Tuesday, November 10, 2015



When we read the words: Sheol, Hades, and Hell in the Bible, we automatically join them together as having the same relationship likewise to the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. However, these three words having totally separate meanings, and are identified by three separate accounts just as the Trinity.

We find the word Sheol in some of these Bible verses:

Psalm 89:48

What man can live and not see death? Can he deliver his soul for the power of Sheol? Selah.

Genesis 37:35

Then all his sons and all his daughters arose to comfort him, but he refused to be comforted. And he said, "Surely I will go down to Sheol in mourning for my son." So his father wept for him.

Genesis 44:29

'If you take this one also from me, and harm befalls him, you bring my gray hair down to Sheol in sorrow.'

Psalm 18:5

The cords of Sheol surrounded me; The snares of death confronted me.

Proverbs 1:12

Let us swallow them alive like Sheol, Even whole, as those who go down to the pit;

Proverbs 30:16

Sheol, and the barren womb, Earth that is never satisfied with water, And fire that never says, "Enough."

Sheol is a not a place of torment, likewise to Hades and Hell, but it is death itself; the grave to be exact. Whether you are a righteous or unrighteous person; you will face Sheol. Sheol is appointed to each living person; it has an appointment with us that is inevitable. Sheol is sleep or rest for the body, where the soul is separate from it, either in paradise with God or in torment in Hades. Sheol like Hades and Hell, was not intended for man. We as mankind were to live forever; however, due to the fall of Adam, the grave was given rights to every man. The great news about Sheol is that it has been defeated by the life, blood, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We will not remain in the clutches of the grave if we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior; the righteous will rise again with both body and soul, to live upon the earth again forever.

Let us look at some Bible verses that contain the reference to the word Hades:

Revelation 20:13-14

And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead which were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them; and they were judged, every one of them according to their deeds. Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake fire.

Matthew 11:23

"And you, Capernaum, will not be exalted to heaven, will you? You will descend to Hades; for if the miracles had occurred in Sodom which occurred in you, it would have remained to this day."

Luke 16:23

"In Hades he lifted up his eyes, being in torment, and saw Abraham far away and Lazarus in his bosom."

Acts 2:27

Because you will not abandon my soul to Hades, nor allow your Holy One to undergo decay.

Matthew 16:18

"I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.

Hades is a place of torment for the soul but not the body which is left at the grave (Sheol). It is an intermediate place for the unrighteous; a holding place of horror until the Day of the Final Judgment, where both body and soul will rejoin itself before God. Hades is where the fallen angels reside; it is only a taste of Hell, but not Hell itself. It is appointed to each man the grave (Sheol) and after the grave, there is an immediate judgment. A person will go to Hades if they did not accept Jesus Christ as their Savior, nor lived a life of righteousness upon the earth. Many do not realize that accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior by mouth only, will only lead them to Hades. Jesus states that it is only those who obey His Father, that have truly accepted Him as their Lord and Savior (Romans 2:13, Matthew 7:21, 1 Peter 4:17). Upon everyone's acceptance of Christ as their Lord and Savior; their names are added to the Book of Life. However, without a genuine heart to live for Christ, a person's name is blotted out of the Book of Life, upon their arrival to the grave (Sheol). God is no FOOL, as loving and forgiving, as He may be. He gives time, and patience, to each person by the measure of their faith, to get it right with Him, before their death.

Psalm 69:28

May they be blotted out of the Book of Life and not be listed with the righteous.

Deuteronomy 29:20

"The Lord shall never be willing to forgive him, but rather the anger of the Lord and His jealousy will burn against that man, and every curse which is written in this book will rest on him, and the Lord will blot out his name for under heaven."

2 Kings 14:27

The lord did not say that He would blot out the name of Israel from heaven, but He saved them by the hand of Jeroboam the son of Joash.

Hades is a place of darkness, fire, torture, profanity, screaming, yelling, stomach curling smells, rats, snakes, demons, clawing and ripping of flesh, worm infestation, high iron gates, pits, drought, thirst, desolation, remorse, separation from God, and NO HOPE. Yet, it is only temporary, awaiting its place in Hell.

Now, let's look at some Bible Verses that refer to Hell.

Revelation 21:8

But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars-their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.

Matthew 25:46

And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

Matthew 10:28

And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

Revelation 20:15

And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

Revelation 20:14

And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

Revelation 14:11

And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

Hell is the place or state of never ending fire and torment for both the body and soul which will have joined back together after the Final Judgment before God. After Hell, there will be no further judgment; it is an eternal state. Hell is where Satan, the fallen angels, and unrighteous people, will burn FOREVER.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Galatians 4:4-5 reads "But when the proper time had fully come, God sent His Son born of a woman, born subject to the regulations of the Law, to purchase the freedom of those who were subject to the law, that we might be adopted and have sonship conferred upon us, and be recognized as God's Sons."

When we assess the reasons why an appointed attorney recommends that we have a living will in the event of our untimely death; unquestionably, the top reason would be to protect what is most important to us, to be certain that what is most important to us, is handed down to those who are also most important to us. We wouldn't want our valuables distributed to those who are foreign to us, or who don't have our approval for being an appointed authority, or heir, for the reasons that they don't share in our same bloodline, nor have they been given our merited favor to place their hands on our goods.

Another reason for having a will is to keep arguments down on the who, what, and when, which leads us to our next reason; deciding where ones children will go upon our untimely death so that no other said, "higher authority", places them where you don't want them to go. Furthermore, having a will will prevent unnecessary delays in processing what has already been rightfully established and designated to the successor of the presuccessor. Not only will a will give inheritance, but it can be used to disinherit those who would otherwise inherit your estate, but would be the wrong hands for your assets to fall into.

Let's dig deeper into the grounds of having a will... having a will will also prevent things from transpiring that is not intended for certain persons; therefore, allowing your legacy to live on through those who reflect your own values and interests. At anytime during the course that you are still living at the execution of your will, you reserve the right to change your will in the event of unforeseen circumstances that create situations where changing your will is necessary; interstate laws, states that, "without a will, a presuccessor's valuables are at a loss which could end up in the wrong hands". So, it was then, and it is now, the Law, that without a will... there is NO WAY, but with a will... THERE IS A WAY.

Romans 8:14-15 reads, "For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. The Spirit you received does not make you slaves , so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by Him we cry, "Abba, Father." Through the blood of Jesus Christ in which our first DNA was first created; God made it a Will that those who recognized what was important to Him, valuing His values and interests, would become the appointed beneficiaries of His estates. We were all once separated from God, left with nothing to look forward too. Although, it took only one man to lose foot, in which all men fell; one man took His entire body, to restore God's Will. Oxens, sheeps, goats, doves, and unleavened breads could not take the place of rectifying man's sin because they were not a reflection of the image of God, they could not participate in the act of righteousness prevailing over the law, nor were they of the same flesh as man.

