Thursday, October 22, 2015



It is true that the Holy Spirit, that dwells within believers; yearns with intense envy and jealousy for our souls, all the time. However, the most recognizable time of longing is when we are confronted with temptations. We are all subject to fail at conquering some of the fiery darts that WILL come at us daily. When we fail, we are often chastised by the adversary, in our minds, that we are not capable of pleasing God, enduring in strength, renewed in our thoughts and actions, saved, and truly in love with God. We begin to feel that the task of remaining faithful and loyal to God surpasses our ability. Which leaves the question, "What is blocking me from breaking free from what seems like a never ending cycle?"

Let's begin to understand that when you war against temptations; you are not in the battle alone. 1 Corinthians 10:13 tells us, "No temptation has seized you which is not common to man. God is faithful. He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can bear. When you are tempted, He will provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." Most of us, will be confronted by temptations, believing that we alone can deny access to any and all forbidden activities that come our way. However, the word of God says that there is way that seems right unto men, but instead it leads to death (Proverbs 14:12). We have been given the Holy Spirit within us to remind of us the ways of conquering sin. The Holy Spirit speaks to us through our subconscious guiding us away from those things that present themselves harmful to us. Even if we are not practiced in knowing the scriptures, the Holy Spirit still urges us to separate ourselves from what is considerably harmful to our souls and bodies. We have the ability to either adhere to the Holy Spirit or to suppress the voice of the Holy Spirit by choosing to listen or choosing to ignore the forewarning. Our choice in hearing or remaining deaf, determines whether we will be successful at overcoming or falling prey to the enslavement of whatever that sin may be. The book of James, reminds us, that when we are tempted by sin, that is not the time to be complacent, lazy, lighthearted, in denial, to be at ease, joking around, jolly, unconcerned, comfortable, or teasing. Temptations are grievous, and should be handled; accordingly, with self-discipline, self-control, and assertive warfare. Temptations strike us all suddenly and unaware, "Therefore, dear friends, since you already know this, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of lawless men and fall from your secure position" (2 Peter 3:17). We should continually, on a daily basis, be reminded: that Christ is returning at any moment, that we are not to meditate on impure images or fantasies in our minds, that we are to cast our eyes away from lingering on anything that arouses temptations within us, not giving into seducing spirits. Proverbs 1:10 tells us, "My son (daughter), do not be enticed by sinners, do not give in to them. Enticements includes: stealing, murder, gossiping, fornicating, adultery, perverse language, cheating, gluttony and greed, anger, revenge, substance abuse, sexual abuse, domestic abuse, showing impartiality and favoritism, judging, lasciviousness, vandalizing, and so more.

God gives us more and more grace, because He loves us, and has faith in us, although, we often lack faith in Him. Therefore, His undying love should not be held in contempt, but attract and pull you back to Him. God never turns away from us when we fall to sin. However, we turn from God when we fail to do what is expected of us. When we do turn away from Him, God is unable to extend His grace to us, because we have blocked access to Him reaching our souls. Thus, strongholds take place in our lives. We become committed to the enslavement of whatever sin is enticing us; what is of the world, and against God. God does not accept divided loyalty from us. We are either His child, or friends with the world, but we cannot be both. We need God in our lives, directing us in all our ways, because we are not able to control our desires completely, and always, without Him.

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