Tuesday, November 25, 2014


A common misunderstanding amongst believers is believing that their faith functions on its own outside them. However, the Word of God was created to be used as a verb; without the Word being forcefully hurled likewise to the enemy's fiery darts; it remains dead, completely useless (James 2:17, 2:26).

Doubt, worry, temptation, discouragement, impure thoughts, habitual patterns, guilt,  job loss, death, financial strains, setbacks, seduction, enticement, greed, illness and infirmities, strife, division, loneliness, rejection, addictions, revenge, jealousy, unforgiveness, and impartiality, are just a few ways in which the adversary burns us with his arrows. God reminds us that when we go through these moments of trials and persecution; it is not from the hands of another human being, but in fact, from the rulers in high places (Ephesians 6:12). We ourselves; although, saved, can be used by Satan to attack another person. It doesn't take possession; just the mere use of words to affluence our minds creating vain imaginations. Many of us, are not equipped to discern when we are being mislead, used, or made a target, because we don't study to recognize the manifestations, nor practice using our armor to become masters. Instead, believers walk around, waiting on God to do something with something He has already given us.

Consequently, the enemy has made a lot of people believe that they are losing their minds, that God doesn't favor them as an individual, that they're a being of perversity, lack self-control, that they are useless to the Kingdom of God, that without society acceptance they are of little to no importance, that they were only created to be made a ridicule or to be used, that they're incapable of change, that they have messed up in their past or present so bad that there is no hope left for them... The common key point that is so often overlooked is this; not only has God given us the names of the enemy: tempter, accuser, father of lies, evil, destroyer, murderer, antichrist, beast, dragon, evil one, god of this age, king of Babylon, lawless one, little horn, man of sin, roaring lion, rulers of darkness, prince of the power of the air, ruler of demons, ruler of the world, serpent of old, son of perdition, thief, wicked one, star, as indication that we will come face to face with opposition, but that fiery darts are targeted at our minds. Our minds give the fiery darts their ammunition. Believers don't have to accept what the enemy propels at them. We can raise our Shield of Faith to act on our faith by using the Sword of the Spirit, to resist worry, fear, doubt, temptation, impure thoughts, and Satan's questioning (Ephesians 6:16). The sword is twofold; it consist of the Holy Spirit reminding us of the Word of God that's applicable to the fiery dart that comes at us, and that we must speak out loud with our mouths, the biblical verses, to demobilize the arrow (s) in mid air. The Sword is the most dangerous weapon against the enemy; he hears the Word, and flees!!!  In addition, as we use the knowledge of the Word against him; we become more conformed to Christ, who first used God's Words against the adversary.

Do not place your focus on thoughts that are of no value to the Spirit, but instead, focus on those things that are of good cheer, purity, and holiness. Satan knows us all, as much, if not better, than we know ourselves; for certain, he knows our weaknesses. He is persistent in breaking down our walls so that he can have complete control of our will through repetitious sins that bring stronger demons to create strongholds; moreover, true believers receive the most fiery darts.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