Again Galatians 4:4-5 reads,

"But when the proper time had full come, God sent His Son born of a woman, born subject to the regulations of the Law, to purchase the freedom of those who were subject to the Law, that we might be adopted and have sonship conferred upon us, and be recognized as God's Sons."

Because man is God's asset...

He had to make a Will.

Because man is what is important to God...

He had to make a Will.

Because God did not want His children going into the wrong hands...

He had to make a Will.

Because God needed to give man the power appointed authority to place hands on His goods...

He had to make a Will.

Because God had to make it clear about the WHO, WHAT, AND WHEN...

He had to make a Will.

Because God did not want any delays in His adopted Sons and Daughters receiving what is rightfully theirs...

He had to make a Will.

Because God had to disinherit Satan to all his entitlements...

He had to write it in the Will.

Because God needed His legacy to live on through those who reflected His values and interest...

He begot Jesus Christ, and those adopted through His blood, as His Will.

God needed to stop the hands of death from claiming the lives of man who were never intended to die...

So He had to make a Will.

While Jesus was alive, He changed the Will of the Law which was to keep God and Man separated forever through the fall of one man. Jesus changed the Will by living a life of righteousness that reflected the image of God, while being in the flesh of man.



Saturday, October 24, 2015


Well, the pulpit isn't to glorify the pastor or any other office that stands before the people in church; although, many would wrongly find pride and fame, given the privilege to be seated at the front of the church. The word actually stands for something so much greater, which actually benefits the people. The term; Pulpit, means to "pull people from the pit". What pit you may ask? ... The Holy Bible speaks of many pits in which people are liable to fall within; some of the pits are referenced to sins which are snares that pull people into a downward spiral away from God, truth, and life. Another term for these sins is Strongholds. Strongholds do just what its name implies; hold a person down with great strength, keeping them in bondage and enslavement to itself. Another type of pit in which the Bible speaks, is the pits that are found in Hell. The Bible speaks of pits that the unsaved fall into upon entering the gates of Hell, and it speaks of pits that a person will dwell in while in Hell that he or she has dug for their own selves based on the sins that did upon the earth. Each person that willfully sins against God, actually causes their personal pit in Hell that is awaiting them, to enlarge, and grow in depth. The "Pulpit" is a metaphor for preaching the truth of God, to help pull people out of their pits in life or the one that awaits them after their physical death. This is why it is SOOOOOO important that preachers preach the truth of God's Word; THEY WILL BE GRAVELY ACCOUNTABLE for their purpose in the Pulpit. The Pulpit isn't for those who just want to be glorified behind a title or position. The Pulpit isn't for those who lust after peoples money for their livelihood. The Pulpit isn't for those who just want to do people good by doing an act of Community Service. The Pulpit isn't for those who sugar coat God's Word so that they are liked by the people. The Pulpit isn't for those who want to sit before it for entertainment purposes as one would do a television or concert, or to be acknowledged from others that they attend church, or to feel secure in being saved. The Pulpit are for those who are BOLD, BRAVE, CONFIDENT, KNOWLEGABLE, CALLED BY GOD, AND FIND URGENCY IN SHARING THE TRUTH ABOUT THE GOSPEL DESPITE ADVERSITY, AND AT ANY COST, TO SAVE LIVES, EVEN IF THAT MEANS LOSING THEIR OWN.


Matthew 15:14

"Let them alone; they are blind guides of the blind And if a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit".

Proverbs 26:27
He who digs a pit will fall into it, And he who rolls a stone, it will come back on him.

Revelation 9:2
He opened the bottomless pit, and smoke went up out of the pit, like the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke of the pit.

Psalm 35:7-8
For without cause they hid their net for me; Without cause they dug a pit for my soul.

Psalm 7:15
He has dug a pit and hollowed it out, And has fallen into a hole which he made.

Psalm 94:13
That you may grant him relief from the days of adversity, Until a pit is dug for the wicked.

Isaiah 24:17-18
Terror and pit and snare Confront you, O inhabitant of the earth.

Job 33:18
He keeps back his soul from the pit, And his life from passing over into Sheol.

Proverbs 1:12
Let us swallow them alive like Sheol, Even whole, as those who go down to the pit;


Thursday, October 22, 2015



It is true that the Holy Spirit, that dwells within believers; yearns with intense envy and jealousy for our souls, all the time. However, the most recognizable time of longing is when we are confronted with temptations. We are all subject to fail at conquering some of the fiery darts that WILL come at us daily. When we fail, we are often chastised by the adversary, in our minds, that we are not capable of pleasing God, enduring in strength, renewed in our thoughts and actions, saved, and truly in love with God. We begin to feel that the task of remaining faithful and loyal to God surpasses our ability. Which leaves the question, "What is blocking me from breaking free from what seems like a never ending cycle?"

Let's begin to understand that when you war against temptations; you are not in the battle alone. 1 Corinthians 10:13 tells us, "No temptation has seized you which is not common to man. God is faithful. He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can bear. When you are tempted, He will provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." Most of us, will be confronted by temptations, believing that we alone can deny access to any and all forbidden activities that come our way. However, the word of God says that there is way that seems right unto men, but instead it leads to death (Proverbs 14:12). We have been given the Holy Spirit within us to remind of us the ways of conquering sin. The Holy Spirit speaks to us through our subconscious guiding us away from those things that present themselves harmful to us. Even if we are not practiced in knowing the scriptures, the Holy Spirit still urges us to separate ourselves from what is considerably harmful to our souls and bodies. We have the ability to either adhere to the Holy Spirit or to suppress the voice of the Holy Spirit by choosing to listen or choosing to ignore the forewarning. Our choice in hearing or remaining deaf, determines whether we will be successful at overcoming or falling prey to the enslavement of whatever that sin may be. The book of James, reminds us, that when we are tempted by sin, that is not the time to be complacent, lazy, lighthearted, in denial, to be at ease, joking around, jolly, unconcerned, comfortable, or teasing. Temptations are grievous, and should be handled; accordingly, with self-discipline, self-control, and assertive warfare. Temptations strike us all suddenly and unaware, "Therefore, dear friends, since you already know this, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of lawless men and fall from your secure position" (2 Peter 3:17). We should continually, on a daily basis, be reminded: that Christ is returning at any moment, that we are not to meditate on impure images or fantasies in our minds, that we are to cast our eyes away from lingering on anything that arouses temptations within us, not giving into seducing spirits. Proverbs 1:10 tells us, "My son (daughter), do not be enticed by sinners, do not give in to them. Enticements includes: stealing, murder, gossiping, fornicating, adultery, perverse language, cheating, gluttony and greed, anger, revenge, substance abuse, sexual abuse, domestic abuse, showing impartiality and favoritism, judging, lasciviousness, vandalizing, and so more.

