angels that watch over, protect, and guide (Heb 1:14).

As a final point, if God was to just end it all so that peace prevailed; Jesus Christ's death would be in vain, and many people who could have been saved, would not be, because they did not have the opportunity to repent and accept Salvation. So, with that in mind, is better to war the wages, and allow people to make up their own minds to where they want to spend eternity; instead of God, enforcing it upon them. God Wills to uphold His promises. He promised a Savior for all those who were willing to receive Him.

Thursday, January 15, 2015


Reflecting on many instances where I have been a listening ear, comforter, and a pillar of strength, to parents, friends, family members, associates, and even customers, that are grief strucken, confused, fearful, and tearful, concerning a loved one that has confessed and decided to embrace the lifestyle of homosexuality; I am going to place the focus of this sermon today to others who may be in need of answers, and guidance.

Going back to my own personal childhood; I have had to deal with this situation within my own circle of trust. To begin, homosexuality is not a choice or decision that begins in the adolecscent or adult years, nor is it a choice that is given at the time of conception. Homosexuality is a personal choice that a person decides to act upon based on a variety of different influcences, and or needs, for gratification that originates from ones own curiousity, interest, or search in purpose. It is our innate design being of spirit and flesh, to be drawn to what brings us pleasure, and satisfication; and there is absolutely nothing wrong with being gratified, as long as that gratification does not pervert itself. When one hears the term; pervert, they automatically perceive that term to be one that is used to degrade, demean, slander, or demoralize a person's mental state, or character. However, to pervert, actually means to take something out of content of what it was originally designed to be, or a turning away from what is morally good, true, or correct. Any time a person chooses a behavior that is the opposite of what God has called to be moral, honest, pure, holy, or righteous; they are in fact, perverting His rule of law. God is the originator of law, order, justice, love, peace, holiness, purity, and all creation so, in turn He has the only say so in how what He created is applied or used. In point to the opening statement of this paragraph; as a child, maybe around 6, 7, or 8 years old, I had a hispanic female friend around my same age, that would often ask to come spend the night with my siblings and I. As typical kids, and she and I as young girls, we would become greatly enthused, when our parents consented to the approval; however, gradually that elation began to change for me, over the course of time when ever she would visit. It is my belief that my friend was either being exposed to wrong media or pornography, within her home, or either being sexually abused by someone; who that someone was, I don't know to this day (I have no contact with this friend from the past to ask her). To say the least, she began acting out her advances, and immoral behavior towards me. I had an innocent mind; never had been exposed to any type of sexual act from media, other friends, or family members. Quickly, I knew that this wasn't something that I was interested in doing, nor was it moral in the way that it was being done. I felt sickened and disturbed, every time she would come around; although, I liked her as a friend. Eventually, the nights of staying over came to a end, because I would never agree to it again. But it didn't stop there, later, I would come to having to subdue a female relative too. Over the years, since my childhood, I have had several more friends to come along; some even married to men, that would try to invite flirtation or interest between us, but it has never been my mutual interest to enterain it. Even going out in public, there has been homosexual females that try and gain eye contact with me, but upon noticing; I make it my deliberate duty to avoid looking in their direction, signaling disengagement, and non-interest.

