Thursday, October 30, 2014


An astronomical event that our world enjoys sighting is the series of Red Blood Moons that coincidentally aligns with Israelite commanded holidays; Passover, and the Feasts of Tabernacle. The blood moons don't appear every year, in fact, no blood moons occurred in the 17th, 18th, or 19th century. The blood moons are occurring only within our 20th century; so, far we are noted to have 8 tetrads (a group or arrangement of a set of four) up into the 21st century. The next series of blood moons after year 2015, isn't expected to again until year 2032-2033. As for this year, the first blood moon took place on April 15, 2014; on Passover day. The second was October 8, 2014, on the day of; The Feast of Tabernacles. The third will take place next Passover on April 4, 2015. And the fourth, September 28, 2015 on the day of the Feast of Tabernacles, again. Interestingly enough, the number 8 biblically symbolizes a New Beginning, while the number four represents, Creation. With regards to, it being the fourth day that God created the sun, moon, and stars. We also have the four seasons; Summer, Winter, Spring, and Fall. There are four gospel accounts of Jesus life and ministry; Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Take in account that April 14th is the day that the Israelites are commanded to remember the Passover, in which they were freed from Egypt from God (Numbers 9:5). The number 14 represents; double perfection. Whereas the number 7 represents; perfection. On a deeper study; September 28th is 14 x 2. However, we don't want to lose focus on numbers; although, they coincide with God's appointed times. That is to say; there are much more alarming events to be concerned about.

Nonetheless, the blood moons existence aren't for mere amusement, but instead, are markers pointing to the time of; The Rapture. The Rapture is an appointed time within the Bible in which God states that; Jesus Christ, will return for all believers (1 Thess 4:16-17, Rev 1:7, Daniel 9:27, Rev 2:1-29, 1 Corinthians 15:52, Matthew 24:30, John 14:3) . Believers will be caught up in the air at the sound of an angels trumpet, while nonbelievers and those who neglected, ignored, rejected, mocked, disbelieved, and scoffed at God, are left behind for the time of the Great tribulation. The time we are experiencing now with economic downfall, hunger, murder, persecution, trials, natural disasters and diseases, and rebellion, are all a part of the appointed time called; the Apocalypse. The period following the Apocalypse is referred to as the Great Tribulation, in which the antichrist, the son of perdition, will be given over upon the earth as the New World Order leader. He is a Roman Pope, who will possess within him, the spirit of Satan; the Pope will be assassinated only to appear to resurrected due to Satan's spirit entering him . Satan will be allowed to rule the earth for a short while before the return of Christ again. Those who were left behind from the Rapture will be given the time of The Great Tribulation to find faith in God, and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. However, this will not be an easy task; for, if they find their faith, they will be persecuted heavily by being decapitated, endure extreme famine (severe drought preventing crops to grow), be prevented from purchasing, selling, or trading food and products, suffer extreme earthquakes with lightning, thunder, rumblings, blood bath wars of kingdoms rising up against each other, the sun turning black, and the moon turning blood red, stars and meteorites showing the earth, massive explosions, mountains and hills moved, billows of fire and smoke, with great fear and terror amongst all people, once the abyss of the gates of Hell, are opened to the oversized, hideous, stinging, oversized locust, that will torment all people, great and small, free and enslaved.

No longer will the red blood moons be a day of just mere curiosity, but an appointed and affirmed season of God's wrath.

Rev 6:13, Rev 16:10, Rev 8:12, Jeremiah 4:24, Amos 8:8, Joel 2:10, Haggai 2:6, Joel 3: 15-16, Isaiah 24:21-23, Isaiah 13:9-11, Ezekiel 32:7-8, Zephaniah 1:14-16, Mal 4:1, Rev 6;17, Hosea 10:8.


Tuesday, October 28, 2014


First you were created in God's image. Second, you are a child of God. Third, you are created in a new image. Fourth, you are a coheir with Christ. And Fifth, God created you to do good works for Him.