God gives us more and more grace, because He loves us, and has faith in us, although, we often lack faith in Him. Therefore, His undying love should not be held in contempt, but attract and pull you back to Him. God never turns away from us when we fall to sin. However, we turn from God when we fail to do what is expected of us. When we do turn away from Him, God is unable to extend His grace to us, because we have blocked access to Him reaching our souls. Thus, strongholds take place in our lives. We become committed to the enslavement of whatever sin is enticing us; what is of the world, and against God. God does not accept divided loyalty from us. We are either His child, or friends with the world, but we cannot be both. We need God in our lives, directing us in all our ways, because we are not able to control our desires completely, and always, without Him.


Wednesday, September 30, 2015


How many times have you come across hearing the terms: lost, backslider, apostate, and saved, without really having a full grasp on what they really mean or how they even define you? Well, you are not the only one that is in need of some clarity. Let's take a look at their meaning, and how they may relate to you or others in your or their spiritual walk.

Lost- a person that is spiritually lost has no concept of who God is, nor do they have a personal relationship with Him. They either do not believe that God exists, worship an idol other than the true God, believe only in reincarnation and other spiritual deities, self-governed and absorbed into worldly pleasures, or may have never been introduced to the message of Jesus Christ to accept Him.

Backslider- a new believer, or a believer that has not reached maturity in the knowledge of God, but has been introduced to the message of Jesus Christ, and accepted Him as their Lord and Savior; yet, are struggling with the temptations of worldly pleasures, while wavering back and forth with their fellowship with God.

Apostate- a fully mature believer that has partaken, or has come to the full knowledge of who God is, what is expected of them, and the consequences. He or she has witnessed the promises and goodness of God, through miracles, enlightenment, heavenly gifts, possessing the evidence of the Holy Spirit, and the powers of the coming age; yet, has willfully and deliberately, turned his or her back against God, for other myths, idols, or the return to worldly pleasures, without ever desiring to come to repentance.

Saved- a new, maturing, or matured believer, that has been introduced to the message of Jesus Christ, and has accepted Him as Lord and Savior of their lives, showing evidence of their acceptance through their lifestyle, in being obedient towards Jesus Christ, showing a continual repentance towards temptations and sin, sharing the gospel with others, seeking out spiritual growth through personal study, church attendance, community and church help, fellowship, and prayer.

Although each term vastly differ in their meanings, none of them are without sin. Sin has its place in our lives whether one is saved or unsaved. All believers or nonbelievers have the ability to change either for the better or for the worse. However, it is scary to acknowledge that an apostate believer has no chance of ever coming back around to repentance, after already being exposed to the full truth.

Nevertheless, opting to remain in Biblical ignorance isn't an excuse to relieve people of the moral obligation to seek the truth, in fear of being held accountable for the truth that they would be exposed to. Ignorance does not imply innocence; if that was the case, the Bible would not teach us that there is an urgent need for the truth behind the gospel to be spread. Just as a lost person can be saved; a saved person can become lost; they are interchangeable.


Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Doubt in itself is a TRUST issue. Somewhere, someone or something isn't trusted. However, mistrust isn't necessarily a bad thing; but in fact, it is a red flag alerting you to give what you are doubting a deeper analysis. Doubt can only be two things: a warning to back away from a potentially harmful circumstance, or an area of weakness within yourself that is in need of strengthening. Either way, your doubt may surface, God is capable of protecting you from both, and bringing about the best for, around, and in you (Romans 8:28). The problem comes when it is 'HARD to trust God', and 'not trusting Him', comes easy. When fear overtakes you to the point where you can't believe in what will deliver you; a stronghold takes place, locking your mindset to the belief that the circumstance is LARGER and MIGHTIER, than the possibility of having any chance of a better outcome. When this occurs, no longer is the circumstance a threat, but the doubt itself. Doubt can be not only hazardous, but contagious. It takes only one person to speak of doubt, before another begins to doubt, then another, then another, and before you know it, there is a domino effect taking place, digging a deeper grave of death for what is clearly a GOD SIZE PROMISE. Take for instance, the Israelite's journey into the promise land, flowing with prosperity; God clearly told the Israelite's that He would deliver them from the giants within the land, reigning them into victory, giving the land to them as He promised.  However, a few began doubting the possibilities of God's Word, after hearing of the challenges they would face that were spied out by Joshua and Caleb. One began to weep and complain, and then another, before long, the entire camp, except for a few, were left weeping and complaining. Although, God had protected the Israelite's from Pharaoh while fleeing Egypt, by parting the Red Sea, feeding them daily with Manna, keeping their clothing from becoming tattered and worn out, and guided them by a cloud by day, and a pillar of fire by night, with a host of other miracles... they refused to believe in His ability to continue with His provisions (Numbers 11). Doubt if not rectified, can steal, kill, and destroy any and all of what God has in store for a person as a blessing. The Israelite's of that generation were left to their doubt, and remained in the wilderness until all of them, except for Joshua and Caleb, died. Yet, God kept His promise of giving the Israelite's the promised land by giving it to their next generation.

Have you ever seen the photo where a horse is tied to a plastic chair as it stands as if it is impossible to escape while it reads, "Sometimes the chains that prevent us from being free are more mental than physical"? Well, that is about the jest of doubt. If one can clearly see red flags directing one to move away from a potential harmful situation, then take that doubt as intuition, a cautioning of the Holy Spirit. However, if that doubt is only because you feel like you cannot rescue yourself and the situation will just overtake you, then you are dealing with a doubt of fear, due to poor reasoning. Doubt is passive and aggressive if left to itself. Fear lowers expectations and outlook. God is active and manifesting.. Not trusting God, will lead to poor choices. If you believe that if you step out on faith, God will not respond; you are certainly, in the passive and aggressive zone. Nonetheless, you don't want to make the mistake in trusting God for something He didn't promise; that is why it is important to know His Word, lining your will up to His will. We often enough find ourselves walking our own way of life for what we desire out of it, without consulting God, asking him to direct our paths towards His perfect will for our lives. Thus, we find ourselves like the Israelite's left in the wilderness, being unproductive, facing giants, weeping, complaining, blaming faith and God. God's love and mercy for us renews everyday; He is never lacking in faith towards us. We give up on God because we believe we can trust ourselves more since our faith to believe in what we can see is more promising; although, limited, versus a force in what we cannot see, that doesn't prove to have any limitations, with all the possibilities, that we are incapable of doing ourselves. It is a person who has been tried against their own measure with the power of God that know that God will reveal Himself BIG AND MIGHTY for those who really seek BELIEF beyond their own willpower (John 14:15, 14:21, Proverbs 8:17, Romans 10:20).