One may ask, "How is it that you are able to stand against what constantly comes at you, without you falling to the temptation?" My reponse is, "My God. My love, respect, and reverence for God does not allow me to fall to the temptation". Without my love and strength for Him; I could easily fall, for His Word says, and I believe, "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak" (Mark 14:38, Matthew 26:40-43). Although, my interest is in men, I acknowledge that I have been pursued not only by men, but by an unclean spirit since I was a child. I make the deliberate choice not to take interest in the curiosity that the spirit offers to me. It's no different than any other sin: stealing, lying, cursing, fornication, adultery, being quick tempered, gluttony, pornography, murder, raping, lacisviousness, gossiping, and so on. One must make a deliberate attempt to possess mind over feelings. It's one of the reasons why the brain is set above the heart; we are to think first rather than go with what we feel. For what sets in the mind, will either defile or sanctify the heart (2 Corinthians 7:1, 1 Peter 3:15). It is written that our thoughts are just as guilty as our actions, because our thoughts are what defile our hearts, that lead to our actions. When we place our thoughts above God's laws, we then commit the sin of self-idolatry. Those who are warring with the lifestyle of homosexuality are capable of denying access to the sin of homosexuality in their life. Again, it is a person's deliberate will to participate, act upon, or take interest in any behavior that is opposing to the law of God. No other entity, clean or unclean, is able to force our will upon ourselves. People seek an unmet need in their life behind difficult behaviors. When a person does not truly know God, and hold a relationship with Him, they are easily led astray to other spirits that will seduce, lure, and entice them, by giving them what they think they need, while witholding the consequences of their acceptance from them. These spirits are often Generational Spirits or what some call; Familiar Spirits (Exodus 20:5-6, Judges 3:9, 1 Samuel 12:10-11). They are spirits that are found within a persons family history, that go from one generation, to the next generation, taking souls one by one, forming groups, that are forever separated from God, eternally, upon unrepented acts. We open our families to these curses when we do not take time out to teach them about God, and pray with, and for them, but instead allowing spirits to teach them to attach themselves to the world. People have not taken notice that homosexuality is a spiritual act to destroy God's first example that is to reflect His Covenant with us; the structure of the family home. "For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which He is the Savior" (Ephesians 5: 22-23, 1 Corinthians 11:3). There are so many unlawful petitions for divorces in the world, with perverted governmental permission allowing them, to the point that practically no one holds marriage between a man and woman, and its covenant, no more valuable than a horse would see value in driving a car; what's the act in doing it if I can rely upon myself, and still receive similiar advantages. The marriage value is to reflect God and His covenant with the church, and to raise Godly offspring, who will not go astray (Proverbs 22:6, Deuteronomy 6) because they are shown before them in Godly example on what a unit between a man and a woman should be; not brokeness, confusion, loneliness, grief, feeling insignificant, without purpose, and guidance.

When confronting a friend or relative who have embraced homosexuality, it is important to remember; you would speak to them, love them, and treat them, just as you would any one else that was battling with any other sin. Homosexuality is not a sin that is classified in its own isolated group; all sin is equal in God's eye (James 2:10, 1 John 1:9, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Matthew 12:31, Romans 6:23, John 19:11, Galatians 5:19-21, Matthew 5:19, 1 John 5:16, 1 John 3:7, Hebrews 12:14, Jude 1:7, 1 Peter 2:17, Galatians 6:7, Romans 8:14, Revelation 3:19, Revelation 3:3). Listen to their reasons for why they feel or believe what they believe. Take the time to try and understand them, even if you don't understand. Offer to them their unmet need instead of trying to treat their symptom (they may have had something missing from their life that influenced their decision), share with them about God without judging them (no one has a way of knowing whether someone is going to be condemned in the end based on their behavior without knowing if in the end they will eventually repent), offer to them the free gift of salvation by leading them into prayer and affirmation, but do not force them to do so if they have not made that decision to do so themselves, bring to their attention that you do love or like them, but disapprove of their behavior because it is against God's law and original design, and that you would not participate in condoning their lifestyle. After all else, continue to pray for them in your private prayer time, and check in with them to see if they would accept bible study sessions with you. Allow your bible study sessions to revolve around the Bible, and not their sin (the entire gospel is to be shared). If they refuse to listen, or accept invitations to Christ in their heart; continue to pray for them, and try again at a later time, but do not treat them harshly, indifferent, or with contempt. God never forced Himself on you, but gave you the freewill to make up your own decision. The way we measure others; God too will measure us with the same judgment. Love others the way that you would want to be loved in spite of your sins. If they never come around to accepting and repenting; remember, that you cannot change others, they must want change, but you can learn to get along with anyone no matter what their difficult behavior may be based on how you respond to them.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Over the course of sermons that I post; I want to also share with you further events where God and I  communicated during the year of 2004 and 2005, which I call, " The Year of Miracles". To this day, He continue to speak to me; although,  not as often as He did in that year. Sometimes, He speaks to me through visions and dreams, or audibly through a whisper in my right ear, or telepathically with information that impresses itself upon my mind as if it has been stamped; other times, through supernatural manifestations like He did with Ned's Rainbow.

