Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Revelation is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to those who are preparing for their afterlife; the power of their salvation is found in God's Word (1 Corinthians 1:18).

Can you recall the feelings you had when you would sat in class whether Elementary, Middle, High School, or College, being unprepared for the day because you either didn't do your homework or study for the exam?! If you weren't one of those students; can you recall hearing others sigh and moan due to a lack of preparation? Well, what if today becomes the day for your last and major exam? Would you be prepared to face the world's teacher; Jesus Christ??? Do you already anticipate what the final results will be? Would you pass or fail? Did you rate yourself on your good works, extra credit, knowledge, or the favor that you would have with the teacher? Because if you did; you most certainly will fail. The teacher will only be promoting you based on your relationship with Himself. Do you know Jesus Christ? Does Jesus Christ know you? There is a difference in knowing one another, and knowing about one another. Did you ever spend time with Him? Did you conversate with Him?  How often? Did He spend time with you? Did He ever conversate with you? How often? Did you follow His lead, or did He follow your lead? Did you ever call His name to truly seek Him? Did He ever call your name to seek you? Did you listen? Did He listen? Hummmmm.... these may sound like some pretty irrelevant, trivial, or tough questions to you, but they are the questions that are on the exam that will be made in your judgment on whether you pass or fail. The books that correlate with your exam include the Holy Bible, The Book of Life, and  The Book of Destiny (the seven sealed scroll); did you prepare by reading, knowing, accepting, living, and teaching? Let's continue on in the Book of Revelations...

The Book of Revelations can be very confusing because it has more symbolism than any other epistle in the Bible; however, it has become man's most focused interest because it precedes the end to all life, the antichrist, eternal death, and the end of the world. Jesus Christ refers to Revelations being "the beginning of birth pains and sorrows" (Matt 24:5-14). There will come a time in which Satan's powers will run this earth through his son of perdition; the antichrist. This earth as we know it will be worse than the times in the Old Testament when the Israelites fled Pharaoh, when God afflicted the Israelite's enemies with plagues of water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, diseased livestock, boils, storms of fire, locusts, darkness, and the death of the firstborn sons (Exodus 7-11), or even the time when the Israelites suffered from hunger, having to eat their own children during their time of famine due to disobedience (Deut 28). This season will come again but far worse than the first. The antichrist will become a one world ruler, ruling all nations, first in peace, only to bathe us  in blood. He will perform miracles, and appear to have all the answers to the worlds problems. Those who are perishing, not knowing Jesus Christ, will succumb to his deception of being a man of integrity, knowledge, peace, kindness, and love (Rev 17:17). Nonbelievers, those who walk in their own way of life will be handed over to the antichrist through their own refusal to see, hear, and believe the true gospel of Jesus Christ. But take woe, that we don't place judgment on those who are deceived, for God has said, many who know the faith, see, hear, and believe, will also turn from the truth, in order to save themselves; for, the antichrist will not be merciful without people receiving his mark on their right hand or forehead, in order to receive food or care (Rev 6). The food as we know it; grocery stores, gardens, fast food chains, and dine in restaurants, will be only to those who are wealthy, received the mark of the beast, or are of the nations that are not targets of genocide. The antichrist will come as a Roman governor, performing the acts of Hitler, not on just the Jews, but all races that he hates, and those who follow; Jesus Christ. He will brutally destroy the world's economy to a complete end. Our hopes even now for a better economy is bleak, never to surface; for, God's Words are progressing, and will not return to Him in void. What God has said will happen, and has to happen. Yet, the end of the world won't come all at once; we are to go through wars, diseases, persecutions, and false messiahs claiming to be Jesus Christ, or the God of the world (Matt 24:5). No matter how we choose to live our lives; obeying God or being of disobedience, all that is written and recorded within the Holy Bible, and the Book of Destiny, will enviably unfold right before our very eyes, as it is now. A time will come when those who follow Jesus Christ will starve and be beheaded for their faithfulness. Will you be like Peter; denying Jesus Christ to save your own life??? (Luke 22:54-62) Will you savagely harm others as you fight for a piece of morsel of food, or will you give yourself over to the world ruler in order to feed and fill your flesh???  Will you careless about God's salvation???  As of today, people plead for help when dealing with this world's lawlessness; yet, many voices are being silenced, through no response relief. Things are only going to get worse. This is the whole plan for setting up the entrance for the one world ruler that will appear to have all the answers with a heart to listen and act (Matt 24:12). 
These are the events that are taking place with the breaking of the first four seals of the Book of Destiny that Jesus Christ is only worthy of holding, opening, and reading. With each event that takes place through the seals, trumpets, and bowls; one of the four creatures resembling the ox (strength), eagle (swiftness), man (intelligence), and a lion (supremacy) that surrounds God, worshipping Him day and night, speaks, "come forth".

Colors of the Horses in Revelations:

White: antichrist
Black: economy
Red: War, blood
White: death

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