God's wrath isn't short of mercy. Despite the natural catastrophes that will come as vindication against the ungodly; it's alternative purpose is to bring the ungodly to repentance, an effort to spare them from the final torment of the everlasting lake of  fire. However, the ungodly are not moved by God's persistence. Many will still refuse to turn from their hardened hearts, and wicked ways.
Upon the blast of the fifth trumpet, the key to the Abyss; the bottomless pit, is given over to Satan; the Abaddon and Apollyon (destroyer), from the One (Jesus Christ the Messiah), who is worthy of giving it to him. Satan is no longer restricted from releasing his afflicting demons, and evil spirits, upon the earth.  Once the Abyss is opened; a heavy, far reaching, cloak of smoke, will darken the sky, sun, and moon. The unbelievers will witness their very own asphyxiation through extreme horror and terror of the underworld, they have never seen. Locust the size of horses, faces of humans, long hair as a woman with the appearance of a gold crown, teeth like a lion, stingers as a scorpion, indestructible breastplates, and wings with the sound of many chariots, will afflict them with excruciating pain, that will stay with them for five months. The grief from the poisonous sting will be so intense; the victims will beg to die, but death will flee from them, leaving them to their inevitable torture (Jeremiah 8:3). Many converted believers will witness the wrath of God upon the ungodly, but they themselves will be unharmed by the carnivore locusts; for, they will have the seal God upon their foreheads.
After this comes the blasting of the sixth trumpet, the commencing of the Four Demonic Military Horsemen, bringing with them the intent of fulfilling God's wrath through more bodily harm, as vindication for the heartless and cruel holocaust of His people.  These demonic horsemen will be released from the bottom of the Euphrates River, a river in which the Garden of Eden once stood by, and whose Western land was promised to the father of the nation of believers; Abraham. The Euphrates is the area in which the promised nation of Israel first came into disaster, slavery, and death. Nonetheless, the four horsemen with an army of two hundred million, are assigned to kill one third of the earth's population, who do not have the seal of God upon their foreheads. The army will be wearing indestructible breastplates ranging in the colors of fiery red (human nature and sin), sapphire blue (chastening, teaching, holiness, tabernacle), and yellow sulfur (wisdom, and knowledge). Their horses will have heads and mouths that appear ferocious, cruel, devouring, full of power, and of spitting fire. God's wrath is deserving for the whole entire world will be under the complete control, power, and rebellion of the antichrist. The entire world will be in full support of killing all believers. As of today, there are only specific areas which support the killing of believers, but in the end times, there will be a one world order in which all people will be forced to give their allegiance and loyalty to their state, or be starved to death, and decapitated. God will not stand still in executing His judgment upon those who harm His people. He has recorded an exact date and time in which He will launch His wrath upon all those who reject, ignore, neglect, disbelieve, and mock Him and His people. He will exact toll on those who accept idolatry, practice sorcery, indulge in all kinds of sexual vices and immorality, and unmercifully kill, steal, and cheat. God is bound to His Words. He has spoken that He will vindicate for all believers past, present, and future. He will uphold the blood of Jesus Christ, that is denied, blasphemed, and made light of.
As of year 2014; we are in the times of the Apocalypse, but how far are we from the gate of the Great Tribulation??? Recall that we are the only century of the blood moons, and that there are eight (8 representing a new beginning) tetrads (set of four series) between year 2000 and 2100. No other century before us 1600's, 1700's, 1800's, nor the 1900's, have had blood moons. Acts 2:20 "The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the day of the Lord comes, the great and magnificent day". Revelation 6:12-13 "I watched as He opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, and the stars in the sky fell to the earth..." We have had a tetrad for year 2014 on April 15th on Passover, and on October 8th, during Israel's Feast of Tabernacles. The other two which are a part of the tetrad will appear next; Passover, April 5, 2015, and September 28, 2015, during another Feast of Tabernacle. The next tetrad after 2014-2015, won't appear again until year 2032-2033. In addition, there are also signs during our times of wars, strife, and economical breakdown... Watch the video below which takes place in Egpyt.... remember the four horsemen represented in our earlier study with their symbolism (Rev 6): White-the antichrist, Black-economical breakdown, Red-war, and White-death.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Why hasn't God answered my prayers??? How could God allow this?! I'm not perfect; why keep trying?! Why would God hurt me like this?! Where is God behind all this mess?! I'm doing all that God requires of me... why would He ignore my faithfulness??? I'm outnumbered, and feel all alone, while everyone else is out living and doing all that they please without consequences. He said that He would protect me, but why didn't He??? How can I face my enemy, after boasting about my God, when I appear defeated?! Faith is by hearing; I've heard so, now where is the evidence??? Maybe God's Word isn't for me.
We have all had our doubts as believers. Doubt is normal. However, doubt isn't the final answer. We must remember not only what God has spoken to us behind our faith, but before our faith, "Our faith will be tested". God's tests are not meant to destroy us for He has said, "I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" (Jeremiah 29:11). Job's future certainly did not look like it could be prosperous; in fact, it appeared just the opposite, as if his entire wealth, health, family, and hope, were completely wiped out. In the end, we learn that God held to His promises, and blessed Job beyond what He could have ever hoped for. But if we take a step back to the beginning, "Where did the source of all Jobs problems come from?" (Job 1:7-12) Was it not Satan that spoke against Job, seeking to devour him, before God's own sight? Yet, God allowed Job's faith to be tested, while giving Satan restrictions to the extent of his powers. Job went back and forth with his family and friends as to why God would permit such suffering upon him when he lived his life as an upright, just, and faithful follower. Job began to doubt, wishing that he had never been born (Job 3:1-7). In spite of, Job continued to walk in his imperfect faith, believing that what ever God handed him was justified; although, he lacked understanding. Jeremiah went through his battles with doubt. He stood before endless ridicule before those he shared the gospel with (Jeremiah 20:7-10). The disciples on the road to Emmaus were confused within their faith; one minute Jesus was alive, next dead, then alive again (Luke 24:13-35). Abraham was certainly struck with confusion too; he was promised a son, which was born to become a great nation, but was then told to sacrifice his son to God, only to be stopped in the middle of the process of being faithful (Hebrews 11:17, Genesis 22). Does God just like playing games with His creations??? Are we of such unworth that we can be slighted, ignored, tried through extreme persecution, shaken, and forsaken?! Neither God nor Satan thinks so. In fact, we are of such dire value that it is necessary to prove our worth. When believers fall into sin or doubt; they are being tried at that moment. Times of joy and contentment are seasons that change as all other seasons do. Faithfulness for a day, does not grant believers security in tomorrow's coming. The building of faith is a daily chore. Every new day comes with the responsibility of building a whole new perspective before and after our faith based on the experiences that will come behind the different levels of trials, temptations, and tribulations for that day. How faith worked for one circumstance will be a whole new experience with another. Why? Because our faith has to grow. Like a flower needs sunlight, soil, water, and minerals; faith needs challenges, endurance, perseverance, trust, and patience. Once a believer has mastered a trial; it's TURN UP TIME!!! It's time to restrengthen the strength!!! Satan wants to destroy the hope of believers because in doing so, believers in turn worship him, believing the doubt over God's Word; the author and finisher of our faith. For that reason, believers are to continue to push forward, pass Satan's tactics of destroying our trust in God. Just as Satan tested Job; our faith will be tried, before God's hand will move. And God will certainly MOVE. He esteems His reputation as faithful, and the protector of His people; all trials will not last always. God honors His Word. Yet, accordingly, just as water in a pot does not boil any faster by staring at it, neither does faith deepen by a person remaining content. Reminding ourselves that we are saved, is where we will find our faith, with the knowledge that we are the children of the day, that will never be left in the dark (1 Thessalonians 5:8).

