Tuesday, February 3, 2015


The antichrist as the false prophet, has only one agenda in mind; to gain world control. He will depend on both identities to bring about a one world order. As a priest or minister, he will serve as a spokesman, uniting the loyalty and reverence, of all nations and tribes, through charismatic and persuasive speech, perpetrating as an angel of light, and as an ambassador for Jesus Christ, while performing miraculous signs and wonders, as an indicator that his words are true. As the son of perdition, he will use the spirit of Satan as gateway to supernatural knowledge, wisdom, and intelligence, to achieve world peace, and restoration, for a period of three and half years. Hence, the underlying plan is to reestablish the Old Roman Government, where the people were coerced into giving their allegiance and worship to the state; willfully, or by slaughter, by means of decapitation. To distinguish those of loyalty and disloyalty, a certificate was issued to those who bowed before the state, pledging their allegiance yearly, before a state officer. However, in addition to the old form of the Roman government, a mark of the antichrist will be branded upon the forehead or right hand, of those who pledge allegiance to him, during the Great Tribulation. Without his mark as a form of certificate, a person will not be allowed to buy or sell food, merchandise, or land. Nonetheless, no other religion will be placed above the worship of the antichrist; neither, Hindu, Buddhism, Islam, Mormonism, Judaism, Christianity, or any other, will be permissible. All those who rebel against giving their first allegiance to the beast will be considered infidels, subjected to being slayed. Yet, despite the intrusiveness, and brutality, many will worship the antichrist without resistance; overwhelming fear and sorrow behind, increased terroristic activities, wars, famine, sickness and disease, crime, immorality, and all forms of wickedness, will have people at the brink of desperation, in search of hope, peace, and restoration, something that the antichrist will offer.

Before going further into this topic; let's bring clarity to the symbolism that is used in Revelation 13 to describe his character and traits:

The antichrist is said to have 7 heads (Rev 13:1) - his knowledge will be massive, possessing unusual wisdom, it will be 7 times more powerful than any former major political ruler, to include Hitler. 7 represents: finality, completion, fullness.

The antichrist is said to have 10 horns (Rev 13:2)- horns represent power. He will possess power over ten nations that he will rule over. Some will be in the areas of the Middle East, and Europe.

The antichrist is said to be wearing 10 crowns (Rev 13:3)- crowns symbolize authority. As before, He will possess power and authority over 10 nations; first three nations, and then in the latter, seven added. Biblically his crowns are referred to as the horns of the beast.

The antichrist is said to have 10 blasphemous names upon his 7 heads (Rev 13:4)- He will be blasphemous in fullness against God, believers, and all people of the world.

The antichrist is said to possess the traits of a lion, bear, leopard, and beast (Rev 13:2)-
Lion: his voice will be loud, sweeping the entire world, full of blasphemy, fear, ripping people apart.

Bear: his rage and agenda will cover large masses of the earth, gripping every nation, tribe, and tongue, until they submit or die.

Leopard: the intensity behind his spots regarding his character will not change: pure evil, wickedness, darkness, deception, desolation, and savaging; yet, appealing and striking to behold in esteem, the eye, the heart, and mind.

Beast: he will be a combination of all four of the former traits of the Roman empire: Babylon, Medo Persia, Greece, and Rome; instituting the worship of the state.

Gold: he will be desired by the world, very appealing, but unstirred in emotions concerning their suffering.

Bronze: he will be strong and mighty, resistant to indifference and cruelty.

Silver: he's easily corrupted, set apart for his own compromise in giving and taking, while others will give and take as he gives influence to them.

Iron: people will be easily drawn to him, forming allied states under his government as one.

Altogether, the Antichrist will win favor with the ungodly and wicked people, the unbelievers, the hopeless, and the fearful. His characteristics and traits will bring him the ability to persuade others, the power to be blasphemous, while persecuting all religions, the ability to subdue all nations due to military and economical strength, and wealth. The people will even create an image of him, in which Satan will give power to the image to speak. There will be no other man or beast like him in history past or present, who is worshiped and honored, under the True and Living God. As so much, that he boldly sets himself upon the throne in the temple of God in Jerusalem, calling himself; God. And made to appear to be resurrected after a flesh wound of some sort is miraculously healed. For these reasons, the True and Living, Lord and Savior; Jesus Christ, will come down from the third Heaven, and reclaim all that is His, avenging all the deaths of the believers that remained steadfast, and true to their love and faith in Him, as martyrs. The Antichrist, the false prophet, the abomination that causes desolation, will be thrown into the everlasting fire that will consume him for eternity, along with those who were his followers and willfully accepted his mark.


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