Wednesday, May 27, 2015


As humans, we can get caught up in judging others as to whether or not they are worthy of our attention, friendship, relationship, or influence; however, that is not correct way of conforming to Christ. Christ Himself, interacted with those who were of poor character, and those who were considered to have 'good' character. His reasons for interacting with them both were for the same reasons: to create a personal relationship between them, to introduce the Father and His Will to them, to bring revelation into their lives to bring about repentance, to heal and restore, while growing the circle of harvester's by creating disciples. Yet, the BIGGER PICTURE is that He did not look towards any of them as being an example to live by because ALL were short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Have you ever heard people say, or even thought for yourself, to be a follower of some supposedly Christian idol that seemed to have it altogether? How about being like Paul, David, or even Solomon??? Maybe being like well-known leaders like; Billy Graham, T.D. Jakes, or Paula White??? Unfortunately, all of these people and others are also under the umbrella of falling short of the glory of God. No one knows the struggles that these individuals live (d) in their lives on a daily basis, except for some of those in which God shared some of their history. Have you ever heard of the saying, "Everything that shines like glitter ain't gold?" There is truth to that statement. Who's to say what these admirable people do behind closed doors??? Why wouldn't they fall to temptation or be without perfection, when they're still humans,which Christ died for??? Even for myself, as an Ambassador for Christ, I have fallen short in areas of my life, not just past, but present. Those who are created by God, are not God Himself, nor gods, so with that said, we are all imperfect compared to Him, and His glory. I wouldn't want one person to try and follow my lead in life, not even my own two children, because my lead would get questioned at times (just being REAL). Jesus did not want others following His lead except that it be by the commandments of God. Several times in the Bible He'd say, "If anyone wanted to follow Me, they must take up their cross" (Mark 8:34-38, Matthew 16:24, Acts 17:11) What did Christ mean by taking up their cross? He meant that one must deny themselves like He denied Himself to give reverence to the Father by following after what God commanded. Christ wrestled with temptations and trials as they came; for, He was born of flesh like ourselves, but what kept Him, was focusing His sight only on what would please the Father, by meditating, speaking, and acting, on His Word. Thus, our hearts nor eyesight should be focused upon other people's advancement in the Kingdom of God, but upon our own selves that we may be more and more like Christ who lived by the expectations of God. One should not compare themselves or others, to the growth of another, in Christ, because everyone's growth is at as their own pace, as God continues to do a great work within each of our lives individually; each of our lives are uniquely different, and are challenged at different angles, speeds, and tensity, based on what God knows about our history, our own beginning and end. Yet, we should not give room nor excuse for sin that is clearly printed out for us in God's Word, as we seek to grow in Him, even when reaching out to those who are lost. Similarly, when reaching out to others, our reasons should be the reasons for which Christ reached out, and not to make anyone to conform to who we are in Christ, but to Who God Is.


Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Ever wonder what the root cause of criticism is? Why is it that only certain people criticize you, or why there are only certain people that you criticize? How about the effects of criticism on your life, the life of others, and the life between the criticizer and God?

Criticism is defined as the act of expressing disapproval and of noting the problems or faults of a person or thing: the act of criticizing someone or something. Criticism can be deserved or undeserved, positive or negative, the building up or the tearing down, gossip, direct, or indirect. Either way criticism comes about; there is always an underlying factor, other than the person or thing that presents a fault, which is the real reason for the critical attitude. Some reasons may include to encourage or motivate others, to feel superior than others, to manipulate others to gain control where one perceives that control may be lost, a persons mood triggered by some other threat, disappointment, or hormone change in which they use another individual as the target to blow off steam, to limit or damage another's reputation due to envy or resentment, a lack in skills in knowing how to communicate an unmet need, unforgiveness of past or present hurts or disappointments, impatience, the list can go on. However, one key factor that remains consistent about criticism is that God views it as sin. Why? Because criticism rarely has anything to do with another person's fault; but instead, the decision to possess a negative attitude because someone else's fault is different than ones own personal fault. The Lord has said in Romans 3:23 that all have fallen short of His glory. There isn't one person alive or deceased from the past or present that hasn't had some type of fault of their own; the reason why Christ came to atone our shortcomings. God's original design of man was perfection and without fault; we are created in His image. Yet, the desire to go against God's moral law was found as the ultimate fall within man's heart, being the gateway to many transgressions. Unlike God, who is able to see all man's faults because He is holy; man can only perceive the faults of others, which often are not faults at all, but a shortcoming within the criticizer themselves.

God commands that we be slow at finding faults in others, while being quick at giving grace through forgiveness towards those who offend us. Choosing to criticize in His eyesight makes one guilty of one of His seven sins that He detests and views as an abomination, "Feet that race to sow discord amongst his brothers" (Proverbs 6:19). When Aaron and Miriam made the mistake of criticizing their brother Moses; God came down in a cloud to defend Moses, and afflicted Miriam with leprosy (Numbers 12). The root cause of criticism can stem from unforgiveness, a need to self exalt, bitterness, envy, resentment, careless words from an unbridled tongue, or a need to control and gain something. In the beginning, I did mention that criticism can be positive or deserved... from that viewpoint ... criticism can sometimes be what is called; constructive criticism, in which words are chosen carefully, and without malice, to bring about a positive result, in regards to someone else's weakness, to bring about strength. For example, maybe you have a partner that is an excessive spender, and doesn't manage their finances too well; there you will find room to criticize, especially if the money that he or she spends is joint. In this case, criticism is not only deserved, but can bring about the possibility of a more positive outcome in the future. God would expect from you to address the situation because He has said where there is offense, let it be known to your brethren; yet, He says to do it with the intentions of making peace (Matthew 18:15). Yelling, screaming, name calling, cursing, demeaning, slapping, punching, manipulation, belittling, or demanding, isn't going to bring about the right change; but instead, will most likely cause the situation to blow out of control, and destroy the relationship altogether, due to damaged emotions. For the Lord has said that it is harsh words that stir anger, and soft words that turns away wrath (Proverbs 15:1). The best way to go about it is to let your disapproval be known with a solution that can work for you both. Proverbs 14:30 says, "A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy is rottenness to the bone". When we feel the need to criticize in way that is harmful, we should be quick to repent, and ask God to guide our words as the Holy Spirit gives way; for, we all will be held accountable for every word that we have said, or even thought, but didn't say (Matthew 12:36). We are not to think highly of ourselves where we feel that we can say what we want, when we want. We must be mindful that our emotions are untrustworthy and can give us the wrong attitude, which will be damaging to ourselves because we are not being who we are in Christ, and conforming to a practice of having a critical attitude. It can be damaging to our relationships with others by planting a seed of bitterness and resentment, or burning bridges with people who we love, love us, who can be of help to us in the future. We also damage our relationship with God, who cannot commune with anyone who is unwilling to repent of acts that offend Him. Even Aaron addressed his wrongful attitude by acknowledging his act of criticizing Moses to be foolishness and sin (Numbers 12:11). A critical attitude is dishonoring, displeasing, unholy, and lacking truth in the eyesight of God. He wants our thoughts to be taken captive to obey Him, and focus only on those things that are excellent and of good report (2 Corinthians 10:5, Philippians 4:8) because we don't know all aspects of a situation as to why something is what it is, only God knows. If we find it difficult to bridle our tongue, God expects for us to ask Him for His help, and that we pray that He reveal to us other critical aspects of our attitudes that are not a part of His body, which works together for the glory of Him.