Thursday, November 13, 2014


I don't believe many would disagree with having silence opposed to a lot of noise. By the same token; during the Lord's day of judgment, silence will be the most dreaded event for both man, and Heaven.The season of preliminary birth pains and sorrows with natural disasters, diseases, wars, and economical downfall, will come to a faltering end; not for the better, but for the worse. The sun will have blackened out, the moon changed to blood red, a third of sea life destroyed, a third of the water supply toxin, hills and mountains shifted, volcanic explosions, stars fallen from the sky as meteorites, crops scarce causing starvation, and the New World Order Leader; the antichrist, will have instituted a law in which believers will not be able to buy, sell, or make trade, without receiving the mark of the beast on their forehead or right hand. It will be a time in which believers will be executed by deliberate starvation, and the removing of their heads. Consequently, God moves forward with the seventh seal. Upon the seventh seal, there is absolute stillness; Jesus Christ, the angels, nor any other Heavenly form, moves...speaks...sings...praises, for one half hour. Everything within the Heavens are as if time has stood still as anticipation, suspense, and respect for what God brings forth draws near. Seven angels stand before God as He hands them each a trumpet; the trumpets symbolizing power, within them, their own judgment against the children of disobedience, coming directly from God. These events must come in order that the believers, reigning in Heaven with God, or still upon the earth, during the time of the great distress, are vindicated for their torment, suffering, and unmerciful holocaust. God will move forward to bring repayment upon the evildoers, on account of their wickedness; in addition, He moves to bring upon them repentance, an opportunity to escape the final end of being cast into the everlasting lake of fire. Despite, His power, many will still refuse to turn from their wicked ways. " ' Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and hurled it on the earth; and there came peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning and an earthquake' " (Rev 8:5) There will be a massive thunderstorm that comes with lightning, and intensified earthquakes; the great tribulation, propelled, throughout the universe, from the hurling of the censer, which holds fire and the incense of prayers belonging to the Saints. All people will know that a greater change has occurred. Hail as large as bowling balls mixed with fire and blood will rain down upon them, likewise to the hail that killed many of the Amorites during the war against Israel at Gibeon (Joshua 10:11). A third of the earth, trees, and grass will be burned from the hail (Rev 8:7). " ' I will sweep away everything from the face of the earth." declares the Lord. I will sweep away both men and animals; I will sweep away the birds of the air and the fish of the sea. The wicked will have only heaps of rubble when I cut off man from the face of the earth," declares the Lord ' " (Zep 1:2-3). An interesting note; God always works in thirds. He swept one third of the stars down to earth with Lucifer when he was cast out of Heaven and upon the earth (Rev 12:4) He caused darkness to befall upon Egypt for three days (Exodus 10:21-29). He will cause one third of the water, night, grass, trees, sea life to be destroyed (Rev 8:7). He raised Jesus Christ back to life within three days (1 Corinthians 15:4, Romans 8:11). I would give in theory that the third could represent; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, but again, that's just my reasoning. Upon the blast of the second trumpet; there will be a massive volcanic explosion that will move mountains forcefully into an ocean, which will cause the water to turn blood red, destroying all sea life, and ships, likewise to Exodus 7: 20-21, the plague of the fish in Egypt. To that end, the third trumpet will blast causing the meteor; Wormwood (its name represents idolatry and immorality, which are both bitter to God), to explode over one third of the earth, affecting the water system with poison, killing many upon drinking. Thereafter, the fourth trumpet will blast causing an astronomical eclipse, " ' In that day," declares the Sovereign Lord, "I will make the sun go down at noon and darken the earth to broad daylight' " (Amos 8:9). One third of the sun, moon, and stars will be eclipsed.  Keep in mind that the events are not just means for affliction as they were in Egypt's time of the Exodus, but instead, this will be the timing of God's wrath upon the ungodly, for their ungodliness, to vindicate for believers, and a final attempt to lead them towards repentance. God's wrath will not fall upon believers that convert during the tribulation; for,  they will be sealed with His mark. However, the threat of wrath will not be far from those who belong to Him; for, the unbelievers will end the lives of believers through their own strength.
Trumpets five through seven will be posted: Thursday, November 20th, 2014.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