In the beginning God said, "Let's make mankind in our own image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the seas and over the birds of the heavens, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground (Genesis 1:26). The question stands, "Who are entailed in the "' OUR'"? God spoke not to create you in just His image but in the likeness of Himself, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ. God describes Himself as spirit (1 Corinthians 6:17). When we are in the Lord; we are one with His spirit. God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ, are all holy, righteous, pure, gracious, compassionate, merciful, forgiving, loving, wise, powerful, all knowing, and holding Lordship. We are created to possess the spirits of God in His likeness. All that God is; we were created to be like Him. Our Lordship is be over the land and animals, while God's Lordship is over the entire universe and all His creation being the Godhead. We are given intelligence over all other creations of the earth. Any added wisdom that we desire is to be asked from God (James 1:5).  Conformation to all the qualities of God is to be like Him in spirit.

Because you were created by God; you are His. It doesn't matter if you choose to believe in God's existence or not; you are His. Without God, you could not exist. Without God, nothing could exist. Therefore, everything that God created belongs to Him. You, the angels, the animals, the sun, moon, stars, trees, water, materials, minerals, electricity, and all that there is, is created by God, and belongs to Him. He has all rights to creating, and destroying all that is His. He created people knowing which person would love Him, and which person would reject Him, but because of His love for all; He created us anyway. It is God's desire to bless all that He has created for eternity; however, it is not possible for God to continuously bless all His creation, due to rejection. A person that denies, mocks, curse, neglects, ignores, or disbelieves God is still created in His likeness by His spirit. Just as a child is born of its parents, and then grows to reject its parents; the behavior will not make that child less of their flesh and blood. The child is still loved, but rejects being loved. The child can deny its parents, but DNA will always confirm that that child came from his or her parent. If you knew beforehand that a child would deny you before it was born; would you still give it life? Maybe or maybe not. Yet, God loves all of us that He still gave us life though some of us would reject Him. We are all His children; whether we reject Him or not. Even if we choose to accept the enemy as our illegitimate parent.

In addition to being created in His spirit of likeness; you become a new creation when you accept God as Lord in your life. We are born of man, and being born of man, we come with qualities that are imperfect; although, we are made in the likeness of God. We have a nature that naturally draws itself to things that are carnal, worldly, or wrong for us; although, we are capable of right living. Just as Adam and Eve were tempted in the garden, and then made the decision to walk in rebellion due to curiosity, greed, self-sufficiency, and lust; we too can be lead astray by our own will. When we fully accept God into our lives; we make the decision to purposely follow after God's own heart, while sacrificing our own desires to live outside of His perfect will. No matter how much we may want to live our own way; we make the conscious, and committed decision to refuse our own way, while following after God's design for us, to be like Him. This decision to do so is called being; born again. Renewing our minds is the gift of the Holy Spirit. We are reborn through our spirits, not of our bodies; therefore, we are created into a new creation, spiritually.

For this reason, we become coheirs with Christ. We obtain the promises of eternal life, and eternal possessions by being born again. We are given the promise that we will one day be given a new earth, with the old earth being wiped away, after the Great Tribulation (a time when Satan will be given powers to rule the earth for a short while after all believers are caught up with Jesus Christ in the sky to go to Heaven). On the new earth, God will dwell not in Heaven, but in fact, on earth with us. We will be given our crowns of eternal life, as well as our own throne, and responsibilities of ruler ship. This was God's original plan for us before the fall of Adam. We were to live our lives as immortals, rulers, never knowing the difference between good and evil. Fortunately, through God's grace, believers will be given that opportunity again, due to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, which wipes our sins away, after the acceptance of Him as our Savior, with the renewing of our minds.