During the year of 2004, after my children had returned from Georgia, visiting our family for the Summer, before heading back to school; I went to God again in prayer, asking Him that same popular question, while kneeling bedside my bed, "God is this you doing all these miracles? Is this REALLY YOU??? If this is REALLY YOU... I want you to send me the BIGGEST, MOST BEAUUUUUUTIFUL RAINBOW, I HAVE EVER SEEN!!! ... And then... I will believe that this is you".  As the day progressed, I decided to do what I most often do with my children, as a family treat; take them to the library! I enjoy reading not only alone when I get that wind down quiet time, or when I was busy teaching in a classroom, but also at night to my children as a part of our quality time. I get a thrill out of creating voices for the characters, while taking in the priceless expressions, and laughter, children reward me in return. To get back to the point, as we entered the library, I gave permission to my son; Andel, to take his little sister Monikah, to the Kiddie Corner to pick out books, while I browsed books on the meaning of numbers. God often used numbers as a coded message in some of the miracles that He performed during that year, which left me inquisitive behind their meaning. As I grabbed a selective few books to take back to a table to read; an older Caucasian male around his late 60's, wearing glasses and a hat, interrupted me after I had sat down. He stated, "Myyyyyy.... you must be reading something interesting...what are you reading?!", as he stood by my table starry eyed. I quickly glanced up at him and smiled, only to retreat back to my reading, not sure what to say to him... just wondering to myself, "Why is he all up in my business?" Before I could utter some words back; Andel, ran up to the table next to the man. The man rubbed Andel's head and said, "You know... does anybody think as to why oil is applied to the hair when the body is mostly made up of water... oil and water don't mix". I responded, "That's a pretty good question...I don't know". Then the man began conversing back and forth with Andel as they laughed back and forth with each other. I really wish I was more in tuned to what they were saying. Andel was only 8 years old back then; today he is 19, and neither one of us can really recall the contents of their conversation that transpired, but he remembers the man. Eventually, the kind man, smiled at me, and said that he would leave me to my reading since he could tell that I was very much into it. I responded that it was very nice to meet him, as he parted his way out of the front door of the library. Meantime, about an hour and a half, had surpassed, so I motioned Andel to go get his sister so that we could check our books out, and go home. As we left the library, I searched for the man in the parking lot had been talking with us in the library; we had just left seconds after he had left, but he wasn't any where to be found. Resuming... seconds turned into minutes, minutes into seconds, seconds into hours, hours into days, and days into weeks... I continued to search the sky every where I went looking for the rainbow. Even on rainy days, a rainbow did not appear. I began doubting again, feeling that I had made everything up in my own little head again; although, I knew for certain that the miracles had happened. I was feeling let down. One night, as I was preparing my children for bed; I realized that I had not read their library books to them, and they were due back the next day! So, I had them to climb into bed with me as usual, and I began to read the first book, which my daughter; Monikah, glees "That's my book! I got that book!" The book was titled, "Ned's Rainbow", by Melanie Walsh. As I began reading the book, it spoke on Ned who was soooo in love with rainbows... he had rainbow everything...even rainbow pajamas! Ned's mother wanted to surprise him, so she painted his room into a beautiful rainbow, the most beautiful rainbow, Ned had ever seen... as I read through each page... I paused, feeling frozen, tears streamed down my face. Andel and Monikah asked, "Mommy... why are you crying?" I choked pass the tears, and said, "He answered me..." They asked, "Who mommy?".... I responded, "God". At the end of the story Ned stands in the window, and it ends, "Ned still looks out the window for real ones". Which made me roll over with laughter!!! Just thinking.... God watched me the whole time searching the sky; He had answered me, and was awaiting me to discover Him, most likely while laughing at me!!! :)

Ned's Rainbow wasn't the only book He used that day. He also used another book that I had checked out that I read to my classroom, the next day, titled, "Once A Upon A Time" by Niki Daly. I will share that miracle on another post. I often think back on that kind gentle man...thinking....