“‘You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone adorned you: carnelian, chrysolite and emerald, topaz, onyx and jasper, lapis, lazuli,  turquoise and beryl.]Your settings and mountings were made of gold; on the day you were created they were prepared. You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained you. You were on the holy mount of God; you walked among the fiery stones. You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you. Through your widespread trade you were filled with violence,and you sinned. So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God, and I expelled you, guardian cherub, from among the fiery stones. Your heart became proud on account of your beauty,and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings. By your many sins and dishonest trade you have desecrated your sanctuaries. So I made a fire come out from you, and it consumed you, and I reduced you to ashes on the ground in the sight of all who were watching. All the nations who knew you are appalled at you; you have come to a horrible end and will be no more.’” Ezekiel 28:12-19

When the greatest angel (Lucifer) that was ever created was cast out of  Heaven; there fell with him, one third of the other angels that stood with him, believing that he could out reign God, and become His equal (Rev 12:4). God showed no mercy towards the angels that willfully chose to bow down and worship Lucifer. In their foolish rebellion; they quickly learned that God alone was/is Sovereign. From that day forward, those angels were given the eternal curse of forever being governed by Lucifer's iron fist; their minds forever corrupted, with evil, as reprobates, from where it was once holy. (Matt 18:10, Mark 13:32).

Angels are spirits without bodies, given different levels of ranks, thrones, dominions, principalities, and responsibilities in how they serve God, and now Lucifer; yet, they are able to transform their spirits to appear as human beings when need be. Their strength, knowledge, and wisdom surpasses human beings; although, they are not all knowing, omnipresent, nor omnipotent like God (Ps.103:20, Dan 9:21-23,Matt 24:36).  They are immortal, and do not marry, nor reproduce (Matt 22:30). All angels carry the responsibility of being messengers, in which hence the word; Angel, is derived. In addition to being messengers, if they serve and worship God; they praise Him, guide, provide, protect, deliver, strengthen, and encourage humans, answer prayers for God, care for believers at the time of their death, and act as executioners for punishing sin when commanded by God. However, if they belong to Lucifer; they oppress, deceive, possess, afflict and cause infirmities (sickness and disease), kill, destroy, cause strife, discourage, bring doubt, tempt, haunt, cause insanity, belittle, degrade, expose, lure, entice, seduce, cause: addictions, murder, suicide, immorality, and cause confusion, and controlling peoples minds. Demons (the word demon means evil spirit) are only interested in doing the opposite of everything that is holy, pure, and righteous; they are unclean spirits, with individual personalities, and different levels of degrees to their wickedness. Take note; just as humans are assigned angels by God; we are also assigned demons from Lucifer. God clearly tells us in Ephesians 6; that we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but of the rulers, and principalities of darkness, in high places. We could also say; in low places, for Lucifer (Satan), and his angels (demons), are also here on earth, as well as below our feet, within the earth. You may ask, "How is that so??? How can they be in different places at once???" Some demons and Satan, are not bound, and have been given the freedom to roam the earth, and Hell. Only the most profusely corrupted, evil angels, are bound by God, being saved, to be released, for the day of Judgment. Angels whether of God or Lucifer, cannot be in more than one place at the same time, likewise to God.