At the same time, while we await those promises which will come after our life here on earth; we are to do good works for God. Believers are to live their lives as an example of Jesus Christ to nonbelievers. They are to study, know, and live the word in truth, with prayer, praise, and worship towards God, and fellowship with other believers to keep one another encouraged, while sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world, that others will be made into new creations, by accepting Jesus as their Savior, renewing their minds, by following after righteousness, having all their sins forgiven, to one day possess eternal life, being reinstated to their original purpose of Lordship. Everyday, believers should seek out opportunities to be Christ like and to share the gospel. Think about the person who told you about the truth of Jesus Christ, and God's original plan for us? Where would you be had they not shared the gospel with you? You would be the original person you once were, without any hope of a prosperous future. Before Christ; believers today, were blind to the truth, walking in darkness, immoral, impure, with hardened hearts. But with Christ, they are in the likeness of God's spirit: compassionate, loving, forgiving, hopeful, pure, holy, wise, righteous, merciful, leaders.

...That's who you are.

Thursday, October 23, 2014


Jesus is the only one worthy of holding The Book of Destiny. As He holds the Book with the revelation behind each seal of the seven that binds the scroll; we open our eyes awaiting the historical prophecies to unfold whether we want to or not. The truth is not for those who chose to remain blind to the ways of life. The truth is not for those who chose to remain in their rebellion and sin to death. The Book of Life is only for those who chose to live the way that Jesus exampled, but the Book of Destiny is for everyone. The prophecies that God has spoken regarding our future MUST COME!!! Apostle John watched as the horsemen jumped from the seals as a picture book before his eyes: the antichrist, the wars, the downfall of the economy, and then death. This world will never redeem its economy for God's words MUST COME!!! Although, believers will be persecuted and slain for their belief; it will not be in vain. For Jesus Christ was slain to save us; we must be slain to save God's Word. To die for God is a blessing and not a curse or a punishment from our Lord. The Martyrs before us are blessed, residing with the King of Kings, awaiting not for revenge but for vindication behind the purpose of their death. Their deaths were for a reason that still stands; the need for purity, righteousness, peace, and truth. The martyrs before us wait and watch before the altar of God anticipating the day that God will show the world and all its wickedness that His Word reigns. A time will come again like the time of the martyrs when the state will demand the allegiance of the people to them as god before they have the right to chose to have the freedom of their own personal religion. As the days before us; we will suffer all of this again. The U.S. Amendments will be all wiped away and a New World Order will be enacted. People cry now that their rights are not being honored through the promise of the states of their country, but whoa... do they not know that it is written that the promises of man through the land will cease to be??? This is all written within the seals of the Book of Destiny. These birth pains of sorrows MUST COME!! Do they not know that the Great Tribulation MUST COME??? Without our loyalty given to God; those who chose not to believe and remain loyal will come to an end... not suddenly, but as a woman bears pain in her labor, before giving birth to a new life. The world will have a new life. All that is now will cease to be to bring the new. "Having brought the apostles, they made them appear before the Sandhedrin to be questioned by the high priest. "We gave you strict orders not to teach in this name," he said. "Yet you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and are determined to make us guilty of this man's blood. "Peter and the other apostles replied: "We must obey God rather than men! (Acts 5:27-29) Today, 2014, Ministers and believers are being put through this same persecution. Many ask why??? Did you not know that these things MUST COME?!! Ecclesiastes says that nothing is new under the sun... all has been done before... and it will be it is being done NOW. The world reacts because they do not want to plead their loyalty to God who demands that they live in purity, righteousness, holiness, and truth; they rather live the way the choose. 2014 rejects God more, curses God more, denies God more, ignores God more, neglects God more, disobeys God more, disbelieves God more, and the years to come are not, "Happy New Years", they are years where the Great Tribulation approaches and the world continues to decline. 2014 and the years to come will have believers who believe, live, read, study, witness, teach, preach, and pray to the One True God, and the world will hate them, persecuting them, to what they believe is their ruin, but instead will be their promise to a better life. Do not the persecutors know that they the martyrs of before are awaiting and watching for their day of vindication? So, will it be for those who are martyred in this day and time. For justice MUST COME!! Believers must wear their white robes and crowns of life. They will be slain for paying the interest, but they too will stand at the altar of God in honor.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Revelation is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to those who are preparing for their afterlife; the power of their salvation is found in God's Word (1 Corinthians 1:18).