Thursday, January 8, 2015


No one really enjoys getting the subpoenas from the court house ordering them to stand in for jury; it often poses itself as an inconvenience that doesn't equal out to the time in wages that may be lost from taking a leave of absence from one's job. Nonetheless, who would want to take a leave of absence every day to stand in court as a defendant, against a plaintiff, that took every opportunity to accuse them before a judge on every detail of their life?! Well, that's an inevitable event in which no one is excluded! Every day our accuser; Satan, stands before God, awaiting the opportunity to point out our faults and shortcomings, giving us a hike in wages far more than we could ever dream of; correspondingly, an offer that we would rather refuse. The truth is; if it wasn't for God's grace and mercy, we would be fit for the death sentence. We war every day with ourselves on living a righteous life before our Lord; yet, the accuser not only stands to point out our faults, but aided as an accessory to our crime. He uses every scheme possible and known to his supernatural wisdom and intelligence to cause us calamity, while still portraying himself as an angel of light.

Zechariah 3:1-7

Then he showed my Joshua the high priest, standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan, standing at his right side to accuse him. The Lord said to Satan, "The Lord rebuke you, Satan! The Lord, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you! Is not this man a burning stick snatched from the fire?"

Now Joshua was dressed in filthy clothes as he stood before the angel. The angel said to those who were standing before him, "Take off his filthy clothes".

Then he said to Joshua, "See, I have taken away your sin and I have placed fine garments on you".

Then I said, "Put a clean turban on his head". So they put a clean turban on his head and clothed him, while the angel of the Lord stood by.

The angel of the Lord gave this charge to Joshua: "This is what the Lord Almighty says: "If you walk in obedience to me and keep my requirements, then you will govern my house, and have charge of my courts, and I will give you a place among these standing here".

Job 2:2

And the Lord said to Satan, "Where have you come from?" Satan answered the Lord, "From roaming throughout the earth, going back and forth on it".

1 Peter 5:8

Be alert and sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking who he can devour.

The good news is; although, we are found guilty, we are given second chances in getting things right, as long as we have breath in us. Satan and his demons know they are already a defeated foe when they walk into the courtroom, with the hopes that we will be humiliated, rejected, and cast out, with the full maximum penalty; for, he has had an agenda for the worst possible outcome for our lives since the day he was cast out of Heaven. Senselessly, he remains in denial that his defeat includes him being defeated by God in the end. God is our defender. He will use what Satan meant for bad for our good, which in turns corrects us, glorifies Himself, and shamelessly defeats Satan. We are never in the fight over Satan and sin on our own. God shows us through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, that we may walk through the valley of the shadow of death, but in the end, the blood has the final say so. Altogether, God's grace doesn't present itself as a blank check for sin, but instead, give us the opportunity to stand upright without being weighted down by the wages of our sin. The mission of believers should always be to break agreement with Satan, so in the end, they will not have to stand trial.