Thursday, March 12, 2015


When one hears; Coveting, the first thought to come to one's mind may be the act of stealing. However, stealing and coveting have two different meanings. To take something that doesn't belong to you, would be stealing. To want or desire more of what you already have, want to have, don't need to have, or what someone else has is Coveting. Coveting may appear to be harmless because it's basically only a desire. Yet, desires can and often run out of control leading to other sins such as jealousy, rage, lying, greed, stealing, envy, lust, murder, infidelity, and idolatry. Coveting is major problem because it is always the underlying cause for people feeling that their needs are unmet; an insult to God's grace of provisions. Coveting is so much of an offense to God that it is listed as the last of the Ten Commandments; although, not considered the least (Exodus 20:2-17).

Coveting is one of the main reasons why there is so much monetary and emotional debt in the world. Everyone wants more of what they already have, more than what someone else has, some of what they don't need, part or all of what someone else has. And because there is so much wanting, there amongst the people, is found quarreling and fighting, because someone or something is in the way of them getting to what they want. Does this have anything to do with the end times where people will become more calloused in heart, self-centered, puffed up, and lovers of themselves? Absolutely not. The first sign of coveting began when man was created. Adam and Eve desired to covet more knowledge over the gift of life (Gen 3:1-7). Ahab and Jezebel desired Naboth's vineyard; although, they were wealthy and well off (1 Kings 21). Judas desired silver over the life of the Messiah (Matt 27:3-5). Ananias and Sapphira desired wealth more than honesty (Acts 5:1-11). David desired sexual immorality with Bathsheba over his anointing and righteousness (2 Sam 11). Samson desired the fancy of beautiful ladies over his anointing and strength (Judges 16). Esau desired a bowl of soup over his own birthright (Gen 25:29-34). Mariam desired jealousy over her brother Moses due to wanting to be used by God in a greater measure (Num 12). The list can go and on... With each desire for coveting; there also other sins were manifested, and where God's anger burned against the guilty. Understand that God isn't against people desiring; He is against desires that go after right or wrong things, for the wrong reasons, at the wrong time, and for the wrong amount. Can you think of any times when you have wanted someone or something without the right intentions? Or maybe it was for the right intentions, but it belonged to someone else? Maybe it didn't belong to someone else, and it was left to your option, but you didn't really need it; yet, you possessed it anyways? Ever needed more shoes? more clothes? more make-up? a bigger house? a fancier car? the better cell phone? louder bassed out sound system? a more handsome husband or gorgeous wife? Someone else's husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend? a greater title? a higher position? Does anything you are seeking more of have pride attached? competition? the desire for some type of glory, status, attention, or insatiate lust?

Everything reaps what it sows right? Well, coveting reaps the wilderness because what is sowed is a seed of wrongful desire. Coveting is nothing more than temptation, and temptation always leads to destruction and ruin. Mark 7: 21:23 lists coveting with sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness, senseless, and harmful desires. Having the desire for more does not bring satisfaction, but instead, leads to wanting even more, while becoming more and more dissatisfied with God and His provisions, giving one the feeling of being self-sufficient, from being puffed up. Here's how God sees it, "We cannot take anything with us when we die". Senseless desires are for nothing. One burns and burns for more and more, never coming to the end of being satisfied, while running themselves down to the ground, emotionally, physically, mentally, financially, spiritually, for absolutely nothing in the end. 1 Timothy 6:7, "After all we brought nothing with us when we came into the world, and we can not take anything with us when we leave it". Ecclesiastes 5:15, "We all come to the end of our lives as naked and empty-handed as on the day we came". Job 1:21, "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will leave this life". James 4:14, "Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away". God desires that our reasoning for our own desires be that we remain content with what He gives us, and rejoice in Him who has always been, is , and will forever be, versus our possessions which weren't with us in the beginning, made us restless during our days with it, and which will one day leave us again. When we place our focus on God, He promises to add everything to us according to our needs during each season of our lives here on earth; the contentment and joy, will come to the point where there will be no room left for coveting to take root (Philippians 4:19).


Thursday, February 26, 2015


Babylon the historical enemy of Israel will once again try to rise. It will set itself up high to restore its old laws, bringing about corruption, to all those who dare to take share in drinking from its wicked ways; for, it is the capital set against the world, the throne of the adversary. Babylon had been in the Old Testament, and will be again according to the New Testament, a defiling government of immoral political, economical, and religious influence. As like a prostitute, it will entice, seduce, and lead other governments into perversion and disobedience in regards to sanctity, through idolatry, murder, sorcery, sexual immorality, and thievery, as it did before.

Leviticus 26:1

"Do not make idols or set up an image or a sacred stone for yourselves, and do not place a carved stone in your land to bow down before it. I am the LORD your God.

Revelation 13:7

So they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.

Revelations 9:21

Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts.

A spirit of idolatry will sweep the world as every state across the world forces its people to give their allegiance to worshiping them first before any other god or God Himself. Where there is resistance to loyalty; there will be savaging murder. People will be killed for refusing to accept the mark of the beast, renouncing their god or God, and giving loyalty to their state. However, those who do give themselves over; give themselves over to participating in sorcery in which their life will be governed, and unto sexual immorality, where they will be given permission to fulfill their lusts and desires as they will, contrary to the Word of God. Where a  man's heart is allowed to run wild with evil, sin of all sorts can be found there. A man that lies, will steal. A man that steals will kill. A man that kills will be judged. All those who hold a rebellious and unrepented heart will have nothing left for themselves but the hope and confidence of God's wrath, because the whoredom of Babylon will come to an end.

