Thursday, October 9, 2014


The god of this age is involved in the Christian race; however, his mission is to cause stumbling, preventing every runner from winning the promise of eternal life. He targets not only those who place effort behind winning, due to their faith, but also those who do not care to win due to their lack of faith in themselves and God. Satan wills to keep all people from trusting, seeing, and living the promises of God. He desires that all people dwell with him in eternal torment. He wants to be God, doesn't want anyone else to be like God, wants to destroy everything that testifies about God, and is created by God; he has strong hatred for God. There is nothing about Satan that believers or nonbelievers should love about him. He certainly doesn't love anything about people, whether they choose to follow him or not; not your typical Twitter fan. The only thing Satan desires from man is to allow him to rule over them; not because he has any intentions of making promises to them, but to reaffirm his ignorance and arrogance in believing that he is more supreme than God.

Before anyone became a believer; they served Satan. Satan blinded their eyes from seeing the truth, by deafening their ears to hearing about the truth. Let's face it; sin is fun!!! There is no greater pleasure in doing what we want to do, whether it makes sense or not. The gratification received behind the results of our lust and flesh is very satisfying; at least for that moment, until the consequences come to seek compensation. For God's Word says, "For he that soweth to his flesh, shall reap of his flesh" (Galatians 6:7-8). We all bear responsibility to our actions, for we are all sinners by nature, and our actions (Romans 5:12,19 and 3:23). A frightening reality about our nature is that some people love the side of us that rebels against God, so they do not desire nor will to change their behavior, because of its gratification, which leads them deeper and deeper into sin; Satan's greatest glee. Nonbelievers are under Satan's power and influence, subjecting themselves to his eternal kingdom; the kingdom of darkness. His power works through all people that stand in opposition to God and His Word; yet, we should not cast them off as hopeless, simply because we were once like them. Satan enticed, seduced, and lured our hearts into temptations that once delighted us, and kept us in bondage to its continuous dark deed. Nonetheless, we all felt at one time or another that we were still connected to God through the spirit because we were still breathing, going to church occasionally, practicing religious rituals when in need, and feeling self-sufficient about all the good that we had done compared to the bad, inviting others to live like us; yet, we were all dead in our trespasses (Ephesians 2:1). God says, "There is a way that seems right to man, but its end is the way to death' (Proverbs 14:12, 16:25). The Good News is that although there stands the domain of darkness; it is impossible for darkness to prevail over light (John 1:5). All people have been given an open door to walk away from darkness, and embrace the light. Without Jesus's resurrection from death; we would all be left hopeless, and subjects to Satan's dark kingdom. God gives us grace everyday that we awake to face a new day; for, time is what gives nonbelievers the opportunity to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness, be forgiven of their sins, and inherit the eternal promises of God, due to their faith. God will rescue every person from the domain of darkness if they accept His Son; Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior. We must pray without hesitation nor haste for those we know are under Satan's control. We want to lead them to the opportunity of repentance, just as we were given the opportunity. God loves all people for they are His creation, whether they accept Him or not. We must pray hard for their deliverance because Satan works hard at keeping them in his stronghold; although, he is no competition for God, and His might. Praying for others is a part of our Helmet of Salvation. Not only should we be on guard to love God with our own actions and words, by rejecting darkness and evil deeds, praying, studying, and trusting Him, but also by reaching out to protect others through Christ like example, prayer, and sharing the gospel of His glory. By doing so, we reinforce breaking the curse of separation between God and His people, leading them out of the darkness, and into the light, where they see and hear clearly, that Jesus has set the captives free.

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