The angels of God follow the commands of God, bringing to pass God's promises to His people of hope, peace, joy, love, deliverance, restoration and vindication for being mistreated; however, those who belong to Lucifer, mission to bring our soul to condemnation, where we dwell with them in eternal punishment of fire and torment. They want to take as many of us with them as they can; for, they hate God, and in turn hate us, because we are created in His image, and are His most valued creation. They will stop at nothing to gather all the souls that they can, at the command of Satan. Although, they are a defeated foe by the blood of Jesus Christ, and His resurrection; they are able to deceive many, and lead them astray, causing people to believe false doctrines, fall to temptation, and strongholds, that disqualify us for the promises of God, snatching our crowns of life from us, like birds snatching seeds from a footpath (Luke 8:4-15). By knowing, speaking, and living the commands in which God has given us; we can all live, and not die. Jesus Christ's blood came with a price that set all of us free from death though God's grace and mercy. We need not allow our invisible enemies to bring upon us doubt having us to believe that God's Words are not true. God is not a man that He should lie nor that He should repent (Num 23:19). Trust in Him in ALL THINGS, and lean not on your own understanding; for, our knowledge and abilities are limited, but ALL THINGS are possible through Christ who strengthens us. By trusting God, we still our faith. By watching for Lucifer's deceptions that don't line up with God's Word; we recognize how the enemy operates. Deny Satan access to your life with temptations, doubt, make believe, and impure thoughts. Watch out for his gain in technology that advances his schemes of lust, seduction, gluttony, and pride. Remain focused on God's Word. The Holy Spirit will bring His Words back into remembrance; follow the Holy Spirit's lead. Do not neglect studying, praying, praising, and worshipping God, which helps to minimize the works of your flesh, while building up your inner spirit. Ask God for the ability to discern spirits, hidden motives, and illusions. And last, don't forget to wear your spiritual armor DAILY: the helmet of salvation (knowing you are saved through the blood of Jesus Christ), the sword of the spirit which is the Word of God, the breastplate of righteousness (daily walk in righteousness, and the building of our faith), the belt of truth (knowing, speaking, and living the truth), and shodding your feet with preparation of the gospel of peace (sharing the God's Word with others).

