Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Galatians 4:4-5 reads "But when the proper time had fully come, God sent His Son born of a woman, born subject to the regulations of the Law, to purchase the freedom of those who were subject to the law, that we might be adopted and have sonship conferred upon us, and be recognized as God's Sons."

When we assess the reasons why an appointed attorney recommends that we have a living will in the event of our untimely death; unquestionably, the top reason would be to protect what is most important to us, to be certain that what is most important to us, is handed down to those who are also most important to us. We wouldn't want our valuables distributed to those who are foreign to us, or who don't have our approval for being an appointed authority, or heir, for the reasons that they don't share in our same bloodline, nor have they been given our merited favor to place their hands on our goods.

Another reason for having a will is to keep arguments down on the who, what, and when, which leads us to our next reason; deciding where ones children will go upon our untimely death so that no other said, "higher authority", places them where you don't want them to go. Furthermore, having a will will prevent unnecessary delays in processing what has already been rightfully established and designated to the successor of the presuccessor. Not only will a will give inheritance, but it can be used to disinherit those who would otherwise inherit your estate, but would be the wrong hands for your assets to fall into.

Let's dig deeper into the grounds of having a will... having a will will also prevent things from transpiring that is not intended for certain persons; therefore, allowing your legacy to live on through those who reflect your own values and interests. At anytime during the course that you are still living at the execution of your will, you reserve the right to change your will in the event of unforeseen circumstances that create situations where changing your will is necessary; interstate laws, states that, "without a will, a presuccessor's valuables are at a loss which could end up in the wrong hands". So, it was then, and it is now, the Law, that without a will... there is NO WAY, but with a will... THERE IS A WAY.

Romans 8:14-15 reads, "For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. The Spirit you received does not make you slaves , so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by Him we cry, "Abba, Father." Through the blood of Jesus Christ in which our first DNA was first created; God made it a Will that those who recognized what was important to Him, valuing His values and interests, would become the appointed beneficiaries of His estates. We were all once separated from God, left with nothing to look forward too. Although, it took only one man to lose foot, in which all men fell; one man took His entire body, to restore God's Will. Oxens, sheeps, goats, doves, and unleavened breads could not take the place of rectifying man's sin because they were not a reflection of the image of God, they could not participate in the act of righteousness prevailing over the law, nor were they of the same flesh as man.

Again Galatians 4:4-5 reads,

"But when the proper time had full come, God sent His Son born of a woman, born subject to the regulations of the Law, to purchase the freedom of those who were subject to the Law, that we might be adopted and have sonship conferred upon us, and be recognized as God's Sons."

Because man is God's asset...

He had to make a Will.

Because man is what is important to God...

He had to make a Will.

Because God did not want His children going into the wrong hands...

He had to make a Will.

Because God needed to give man the power appointed authority to place hands on His goods...

He had to make a Will.

Because God had to make it clear about the WHO, WHAT, AND WHEN...

He had to make a Will.

Because God did not want any delays in His adopted Sons and Daughters receiving what is rightfully theirs...

He had to make a Will.

Because God had to disinherit Satan to all his entitlements...

He had to write it in the Will.

Because God needed His legacy to live on through those who reflected His values and interest...

He begot Jesus Christ, and those adopted through His blood, as His Will.

God needed to stop the hands of death from claiming the lives of man who were never intended to die...

So He had to make a Will.

While Jesus was alive, He changed the Will of the Law which was to keep God and Man separated forever through the fall of one man. Jesus changed the Will by living a life of righteousness that reflected the image of God, while being in the flesh of man.



  1. "Jesus changed the Will by living a life of righteousness that reflected the image of God, while being in the flesh of man."

    Amen!Yes,He did.

  2. "Jesus changed the Will by living a life of righteousness that reflected the image of God, while being in the flesh of man."

    Amen!Yes,He did.