If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of truth, no sacrifice for sin is left but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Do you believe that you are wholeheartedly good? That you are an overall good person with little imperfection? Maybe you believe that within the final analysis compared to other people; you are doing better than most, so that good within you, is enough to evoke God's approval. Besides, God knows your heart ...right? Well, you may be in for a surprise...
Did you know that God judges not only a person's actions, but the contents of their thoughts as guilt and sin too? Most people know the famous verse of Matthew 5:28, "But I say to you everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart". Thus, the Lord teaches us that the lust, first originated from the "thought" to gaze upon the woman, which then from His omniscience; He could see the other thought of opportunity and courage conceived from a defiled heart. God is well aware that if a person had the courage or was given the opportunity to make possible the full contents of their heart, they would in fact, act upon it. So, it is with God, that He judges not only what we act out, but what we allow to become our thought; for, our thoughts are a god before us. What we create in our minds, if pondered on long enough, will enslave us. A person forgets and disregards the calling to righteousness, holiness, and purity, when they mediate on their own vain imaginations which gratifies, controls, and fulfills desires. Those fulfillments become the measure for morality, and the pseudo-notion that one has escaped judgment and accountability. Man's first nature isn't righteousness; but instead, wickedness conceived in the mind, that defiles the heart.
Let's look at some ways in which impure thought processing defiles the heart:
Wickedness: misusing and abusing God and people to one's own advantage regardless to justice.
Evil: malicious acts of wickedness towards God and people, with the desire to cause harm, affliction, division, and loss.
Greed: a need to possess, control, out power, to have more than what is one's share.
Depravity:  the desire for ill-will for another person, out of spite or holding a grudge.
Murder: to deliberately kill another person for one's own gratification.
Strife: verbal conflict to cause disturbance in gaining something.
Envy: a thought of grief from wanting something that someone else has, wanting it to be taken away even if it causes the other person to suffer pain behind losing it.
Deceit: dishonesty, misleading another person through plots, in efforts of protecting oneself from guilt, or to gain a dishonest measure.
Malice: a person who looks for, hopes for, or causes the worse for others in words, actions, or influence.
Gossips: a person who carries information whether true or false to other persons in hopes assassinating a persons character or reputation.
God-Haters: persons that do not love God or His laws; children of disobedience.
Insolent: a self-righteous person who ignores, and rejects the laws of God and man, and lives according to his or her own standards.
Arrogant or Moralist: a person who believes they possess all knowledge and worth, placing themselves above others, while looking down on others; pride.
Boastful: a person who exalts themselves based on what they have, they can do, or pretend to possess.
Rebellious: a person that rejects, defies, ignores laws, whether instituted by God, State, or parent. 
Senseless: a person who refuses being taught by any teacher or experience, prefers to be closed minded, and ignores the subconscious.
Faithless: persons who break promises or agreements without thought to the other party; undependable.
Heartless: a lack of sensitivity or emotions for others, love that only presents itself to gain an advantage, false love, abusive abnormal love.
Ruthless: a person without mercy, or compassion for others, whose only mission is to use, and possess others regardless to the outcome of their well-being.

Racist: a group of people or individual who exalts their race above others believing that their race is the determinant for humanity and capabilities. Whose belief is that God chose and designed their race to be superior over all other human forms; whence, maltreatment, inferiority, and inequality is considered just.

All people could all use some soul cleansing; including myself. God's plan for people is to love one another as one would love themselves. However, another problem, which would be a later sermon, is that some people don't love themselves or have the wrong idea behind what it means to love themselves, so in turn, people don't love others the way God designed for them to love. One way to bring about right love is to learn to control our thought processing, that way our heart does not become defiled. By learning methods to counteracting temptations in the mind; our hearts stand the chance of being approved by God. Any thought that opposes God, resurrects itself above God. No one is guiltless when it comes to wrong thoughts. At least four to five times a day, a person allows a wrong thought to cross their mind, due to a lack in training the mind to focus on those things that God commands us to focus on. Sources for mind pollution stem from media, music, friends, family, and etc., which in turn, exposes us more to the practice of wrong thinking, leaving us in a position of enslavement. However, all hope is not lost; the way to recovery is to begin NOW... Begin your day, asking God for the forgiveness of your sins both knowingly and unknowingly in thought, heart, speech, and actions. Let Him know that you seek repentance in all things that do not please Him, and that you seek His help in showing you areas in your life where you need improvement. Ask God to remove any and all stumbling blocks that keep you from having a complete and healthy relationship with Him and others, and that He increase the strength in you to overcome all temptations, fiery darts, and influence that are not beneficial to you, others, or His Kingdom. Our minds are a battlefield, the first grounds for spiritual warfare. God says to pray without ceasing, not only because trouble awaits to prey upon us, but that so that we too don't become troubled within ourselves. God has spoken that all those who souls have not been reborn through the washing of the Holy Spirit, will not inherit His Kingdom.

                                                              Titus 3:5

He saved us not because of righteous things we have done, but because of His mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth, and the renewal by the Holy Spirit.

                                                        Ephesians 5:26-27

To make her holy, cleansing her by the washing, with water through the Word, and to present her to Himself, as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle, or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.