Thursday, November 6, 2014


The last few topics, the signs of God's wrath, observed through the timing of the blood moons were shared. It was revealed that once the rapture of believers take place; those who are left behind will suffer much persecution beyond imagination. God and His angels will avenge for the sake of righteousness. His wrath will consist of several great earthquakes that will move hills and mountains, cease to the growth of crops causing hunger and starvation throughout the world, darkened skies with the moon turning blood red, and the sun turning pitch black, fallen stars landing upon the earth, the blasting of trumpets from angels signifying each release of torment that's been appointed, billowed smoke cloaking the skies from the opening of the Abyss where the angels of death are held until their appointed time, gigantic locusts with long hair and stingers that will cause tormenting pain to sinners for five months without relief or death, along with painful and ugly sores that will break out upon them, conformed believers will have their heads cut off (Rev 8:12, 9:2, 6:12, Jer 4:24, Joel 2:10, 30-31). During this period in time; many people will do harm to themselves hoping to die, but death will not be found, it will flee from them. Whatever injury a person inflicts upon themselves voluntarily, or involuntarily; they will remain in that painful and excruciating state, without the hope of dying for five months. The only fortunate event during the Great Tribulation's period of seven years, will be the opportunity for nonbelievers to believe for a second chance; however, the cost for believing, will be extremely tormenting for the spirit of Satan will have them severely persecuted, taking their lives, within the last three and a half years of his reignment. The devastation will surmount to the death of one fourth of the world's population. Innumerable counts of Gentiles (non-Jews) from all nations (African-Americans, Caucasians, Asians, Indians, Spanish, etc.) will become believers; including, 144,000 Israelite's from all 12 tribes; yet, not one of the newly conformed believers, will be able to withstand the day of judgement (Rev 14:1, 6:17). For the wrath will come directly from God and His angels upon the children of disobedient, and from the hands of Satan and evil, upon the righteous. As of today, right now, every person has the opportunity to escape God's judgement by accepting; Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior, and living the lifestyle that is commanded of them. However, so many are not heeding to His warnings; instead, they are neglecting, ignoring, mocking, disbelieving, indulging, ungrateful, and focused on themselves, and what this world offers to them for the moment, which is only temporal. The day of the Lord is a time in which God will directly deal with all those who don't quicken, and turn from their sinful ways. God is not slow at His wrath, but waits mercifully, trying to give each and every person the opportunity to escape the fearful and dreadful day (2 Peter 3-9). He is not forgetful of those who reject Christ, blaspheming Him, boasting in pride and rebellion, being nonchalant about His commands and appointed day. All people must stand to face God: those in the Heavens, upon the earth, in the sea, beneath the earth, and in Hell; no person will be found self-sufficient (Rev 20:12-15). Once the seventh seal is broken; the preliminary birth pains and sorrows before the period of the Great Tribulation will be over, and the Great Tribulation begins. The demonic forces that will be given rights to destroying sinners (those who will also have the mark of the beast upon them) will be commanded not to harm those who will be marked by God as believers, nor will they be given rights to destroying the grass, plants, or trees, but only those who do not have the seal of God's approval upon them (Rev 9:4). This is where we find correlation with the time of Exodus in Egypt, where the Jews were told to place Lambs blood above their doorways, which would prevent the angel of death from killing their firstborn sons. Which ever home was not found with the blood above their doorpost; their firstborn males died, to include the firstborn males of animals.

Jesus Christ is the Lamb for us in the past, present, and future; without His blood upon us as our protection, we will be left to God's wrath on the day of the Lord, and to eternal death. God's comforting promise to all believers is that no genuine believer will be judged or condemned to death and hell. He will not allow anything in Heaven, upon earth, nor Hell to ever separate Himself from those who truly love Him (Rev 7:9). All believers will be robed in white symbolizing their purity and holiness which was atoned for them by the blood of Jesus Christ; all their sins will be washed away, no longer remembered. They will all stand before God perfected with new bodies that are incorruptible, having victory over death, and judgment, possessing eternal life free from sickness, trials, tribulations, hopelessness, and weary, standing forever in joy (Eph 2:8). Believers by the millions will be thankful that they conformed themselves to Christ, accepting, believing, dying during the holocaust of the Great Tribulation, and even more thankful will be the believers of right now, that were spared from experiencing the day of the Lord, by being caught up in the sky with Jesus Christ during the; Apocalypse, the period before the Great Tribulation began.

