An astronomical event that our world enjoys sighting is the series of Red Blood Moons that coincidentally aligns with Israelite commanded holidays; Passover, and the Feasts of Tabernacle. The blood moons don't appear every year, in fact, no blood moons occurred in the 17th, 18th, or 19th century. The blood moons are occurring only within our 20th century; so, far we are noted to have 8 tetrads (a group or arrangement of a set of four) up into the 21st century. The next series of blood moons after year 2015, isn't expected to again until year 2032-2033. As for this year, the first blood moon took place on April 15, 2014; on Passover day. The second was October 8, 2014, on the day of; The Feast of Tabernacles. The third will take place next Passover on April 4, 2015. And the fourth, September 28, 2015 on the day of the Feast of Tabernacles, again. Interestingly enough, the number 8 biblically symbolizes a New Beginning, while the number four represents, Creation. With regards to, it being the fourth day that God created the sun, moon, and stars. We also have the four seasons; Summer, Winter, Spring, and Fall. There are four gospel accounts of Jesus life and ministry; Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Take in account that April 14th is the day that the Israelites are commanded to remember the Passover, in which they were freed from Egypt from God (Numbers 9:5). The number 14 represents; double perfection. Whereas the number 7 represents; perfection. On a deeper study; September 28th is 14 x 2. However, we don't want to lose focus on numbers; although, they coincide with God's appointed times. That is to say; there are much more alarming events to be concerned about.
Nonetheless, the blood moons existence aren't for mere amusement, but instead, are markers pointing to the time of; The Rapture. The Rapture is an appointed time within the Bible in which God states that; Jesus Christ, will return for all believers (1 Thess 4:16-17, Rev 1:7, Daniel 9:27, Rev 2:1-29, 1 Corinthians 15:52, Matthew 24:30, John 14:3) . Believers will be caught up in the air at the sound of an angels trumpet, while nonbelievers and those who neglected, ignored, rejected, mocked, disbelieved, and scoffed at God, are left behind for the time of the Great tribulation. The time we are experiencing now with economic downfall, hunger, murder, persecution, trials, natural disasters and diseases, and rebellion, are all a part of the appointed time called; the Apocalypse. The period following the Apocalypse is referred to as the Great Tribulation, in which the antichrist, the son of perdition, will be given over upon the earth as the New World Order leader. He is a Roman Pope, who will possess within him, the spirit of Satan; the Pope will be assassinated only to appear to resurrected due to Satan's spirit entering him . Satan will be allowed to rule the earth for a short while before the return of Christ again. Those who were left behind from the Rapture will be given the time of The Great Tribulation to find faith in God, and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. However, this will not be an easy task; for, if they find their faith, they will be persecuted heavily by being decapitated, endure extreme famine (severe drought preventing crops to grow), be prevented from purchasing, selling, or trading food and products, suffer extreme earthquakes with lightning, thunder, rumblings, blood bath wars of kingdoms rising up against each other, the sun turning black, and the moon turning blood red, stars and meteorites showing the earth, massive explosions, mountains and hills moved, billows of fire and smoke, with great fear and terror amongst all people, once the abyss of the gates of Hell, are opened to the oversized, hideous, stinging, oversized locust, that will torment all people, great and small, free and enslaved.
No longer will the red blood moons be a day of just mere curiosity, but an appointed and affirmed season of God's wrath.
Rev 6:13, Rev 16:10, Rev 8:12, Jeremiah 4:24, Amos 8:8, Joel 2:10, Haggai 2:6, Joel 3: 15-16, Isaiah 24:21-23, Isaiah 13:9-11, Ezekiel 32:7-8, Zephaniah 1:14-16, Mal 4:1, Rev 6;17, Hosea 10:8.