Job 21:20

Let his own eyes see his destruction; let him drink of the wrath of the Almighty.

God Wills not to come second to anything that He has created. One cannot say to God that something or someone that He created is greater than Him or do more than Him; for, that is to say that something or someone is a better hope than God. Nothing that God has created, has created itself, nor does it control its own life, or destiny before itself. It is God and God only that is sovereign, and above all else. Not medicine, education, wisdom, social services, science, nor government, keep God from being our Creator, and our Judge. God is life in its beginning, its existence, and its end.  Only God can bring about perfection and paradise. Because of this truth; Babylon will be brought down to an end. God will not stand to tolerate sin any longer, after thousands of years, of being patient with man, and giving every opportunity for repentance. The ungodly will have to drink of the wrath of God through eternal punishment of fire and burning sulfur. God must punish the ungodly for they punished those who were not guilty of doing anything wrong...

Jeremiah 49:12

This is what the LORD says; "If those who do not deserve to drink the cup must drink it, why should you go unpunished? You will not go unpunished, but must drink it.

Revelation 14:10

He, too, will drink of the wine of God's fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. He will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb.

Revelation 14:11

And the smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


There is so much to take in when it comes to the Great Tribulation: the antichrist, God's wrath, the destruction of the world and its resources, blood shed on blood shed. One will wonder will there be any other hope besides the rapture; the answer is found in Chapter 14 of Revelation.

The redeemed will have the guarantee of inheriting God's Kingdom, living a life of eternity with their Lord and Savior, the Lamb slain for their sins; Jesus Christ. "Now if we are children, then we are heirs-heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory" (Romans 8:17). The redeemed will also have the glorious privilege of hearing God's voice, no longer wondering what His voice sounds like nor if they are truly hearing from God. "But I heard the sound of His words; and as  soon I heard the sound of His words, I fell into a deep sleep on my face, with my face to the ground" (Daniel 10:9).

The redeemed will be sealed with the name of God being identified with God and Christ because they refused to receive the mark of the beast. For this reason, the redeemed will sing a song of VICTORY before all of Heaven. They will sing with joy of overcoming the Antichrist through evil and death. "For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21). To live for Christ is to is to be a true woman or man, wholeheartedly committed to God, forsaking worldly ways, sin, and the Antichrist. In them, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, isn't found, only the heart to be like Christ. "Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires" (Galatians 5:24)

The redeemed will consist of 144,000 Jews that will turn from their unrepentant heart to a heart of repentance, obedience, belief, and acceptance, along with a countless number of gentiles. Peter said, "We have left everything to follow you!" (Mark 10:28). Christ spoke, "In the same way, any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14:33). "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me" (John 10:27). The fact is, the gospel will have been preached throughout the whole world, as Christ prophesied, "And because lawlessness will be increased, love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come" (Matthew 24:12-14). Not only will the two witnesses from Heaven preach the gospel (Revelation 11), but the remnant of the 144,000 Jews, and gentiles will also preach. No true follower of Christ, remains silent on spreading the gospel to others due to obedience, rebirth, the Holy Spirit, the glory of God, and the love for others. "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, And teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age" (Matthew 28:19-20).

Thursday, February 12, 2015


Whether a person chooses Christianity or not; they will choose to dedicate their life, esteem, or honor to someone or something. People naturally seek something greater than themselves to follow. That greatness will be found in a deity, a person, or some form of materialism. We can all use our own personal discernment as to what may we may consider true, false, or bizarre, when it comes to judging others on their choice of reverence; however, do we judge ourselves fairly when it comes to our own personal allegiance?! Many will say, "Yes, I have chosen the right God. He is true, alive, all knowing, merciful, full of grace, honest, giving, and unfailing when it comes to love". Yet, would God feel the same way about you?! Would He see you as true, alive, all knowing, merciful, full of grace, honest, giving, and unfailing when it comes to love? One may argue back, "All have fallen short of His glory", according to Romans 3:23. God is a loving God, and will overlook my faults, because if He didn't, He wouldn't be demonstrating love, nor His promise of forgiveness".

First, let's get the understanding that God is as 1 John 4:8 states, "Love". To demonstrate that He is love; God forgives, shows mercy, grace, bears honesty and truth, and gives succeedingly and above, all that we could ever ask. In addition, God refuses to cast shadows; He remains the same today, as He was yesterday, and even into tomorrow (James 1:17). From reading His Word; the Old Testament to the New Testament, it is revealed to us, that He is a God of justice for injustice, sometimes allowing injustice to bring about justice. For this reason, we have been taught, when God corrects, He is also demonstrating love. His Word states, "Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them" (Proverbs 13:24). The rod isn't necessarily an object that spanks, but is also His Word that pierces as a double edge sword, bringing about correction. His Word and Love, are one in the same. His love and Word cannot and will not falter when it comes to correcting His children. If He did not discipline His children; what kind of Father would He be, not to live by His very own Words, of what love is? Which brings us to our lesson...

Some of us know His Word, and do all that we can to live by His Words, while doing wrong in other areas of our lives feeling as if God's love secures us. We know God is merciful, and full of grace; yet, fail to remember that that same love also rebukes, and corrects. His love will never allow His children to run in a way where they become difficult, and lack self-control. One can never be seen as good enough based on past goodness; our goodness from the past does not serve as a rain check for days when we don't feel like shining. To feel or believe that it does, is a form of self-righteousness, and false security. Nor will God accept us by any good works that we do. God isn't concerned about the good works that we do as much as He is concerned that we live a good life. A good life is to live as Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ did not have days where He took opportunities to rely back on former days of good behavior, or serving others. He made a deliberate act to do good and serve others everyday, as a new day, with the former days were treated as forgotten; a renewal of forgiveness. We all know right from wrong, whether we read our bible, or not. We know right from wrong, no matter what deity, person, or materialism we choose to give our respects too because God has placed His Spirit within us all; the reason why we breathe. To feel secure in our relationship with God because we possess His Word within our home, car, church, or workplace, while sometime taking time to engage in its reading; is foolish. God does not take any delight in us possessing and reading His Word, but delights in us living His Word which demonstrates our love to Him (3 John 1:4). In addition, God takes no delight in man professing their love to Him, nor to others about Him, than He delights in man showing others in their behavior as witnesses before Him, that we love Him. Furthermore, He takes no delight when men teach others His Word, without them living the Word for themselves. You see, when we carry his Word, profess our love to Him or about Him to others, do good works, go to church, pray, and sing, without a true inward heart to do what God requires of us, we live to be what is called; a Religionist. We are doing nothing more than practicing rituals that leave us blinded in darkness. There is absolutely no salvation nor forgiveness for those who may even die in this state of unbelief. It is unbelief, because the person feels that if they ignore, neglect, or push away the written consequences of God's love for wrong actions, they would not be held accountable, based on their record of rituals, that were thought to build them up in the eyes of God (Mark 7:6, Isaiah 29:13, Matthew 23:23, John 9:41). Can you imagine the many that are dying everyday, every night, who believed they were saved, but were actually ritualized, which left them unchurched, unbaptized, unborn in the Spirit?! To be in that state, would leave a person to be false, dead, ignorant, dishonest, self-centered, without mercy, without grace, and without love. Those whose eyes are open, who see, and know what it means to be a true believer; actually places judgment on those who are only ritualized, and those who are ritualized bring glory, and acceptance to those who are truly believers. We cannot afford to think for even one second that God's love will not reach us in acceptance or judgment, if we choose to do what is right or we choose to do what is wrong. Every Word of God MUST and WILL come to pass to demonstrate His love towards us. What love does God have for us if He does not care about injustice? For His love uses what is just to vindicate injustice.