I, Pastor; Gewandra Smith, speak to all people who will hear, "Don't refuse the pardon in which God has given to you freely. There is nothing that a single soul can do to make themselves righteous before God; not through works, or good, nor through favor, or appearance, not through anything, except the blood of Jesus Christ. Don't be fooled into believing that this world is getting by with all the wickedness that is within it. Nothing, absolutely nothing, could be so far from the truth. This world we live in, and the situations we are accustomed to experiencing everyday, are no more than a stage act. Once the curtain falls, our viewers (God, His Angels, Satan, and his demons) will have the final judgment on our script and performance. Be careful of the people you allow around you; for, everyone is not concerned about their eternal life, but only the pleasures that exist right now. Every person are not aware of the truth either because they are lazy in finding out the truth by studying, blinded by the enemy with all the worldly distractions, offers, and bust, been told lies through false teachings, trying to blend in with the crowd, loving themselves feeling self-sufficient, or are lacking knowledge because they have not been taught by others, where the ability of independent learning is a weakness for them so, therefore they live a life without any guidance; although, they may be interested in knowing and accepting the truth. People, as a whole, follow crowds, not knowing where the crowd is going, and are lead to the slaughter. Don't follow everything that the world is doing: divorcing without God's stipulations, committing adultery, fornicating, drinking heavily, stealing, lying, envying, backbiting, homosexuality, using profane language, acting out in revenge or domestic violence, cheating on taxes or within other matters, embezzling, viewing or being a part of pornography, murdering, raping, using or dealing drugs, being involved in the black arts: sorcery, witchcraft, astrology, voodoo, Ouija boards, palm reading, ignoring, neglecting, mocking, or blaspheming God, prostitution, being self-righteous, prideful, arrogant, aggressive, slanderous, gossiping, involved in bestial or any other immoral form of sexuality, to include incest, impartiality, racism, unforgiving, gluttony, and the rest. Instead, choose to live as God has called all people that He has created to live: holy, pure, and without spot, or blame. You may find yourself standing alone, because the world has no interest in righteousness; however, coming away from the sinful behaviors of the world is what following God is all about. The world hated Jesus Christ for his righteousness, and the world will hate you too. But know that that is only one of the many tactics in which Satan deceives, threatens, and brings doubt upon our lives. He doesn't want us to experience what he does not have; eternal life, peace, love, and joy with God. We all are in a spiritual warfare though we cannot see our opponents with our eyes; we are able to feel their presence through our trials, and tribulations. Stand strong for God!! And though we all must go through the hardships, and sufferings, of life just as Jesus Christ had too; we are confirmed in Him that God will help us through each and every one of them, bringing about victory. Through every challenge, we will become stronger in faith, endurance, and perseverance, as we draw closer to our appointed time of one day standing before God and His throne".

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Then He said to them all, "If anyone wants to come with Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow Me."

Luke 9:23

When a beast goes in for the kill; they always go for the head, face, or neck. Our heads hold our means for sight, hearing, and our voice to speak. When Satan prowls seeking whom to devour; he does so by blinding our sight to the reality of what surrounds us by placing before us lies, illusions, and doubt. He deafens our ears to hearing the truth by distractions, peer pressure, self-glorification, and common sins found within mainstream media. Furthermore, he threatens our lives with illness, financial problems, legal mishaps, and conflicts in relationships, whenever we walk in faith, to open our mouths, boldly proclaiming the gospel of peace.

The enemy's tactic is to bring us: reasoning, bargaining, and doubt. He will ask questions concerning temptations; having one weigh their options on what they may miss out on if he/she don't give into what God has forbidden them to do. Satan will also offer great fulfillment behind wrong actions. And nonetheless, he will have one to doubt that there are real consequences behind their action. The way he tempted; Jesus and Eve, is the way in which he tempts us.

It isn't easy to say, "No!" to ourselves when faced with gratification. God tells us that although everything is lawful to us, everything isn't good for us (1 Corinthians 6:12, 1 Corinthians 10:23). We have to deny ourselves of temporary good, in order to preserve our long-term welfare. This is when we come in season to rely on God for our spiritual gift of discernment through the Holy Spirit. It is important for us to know the difference between what IS good for us, and what is only an illusion. The best safe-guarding method is to just remain obedient to God's commands, trusting Him as Jesus did. Jesus followed God on a daily basis, regardless to the penalty. For this reason, have we not been commanded to "Deny ourselves", but the enemy tells us, "You won't die". Have we not been commanded, "Take up your cross", but the enemy tells us, "This will never happen to you". Moreover, Jesus says, "Follow Me", but the enemy chimes in, "All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine". God commands us abstinence from all that is a form of self indulgence and wickedness, but Satan entices us to do just the opposite. Satan wants us to die.

....Furthermore, he wants to have possession of our souls, at any rate..

When wearing the Helmet of Salvation; we remain focused on God, not on the schemes of the enemy. Satan works daily to bring us to our destruction; that's why it is important that we rebuild our faith daily, when it comes to being obedient. When we choose to be lead into temptation through seduction, enticement, or being lured; we in fact, deny Jesus, as Peter did, and open ourselves to being devoured, and vomited out. The enemy's schemes to his tactics are not always visible or known, just as in comparison to a lion in the wild that does not give himself away to its prey. Alternatively, some ways in which we open ourselves to being attacked is through having corrupt company, being prideful, having corrupt actions, letting our guard down, involving ourselves in corrupt speech, and so on. But even so, God loves us. His Spirit within us, will continuously seek to lead us back on the right path, away from harm. However, it is up to us to make the final decision towards repentance in order to survive.