Thursday, October 23, 2014


Jesus is the only one worthy of holding The Book of Destiny. As He holds the Book with the revelation behind each seal of the seven that binds the scroll; we open our eyes awaiting the historical prophecies to unfold whether we want to or not. The truth is not for those who chose to remain blind to the ways of life. The truth is not for those who chose to remain in their rebellion and sin to death. The Book of Life is only for those who chose to live the way that Jesus exampled, but the Book of Destiny is for everyone. The prophecies that God has spoken regarding our future MUST COME!!! Apostle John watched as the horsemen jumped from the seals as a picture book before his eyes: the antichrist, the wars, the downfall of the economy, and then death. This world will never redeem its economy for God's words MUST COME!!! Although, believers will be persecuted and slain for their belief; it will not be in vain. For Jesus Christ was slain to save us; we must be slain to save God's Word. To die for God is a blessing and not a curse or a punishment from our Lord. The Martyrs before us are blessed, residing with the King of Kings, awaiting not for revenge but for vindication behind the purpose of their death. Their deaths were for a reason that still stands; the need for purity, righteousness, peace, and truth. The martyrs before us wait and watch before the altar of God anticipating the day that God will show the world and all its wickedness that His Word reigns. A time will come again like the time of the martyrs when the state will demand the allegiance of the people to them as god before they have the right to chose to have the freedom of their own personal religion. As the days before us; we will suffer all of this again. The U.S. Amendments will be all wiped away and a New World Order will be enacted. People cry now that their rights are not being honored through the promise of the states of their country, but whoa... do they not know that it is written that the promises of man through the land will cease to be??? This is all written within the seals of the Book of Destiny. These birth pains of sorrows MUST COME!! Do they not know that the Great Tribulation MUST COME??? Without our loyalty given to God; those who chose not to believe and remain loyal will come to an end... not suddenly, but as a woman bears pain in her labor, before giving birth to a new life. The world will have a new life. All that is now will cease to be to bring the new. "Having brought the apostles, they made them appear before the Sandhedrin to be questioned by the high priest. "We gave you strict orders not to teach in this name," he said. "Yet you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and are determined to make us guilty of this man's blood. "Peter and the other apostles replied: "We must obey God rather than men! (Acts 5:27-29) Today, 2014, Ministers and believers are being put through this same persecution. Many ask why??? Did you not know that these things MUST COME?!! Ecclesiastes says that nothing is new under the sun... all has been done before... and it will be it is being done NOW. The world reacts because they do not want to plead their loyalty to God who demands that they live in purity, righteousness, holiness, and truth; they rather live the way the choose. 2014 rejects God more, curses God more, denies God more, ignores God more, neglects God more, disobeys God more, disbelieves God more, and the years to come are not, "Happy New Years", they are years where the Great Tribulation approaches and the world continues to decline. 2014 and the years to come will have believers who believe, live, read, study, witness, teach, preach, and pray to the One True God, and the world will hate them, persecuting them, to what they believe is their ruin, but instead will be their promise to a better life. Do not the persecutors know that they the martyrs of before are awaiting and watching for their day of vindication? So, will it be for those who are martyred in this day and time. For justice MUST COME!! Believers must wear their white robes and crowns of life. They will be slain for paying the interest, but they too will stand at the altar of God in honor.


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