Can you recall the feelings you had when you would sat in class whether Elementary, Middle, High School, or College, being unprepared for the day because you either didn't do your homework or study for the exam?! If you weren't one of those students; can you recall hearing others sigh and moan due to a lack of preparation? Well, what if today becomes the day for your last and major exam? Would you be prepared to face the world's teacher; Jesus Christ??? Do you already anticipate what the final results will be? Would you pass or fail? Did you rate yourself on your good works, extra credit, knowledge, or the favor that you would have with the teacher? Because if you did; you most certainly will fail. The teacher will only be promoting you based on your relationship with Himself. Do you know Jesus Christ? Does Jesus Christ know you? There is a difference in knowing one another, and knowing about one another. Did you ever spend time with Him? Did you conversate with Him?  How often? Did He spend time with you? Did He ever conversate with you? How often? Did you follow His lead, or did He follow your lead? Did you ever call His name to truly seek Him? Did He ever call your name to seek you? Did you listen? Did He listen? Hummmmm.... these may sound like some pretty irrelevant, trivial, or tough questions to you, but they are the questions that are on the exam that will be made in your judgment on whether you pass or fail. The books that correlate with your exam include the Holy Bible, The Book of Life, and  The Book of Destiny (the seven sealed scroll); did you prepare by reading, knowing, accepting, living, and teaching? Let's continue on in the Book of Revelations...

The Book of Revelations can be very confusing because it has more symbolism than any other epistle in the Bible; however, it has become man's most focused interest because it precedes the end to all life, the antichrist, eternal death, and the end of the world. Jesus Christ refers to Revelations being "the beginning of birth pains and sorrows" (Matt 24:5-14). There will come a time in which Satan's powers will run this earth through his son of perdition; the antichrist. This earth as we know it will be worse than the times in the Old Testament when the Israelites fled Pharaoh, when God afflicted the Israelite's enemies with plagues of water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, diseased livestock, boils, storms of fire, locusts, darkness, and the death of the firstborn sons (Exodus 7-11), or even the time when the Israelites suffered from hunger, having to eat their own children during their time of famine due to disobedience (Deut 28). This season will come again but far worse than the first. The antichrist will become a one world ruler, ruling all nations, first in peace, only to bathe us  in blood. He will perform miracles, and appear to have all the answers to the worlds problems. Those who are perishing, not knowing Jesus Christ, will succumb to his deception of being a man of integrity, knowledge, peace, kindness, and love (Rev 17:17). Nonbelievers, those who walk in their own way of life will be handed over to the antichrist through their own refusal to see, hear, and believe the true gospel of Jesus Christ. But take woe, that we don't place judgment on those who are deceived, for God has said, many who know the faith, see, hear, and believe, will also turn from the truth, in order to save themselves; for, the antichrist will not be merciful without people receiving his mark on their right hand or forehead, in order to receive food or care (Rev 6). The food as we know it; grocery stores, gardens, fast food chains, and dine in restaurants, will be only to those who are wealthy, received the mark of the beast, or are of the nations that are not targets of genocide. The antichrist will come as a Roman governor, performing the acts of Hitler, not on just the Jews, but all races that he hates, and those who follow; Jesus Christ. He will brutally destroy the world's economy to a complete end. Our hopes even now for a better economy is bleak, never to surface; for, God's Words are progressing, and will not return to Him in void. What God has said will happen, and has to happen. Yet, the end of the world won't come all at once; we are to go through wars, diseases, persecutions, and false messiahs claiming to be Jesus Christ, or the God of the world (Matt 24:5). No matter how we choose to live our lives; obeying God or being of disobedience, all that is written and recorded within the Holy Bible, and the Book of Destiny, will enviably unfold right before our very eyes, as it is now. A time will come when those who follow Jesus Christ will starve and be beheaded for their faithfulness. Will you be like Peter; denying Jesus Christ to save your own life??? (Luke 22:54-62) Will you savagely harm others as you fight for a piece of morsel of food, or will you give yourself over to the world ruler in order to feed and fill your flesh???  Will you careless about God's salvation???  As of today, people plead for help when dealing with this world's lawlessness; yet, many voices are being silenced, through no response relief. Things are only going to get worse. This is the whole plan for setting up the entrance for the one world ruler that will appear to have all the answers with a heart to listen and act (Matt 24:12). 
These are the events that are taking place with the breaking of the first four seals of the Book of Destiny that Jesus Christ is only worthy of holding, opening, and reading. With each event that takes place through the seals, trumpets, and bowls; one of the four creatures resembling the ox (strength), eagle (swiftness), man (intelligence), and a lion (supremacy) that surrounds God, worshipping Him day and night, speaks, "come forth".