Tuesday, February 3, 2015


The antichrist as the false prophet, has only one agenda in mind; to gain world control. He will depend on both identities to bring about a one world order. As a priest or minister, he will serve as a spokesman, uniting the loyalty and reverence, of all nations and tribes, through charismatic and persuasive speech, perpetrating as an angel of light, and as an ambassador for Jesus Christ, while performing miraculous signs and wonders, as an indicator that his words are true. As the son of perdition, he will use the spirit of Satan as gateway to supernatural knowledge, wisdom, and intelligence, to achieve world peace, and restoration, for a period of three and half years. Hence, the underlying plan is to reestablish the Old Roman Government, where the people were coerced into giving their allegiance and worship to the state; willfully, or by slaughter, by means of decapitation. To distinguish those of loyalty and disloyalty, a certificate was issued to those who bowed before the state, pledging their allegiance yearly, before a state officer. However, in addition to the old form of the Roman government, a mark of the antichrist will be branded upon the forehead or right hand, of those who pledge allegiance to him, during the Great Tribulation. Without his mark as a form of certificate, a person will not be allowed to buy or sell food, merchandise, or land. Nonetheless, no other religion will be placed above the worship of the antichrist; neither, Hindu, Buddhism, Islam, Mormonism, Judaism, Christianity, or any other, will be permissible. All those who rebel against giving their first allegiance to the beast will be considered infidels, subjected to being slayed. Yet, despite the intrusiveness, and brutality, many will worship the antichrist without resistance; overwhelming fear and sorrow behind, increased terroristic activities, wars, famine, sickness and disease, crime, immorality, and all forms of wickedness, will have people at the brink of desperation, in search of hope, peace, and restoration, something that the antichrist will offer.

Before going further into this topic; let's bring clarity to the symbolism that is used in Revelation 13 to describe his character and traits:

The antichrist is said to have 7 heads (Rev 13:1) - his knowledge will be massive, possessing unusual wisdom, it will be 7 times more powerful than any former major political ruler, to include Hitler. 7 represents: finality, completion, fullness.

The antichrist is said to have 10 horns (Rev 13:2)- horns represent power. He will possess power over ten nations that he will rule over. Some will be in the areas of the Middle East, and Europe.

The antichrist is said to be wearing 10 crowns (Rev 13:3)- crowns symbolize authority. As before, He will possess power and authority over 10 nations; first three nations, and then in the latter, seven added. Biblically his crowns are referred to as the horns of the beast.

The antichrist is said to have 10 blasphemous names upon his 7 heads (Rev 13:4)- He will be blasphemous in fullness against God, believers, and all people of the world.

The antichrist is said to possess the traits of a lion, bear, leopard, and beast (Rev 13:2)-
Lion: his voice will be loud, sweeping the entire world, full of blasphemy, fear, ripping people apart.

Bear: his rage and agenda will cover large masses of the earth, gripping every nation, tribe, and tongue, until they submit or die.

Leopard: the intensity behind his spots regarding his character will not change: pure evil, wickedness, darkness, deception, desolation, and savaging; yet, appealing and striking to behold in esteem, the eye, the heart, and mind.

Beast: he will be a combination of all four of the former traits of the Roman empire: Babylon, Medo Persia, Greece, and Rome; instituting the worship of the state.

Gold: he will be desired by the world, very appealing, but unstirred in emotions concerning their suffering.

Bronze: he will be strong and mighty, resistant to indifference and cruelty.

Silver: he's easily corrupted, set apart for his own compromise in giving and taking, while others will give and take as he gives influence to them.

Iron: people will be easily drawn to him, forming allied states under his government as one.

Altogether, the Antichrist will win favor with the ungodly and wicked people, the unbelievers, the hopeless, and the fearful. His characteristics and traits will bring him the ability to persuade others, the power to be blasphemous, while persecuting all religions, the ability to subdue all nations due to military and economical strength, and wealth. The people will even create an image of him, in which Satan will give power to the image to speak. There will be no other man or beast like him in history past or present, who is worshiped and honored, under the True and Living God. As so much, that he boldly sets himself upon the throne in the temple of God in Jerusalem, calling himself; God. And made to appear to be resurrected after a flesh wound of some sort is miraculously healed. For these reasons, the True and Living, Lord and Savior; Jesus Christ, will come down from the third Heaven, and reclaim all that is His, avenging all the deaths of the believers that remained steadfast, and true to their love and faith in Him, as martyrs. The Antichrist, the false prophet, the abomination that causes desolation, will be thrown into the everlasting fire that will consume him for eternity, along with those who were his followers and willfully accepted his mark.


Thursday, January 29, 2015


Being spiritual minded versus carnal minded, relying on God for all your needs, and living in a way of godliness where God isn't hindered to respond to your prayers.

Unconfessed sin, unforgiveness, lack in faith, mistreating others, complaining about God and His provisions.


God has to work behind the scene. What you are asking in prayer may take time and preparation; the gift will be received according to its season. For example: you may be asking for a certain position that you applied for; God may need to remove some people who are transitioning to their great new blessing, or who are failing at their task, or who may impose a threat towards you, or He may be awaiting that new person in management who will be the one that finds favor in you. There are many reasons as to why God may not give us something right away. For instance, another example may be that you are stuck in traffic, trying to make it to an important engagement, or emergency, when you find yourself asking for God's help to get you there in a timely manner; however, consider that the delay may be God's way of protecting you, or someone else, from an impending danger, that neither you nor the other person foresees. 

