Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Who alone is worthy to be recorded in the Book of Life? By man's own righteousness; everyone falls short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Not one person: famous, infamous, or unknown, dead or alive, has done enough in their lives, while they were still living, to earn the right to stand in the presence of God. However, there is One, just One, that paid the price to save all men from the eternal death within the clutches of Hell. That One has not only set all the captives free, but came to fulfill prophecy that there would be One called; Worthy, to stand at the right hand of God and His Throne. This One would come, and live upon the earth, being born from a virgin, free from being formed from the passions and lust of a man's seed, but being called into life from God Himself. He would be born as a miracle, to live as a miracle, and to die as a martyr, to bring about the miracle of eternal life for all men from all nations, languages, economic status, famous, infamous, unknown, black, white, yellow, red, Jew and gentile. He would do what was impossible for man; to live righteous, without sin, so that they could save themselves from an eternal separation from God through death. This One is the world's Lord, Savior, and Messiah, whether one accepts Him or not; their fate has been left in His hands.

Our fate does not just concern the Book of Life, but also The Book of Destiny. As John the Baptist was called up from earth by Jesus to be given the vision of the Throne of God; He witnessed seeing God as a marvel of brilliant light sitting upon His Throne, headed by a glorious Emerald rainbow, footed by a translucent, crystal clear, Sapphire river, surrounded by four creatures that gave the likeness of a lion of supremacy, an ox of strength, a man of intelligence, and the swiftness of an eagle, whom praised and worshiped Him, day and night continuously, along with 24 Elders (ministers), clothed in white robes, with gold crowns upon their heads, sitting upon their own thrones. Astounded, John witnessed another figure, that stood at the right hand of God; the One called; Worthy, Jesus Christ Himself. Jesus stood with a scroll that had seven seals within His right hand. The scroll is known as; The Book of Destiny. It is the book that has our every secret, every event, and every fate, of our world today. It is the Book of our entire end times. Every single detail of our history to come were and are contained within the scroll and it's seven seals. No one in Heaven, not even the four creatures, the thousands upon thousands of angels, nor the 24 elders, were worthy of enough to open the scroll; only Jesus Christ. For God's greatness, majesty, and  glory is far above all other living creatures so, there stands Jesus Christ in God's own likeness to superiority, with our fate in His right hand, with the seven seals representing: secrecy, fullness, completeness, and perfection. The seven seals are God's final Will and Testament for the world. Its size speaks of volumes for it contains every detail of our current events, future events, great tribulation, apocalypse, and the new Heaven and earth, to the very end. God's people will be redeemed, and those who chose to live their own way of life, full of corruption will meet their doom, through judgment and eternal death. For not one person alive or dead are counted worthy, without Jesus Christ; therefore, all mankind should live in reverence, fear, and worship of Him. Jesus Christ is the Lion of Judah; the supremacy of the strongest tribe of Israel. Jesus Christ alone conquered sin, death, the evil world, Satan, all evil forces, dominion, authority, power, and Hell. Jesus Christ has all power of the universe; the symbolism of His seven horns: perfect power and strength. He holds all knowledge of everything; nothing is kept from Him. Jesus Christ has all perfect knowledge and wisdom, nothing escapes His sight; for, He is symbolized with the seven eyes of perfection. He is everywhere as like the Holy Spirit for He is the Spirit. The Spirit of fear, understanding, wisdom, counsel, power, might, and knowledge rest within Jesus Christ (Isa 11:2). Jesus Christ is to be praised for He is Majestic, rich, wise, all knowing, powerful, honorable as the Son of God, glorious, supreme, perfect, and full of giving blessings, with our fate in His hands.

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