Colors of the Horses in Revelations:

White: antichrist
Black: economy
Red: War, blood
White: death

Thursday, October 9, 2014


The god of this age is involved in the Christian race; however, his mission is to cause stumbling, preventing every runner from winning the promise of eternal life. He targets not only those who place effort behind winning, due to their faith, but also those who do not care to win due to their lack of faith in themselves and God. Satan wills to keep all people from trusting, seeing, and living the promises of God. He desires that all people dwell with him in eternal torment. He wants to be God, doesn't want anyone else to be like God, wants to destroy everything that testifies about God, and is created by God; he has strong hatred for God. There is nothing about Satan that believers or nonbelievers should love about him. He certainly doesn't love anything about people, whether they choose to follow him or not; not your typical Twitter fan. The only thing Satan desires from man is to allow him to rule over them; not because he has any intentions of making promises to them, but to reaffirm his ignorance and arrogance in believing that he is more supreme than God.

Before anyone became a believer; they served Satan. Satan blinded their eyes from seeing the truth, by deafening their ears to hearing about the truth. Let's face it; sin is fun!!! There is no greater pleasure in doing what we want to do, whether it makes sense or not. The gratification received behind the results of our lust and flesh is very satisfying; at least for that moment, until the consequences come to seek compensation. For God's Word says, "For he that soweth to his flesh, shall reap of his flesh" (Galatians 6:7-8). We all bear responsibility to our actions, for we are all sinners by nature, and our actions (Romans 5:12,19 and 3:23). A frightening reality about our nature is that some people love the side of us that rebels against God, so they do not desire nor will to change their behavior, because of its gratification, which leads them deeper and deeper into sin; Satan's greatest glee. Nonbelievers are under Satan's power and influence, subjecting themselves to his eternal kingdom; the kingdom of darkness. His power works through all people that stand in opposition to God and His Word; yet, we should not cast them off as hopeless, simply because we were once like them. Satan enticed, seduced, and lured our hearts into temptations that once delighted us, and kept us in bondage to its continuous dark deed. Nonetheless, we all felt at one time or another that we were still connected to God through the spirit because we were still breathing, going to church occasionally, practicing religious rituals when in need, and feeling self-sufficient about all the good that we had done compared to the bad, inviting others to live like us; yet, we were all dead in our trespasses (Ephesians 2:1). God says, "There is a way that seems right to man, but its end is the way to death' (Proverbs 14:12, 16:25). The Good News is that although there stands the domain of darkness; it is impossible for darkness to prevail over light (John 1:5). All people have been given an open door to walk away from darkness, and embrace the light. Without Jesus's resurrection from death; we would all be left hopeless, and subjects to Satan's dark kingdom. God gives us grace everyday that we awake to face a new day; for, time is what gives nonbelievers the opportunity to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness, be forgiven of their sins, and inherit the eternal promises of God, due to their faith. God will rescue every person from the domain of darkness if they accept His Son; Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior. We must pray without hesitation nor haste for those we know are under Satan's control. We want to lead them to the opportunity of repentance, just as we were given the opportunity. God loves all people for they are His creation, whether they accept Him or not. We must pray hard for their deliverance because Satan works hard at keeping them in his stronghold; although, he is no competition for God, and His might. Praying for others is a part of our Helmet of Salvation. Not only should we be on guard to love God with our own actions and words, by rejecting darkness and evil deeds, praying, studying, and trusting Him, but also by reaching out to protect others through Christ like example, prayer, and sharing the gospel of His glory. By doing so, we reinforce breaking the curse of separation between God and His people, leading them out of the darkness, and into the light, where they see and hear clearly, that Jesus has set the captives free.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Who alone is worthy to be recorded in the Book of Life? By man's own righteousness; everyone falls short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Not one person: famous, infamous, or unknown, dead or alive, has done enough in their lives, while they were still living, to earn the right to stand in the presence of God. However, there is One, just One, that paid the price to save all men from the eternal death within the clutches of Hell. That One has not only set all the captives free, but came to fulfill prophecy that there would be One called; Worthy, to stand at the right hand of God and His Throne. This One would come, and live upon the earth, being born from a virgin, free from being formed from the passions and lust of a man's seed, but being called into life from God Himself. He would be born as a miracle, to live as a miracle, and to die as a martyr, to bring about the miracle of eternal life for all men from all nations, languages, economic status, famous, infamous, unknown, black, white, yellow, red, Jew and gentile. He would do what was impossible for man; to live righteous, without sin, so that they could save themselves from an eternal separation from God through death. This One is the world's Lord, Savior, and Messiah, whether one accepts Him or not; their fate has been left in His hands.