On the other hand, God may be saying, "Wait or No", to your prayer. "Wait", may be that you are not ready to receive what you are asking, or what you are asking isn't ready to be given to you, or what you are asking, isn't God's very best for you so, you're left waiting for that greater blessing He has in store for you. For example: you are praying for a godly wife or husband, but you yourself are not living godly in some area of your life; God won't place His children with children of disobedience. Or maybe God has someone in mind for you, but that person isn't ready to receive you; they are still in the process of conforming, transitioning, or being placed in alignment so, the two of you cross paths. Reasonably, what you think you want, God instead prepares to give you what you need; the Holy Spirit often intercedes for us in prayer, when we don't know what to pray. As a final note, be sure that you're asking with the right motive; for God's glory, and not self-centered, self-glorified requests, that are always denied.


God is offended by prayers that don't ask for much. God likes to,"FLEX HIS POWER". His heart is touched by prayers that sound impossible to do! The BIGGER your prayer; the MORE GLORY He gets out of it for His name sake.


Confess your sins, and repent from them. Forgive others that have transgressed against you. Go to any person that you may have offended, and seek to reconcile your relationship. Come to God knowing what you want, and expecting to receive; without faith, you won't stand before God approved. He doesn't move for those whose faith wavers. Don't stop praying for what you want; instead, continue to pray until He moves. Pray through your prayer by praying outside your ordinary prayer ritual; it shows God that you are serious about your request. Try fasting, or praying when it's a major sacrifice for you (late at night, early in the morning, missing out on something you really wanted to do, or that's routine, or pray more than once a day). Personally, I make it a practice to pray my greatest desires during Passover while fasting.



Pray for an increased passion to pray. Pray for spiritual eyesight, enlightenment, and discernment. Pray that the Holy Spirit reminds you of the armor of God, that you wear it, and use it, during spiritual warfare. Pray for God's help when you are weak, facing trials and temptations. Pray that you always have a thankful heart before God and others; instead, of complaining. Pray for conviction when being lead astray so that you are constantly examining yourself. Pray for self-control. Pray for deliverance. Pray for others: family, friends, co-workers, workplace, churches, pastors, persecuted Christians, new workers for the harvest of souls, nonbelievers, your enemies, the homeless, the addicted, marriages, widows, widowers, associates, the abused, the neglected, orphans, the sick, the heartbroken, backsliders, the spiritually lost. Pray for disciples to come to you, that you can mentor, be a good witness too, and who will help spread the teachings of Jesus Christ.


Tuesday, January 27, 2015


 Yes, God does hear our complaints; which isn't a good thing.

Absolutely nothing is wrong with feeling annoyed, irritated, or overwhelmed about a circumstance; however, talking negatively about it, has no worth other than being a means to transgression.

Numbers 11:1-4 states, "And when the people complained, it displeased the Lord: and the Lord heard it; and His anger was kindled; and the fire of the Lord burnt among them consumed [them that were] in the uttermost of the camps".  

Why would God rebuke so harshly for complaints?

God hates complaining because by it there is no faith found, but only the forsaking of His name, and the forgetfulness of His wondrous works. Let's face it; we all are guilty of complaining whether it's due to family, friends, medical, finances, workplace, traffic, friends, .... all life's issues. And regardless to our complaints, it did not change our circumstance any better than when the circumstance first began. If anything, it just excited our anger or disappointment even more, until we were worse off with feeling drained, frustrated, sick, or repetitive in our behavior. In addition, we often found ourselves in a heated argument with someone else over careless words or actions we may have used, while shifting blame.

Do you see why God hates complaining?

Complaining offers no solutions to bringing resolve to any circumstance. It also says to God, "This is something you don't possess power to change". 

God's response to us is:

Matthew 6:25-34 "Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds in the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

Philippians 4:6-7 "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for what He has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything that we could understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

How does God compensate complaining, and the lack of trust in Him?

He will give us what we want but with trouble added. The trouble isn't because He hates us, but to rebuke us for our impatience, lack in trust, love, and reverence towards Him, to lessen our thoughts of self-righteousness, and arrogance, to place our focus back on His goodness, and His grace that He has provided for us at present, and the past. (Psalms 106, Numbers 11)

What does He expect us to do when we feel a need to complain?

God wants you to come to Him and speak on your pain, ask for His help, praise Him for what He has already done for you in the past, and what things you do not suffer because He has blessed your life. He also wants you to state that you trust Him, while committing yourself to praising Him, and sharing about Him to others, passing on His knowledge and instructions, during the process that He works things out for you (Romans 8:28). 

How does praising God resolve my circumstances?

God delights in those who remembers His name, "I will rescue those who love Me. I will protect those who trust in My name. When they call on Me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them. I will reward them with a long life, and give them my salvation" (Psalm 91:14). By following God's instruction; He will bless your life.

When it comes to complaining; we should allow our words to be few, and set our minds only on  things that are positive, and of God's truth. Complaining brings negativity to the atmosphere, before you realize it, it will have passed from person to person, causing bitterness, depression, hostility, and a room full of other grumblers. Furthermore, it will later cause the first person to complain to appear foolish when things are finally brought to a resolve. We should always seek to understand a situation before airing our own self-centered opinions. The Word of God says, "For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned" (Matthew 12:37).  Yes, God is saying that He will judge us by our words, but also keep in mind,  positive words bring favor, while foolish words always bring defeat; we end up hurting ourselves, God, and others around us.  


Wednesday, January 21, 2015


What is a family portrait?
A group of well-knowns that have grown over
the years to encourage forged symbolism?
Maybe its the display of fancy frames
and lace that's fashioned with good taste
to compliment a fine furnishing.
Is that why so much work is put into the layout?
What colors to wear, how to style my hair,
and what studio suits the affair?
High gloss, matte, and Kodak trait
cautiously chosen to hide the sentimental
and dark side of true emotions.
Well, if that's the case, may I please step down
so, I don't become a part of this ever-evolving distortion?
I rather be alone sitting in my room
writing my best friend about the love and unity
that is founded by my Heavenly Father.
He has a home that is built on gold and diamonds
that embrace well-planted gardens
and there is little effort to attend His royal palace
for all I have to wear is white.
Don't you know that mercy and forgiveness
will be served as His main course every night?
So, what is the true family portrait?
It's the gathering of all God's children
with His Words painted on the canvas of their hearts.
Written by: Evangelist Gewandra Smith