Our fate does not just concern the Book of Life, but also The Book of Destiny. As John the Baptist was called up from earth by Jesus to be given the vision of the Throne of God; He witnessed seeing God as a marvel of brilliant light sitting upon His Throne, headed by a glorious Emerald rainbow, footed by a translucent, crystal clear, Sapphire river, surrounded by four creatures that gave the likeness of a lion of supremacy, an ox of strength, a man of intelligence, and the swiftness of an eagle, whom praised and worshiped Him, day and night continuously, along with 24 Elders (ministers), clothed in white robes, with gold crowns upon their heads, sitting upon their own thrones. Astounded, John witnessed another figure, that stood at the right hand of God; the One called; Worthy, Jesus Christ Himself. Jesus stood with a scroll that had seven seals within His right hand. The scroll is known as; The Book of Destiny. It is the book that has our every secret, every event, and every fate, of our world today. It is the Book of our entire end times. Every single detail of our history to come were and are contained within the scroll and it's seven seals. No one in Heaven, not even the four creatures, the thousands upon thousands of angels, nor the 24 elders, were worthy of enough to open the scroll; only Jesus Christ. For God's greatness, majesty, and  glory is far above all other living creatures so, there stands Jesus Christ in God's own likeness to superiority, with our fate in His right hand, with the seven seals representing: secrecy, fullness, completeness, and perfection. The seven seals are God's final Will and Testament for the world. Its size speaks of volumes for it contains every detail of our current events, future events, great tribulation, apocalypse, and the new Heaven and earth, to the very end. God's people will be redeemed, and those who chose to live their own way of life, full of corruption will meet their doom, through judgment and eternal death. For not one person alive or dead are counted worthy, without Jesus Christ; therefore, all mankind should live in reverence, fear, and worship of Him. Jesus Christ is the Lion of Judah; the supremacy of the strongest tribe of Israel. Jesus Christ alone conquered sin, death, the evil world, Satan, all evil forces, dominion, authority, power, and Hell. Jesus Christ has all power of the universe; the symbolism of His seven horns: perfect power and strength. He holds all knowledge of everything; nothing is kept from Him. Jesus Christ has all perfect knowledge and wisdom, nothing escapes His sight; for, He is symbolized with the seven eyes of perfection. He is everywhere as like the Holy Spirit for He is the Spirit. The Spirit of fear, understanding, wisdom, counsel, power, might, and knowledge rest within Jesus Christ (Isa 11:2). Jesus Christ is to be praised for He is Majestic, rich, wise, all knowing, powerful, honorable as the Son of God, glorious, supreme, perfect, and full of giving blessings, with our fate in His hands.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


Hearing God Speak is a continuation of our study of Ephesians 6; The Armor of God. Our last studies focused on The Belt of Truth; knowing, living, and sharing the gospel of truth. And The Breastplate of Righteousness; placing God first in everything we do because it is the right thing to do whether we agree or disagree with what God is expecting us to do. A precursor towards our obedience; is having FAITH.

Hebrews 11:1 "Now Faith is the substance of things hope for, the evidence of things not seen", goes much deeper than what appears in words. In order to have a deeper understanding of scripture; one must go beyond one verse and interconnect with another verse in reference, called Cross-referencing. When studying God's Word it is imperative to not stop at just one verse, taking in the assumption that that's all there is to that one verse. 2 Timothy 2:15 says, "Study the scriptures to show yourself approved, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightfully dividing the word of truth", which tells us that the scriptures go beyond just the words we see in one verse, and will be found in deeper context if we take the time to study by cross-referencing, defining terms, and observing how the verse is applied in different situations amongst the people recorded in the Bible; God shared the circumstances surrounding those people in history for a reason which is vital to us. There is room for error when studying and applying God's Word to our lives, and to the lives of others. That is why it is critical that you take time to carefully study God's Word for yourself with the support of references, notes, commentaries, and well seasoned Pastors (those who have a gift in the knowledge or enlightenment of God's Word; not to say how long someone has been preaching, because some have been preaching incorrectly for a long time). Also, use caution when using references, notes, or commentaries; if they do not line up with the Word of God by omitting or adding words, denying Christ deity or/and power, integrating science and man-made philosophy, suggesting that there is another way to enter Salvation other than Jesus Christ, or saying only what you want to hear without revelation or conviction just for entertainment purposes, then do as God says, "Do not touch what is unclean",(2 Corinth 6:17). God says that His Word is sharper than a double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing the soul and spirit, joint and marrow, it judges the thoughts and attitudes of our heart (Hebrews 4:12). Your soul is way too valuable just to be entertained, misguided, or given false security; the rest of your life gravely depends on knowing, living, and sharing the gospel to others!!! Therefore, also pray and ask the Counselor; The Holy Spirit, which as been given to us as a gift from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to give you discernment concerning any support, or article that is used to give you the understanding of God's Word. The Holy Spirit will be quick to guide you in the right direction, removing you from harms way.

Without knowing how to hear from God; Faith will be nonexistent. Faith cannot exist without knowing God's Word. Think of a time when you went minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years without reading God's Word or remaining in consistent prayer and worship with Him to hear from the Holy Spirit; when trials and suffering came... you were lost, confused, and desperate in trying to believe that everything would be alright. You struggled with finding hope behind the situation, not knowing if God was with you, or interested in hearing or helping you, because you had strayed away for so long. The Word of God and His promises to you were vague, and fleeting, barely remembered if remembered at all. You may have hesitated at praying, reaching for the Bible, while feeling overwhelmed in despair, and guilt; you allowed the enemy to deafen your ears, and blind your sight, where you could not hear from God, nor see where you had left the path.  You had lost your Faith. Without Faith we cannot please God. Faith is more than hope, more than not seeing evidence; it is hearing God through His Words. God's Word came to Abram in Genesis 15:1, "Do not be afraid Abram. I am your shield, your reward shall be very great". Without Abram trusting God's Word; He would not have had faith. God promises many rewards to you; do you know what they are??? Do you know your other rewards beyond receiving Heaven and eternal life??? Did you know that Abram's great reward included YOU??? If not, then take time to study so that the Holy Spirit has more to remind you of when you are in need of hearing from God. Don't seek to increase your Faith only when times of  trouble come, and they will; for, God has also promised that times of trouble will come, but that He will be with us through them all, never forsaking us. Through Faith, we receive His peace through all circumstances, because we lean and trust in His Word that we have learned to hear, even if we cannot see the evidence