Tuesday, September 30, 2014


In the last series of posts, our focus was the seven churches mentioned in Revelations from the visions given to Apostle John from our Lord and Savior; Jesus Christ. The seven churches which are symbolized as stars held in Jesus hands are again; Ephesus, the church that lacked love and dedication towards Jesus Christ, but was committed to the church and its functions; Smyrna, the dedicated church which suffered much persecution while remaining faithful to the service of God; Pergamum, the sightly beautiful church that allowed members without true repentance to be baptized, and allowed false and corrupted teachers to teach false doctrine, and known by the name given to them by Jesus Christ as Satan's Throne;Thyatira, the corrupted church which compromised their relationship with God, in order to gain worldly position, influence, and money; Sardis, the church full of bustling activities, entertainment, and admiration for the Pastor, committing to its programs, activities, and functions for the communities and its members versus placing their focus on Jesus Christ (which was later completely destroyed by God through an earthquake, while preserving the church of Philadelphia); Philadelphia, the church fully commended and praised by Jesus Christ for their devotion, dedication, perseverance through persecution, consistent commitment, and love for other people ... and last; Laodicea, the lukewarm and half-committed church that was neither hot nor cold, but served God half-halfheartedly in prayer, study, church, and lifestyle, living a double life in sin. As before, these churches are given to us in Revelation as a wake up call to our churches today; it is God's urgent message and warning that the Pastors and his members find repentance in their ways in the church before it is too late. For we live in the end times, as Revelation is not only placed in the end of the Bible as symbolism, but also pertains to our history, at present, the future that is here, and still to come.

Our next journey in faith; we will be focusing on the Throne of God, and The Book of Destiny that contains the Seven Seals to our world's future, revealed to Apostle John through the visions given to him from Jesus Christ. We will also continue to focus on the teachings of the Armor of God, which God shares with us in Ephesians 6, and how we can effectively use the Armor against our enemy and adversary; Lucifer, that we may win our Christian race that is set before us, receiving the eternal promises of God, as our inheritance, and share with Jesus Christ.

God not only holds The Book of Life which contains all the names of true believers who will one day enter Heaven upon their death, but He also holds The Book of Destiny which foretells our future upon the earth, while we are still yet living. The only person worthy and authorized to open The Book of Destiny is Jesus Christ for He is without sin, and the slain Lamb for the atonement of all sinners. Being that God is perfect, pure, holy, and without darkness; no one else fits His description except Jesus Christ, whom is able to open the Book. This revelation is revealed to Apostle John as he takes sight of what Jesus unfolds before him, as the doors of Heaven are opened to Him, through his vision. All that John witnessed were given to him from God Himself, which assures us that all that was revealed to John, to be revealed to us, was not of his own imagination, and will surely happen as it is recorded.

There are three doors mentioned in Revelations 4: The door for evangelism and missions, the door of the human heart, and the door of revelation. The door to evangelism and missions is the door of the churches; to bear as witnesses of the gospel of Jesus Christ, through its teachings, and through the lifestyle of one that walks in truth. All believers are to share the gospel of Jesus Christ to their families, friends, neighbors, co-workers, associates, communities, states, and even other countries. Those who follow Christ are to share to anyone that will openly receive  hearing about Jesus Christ. They are to be the light and the salt of the earth, which leads to the second door; the human heart. When believers share the gospel of Jesus Christ to others; it is up to the person who openly receives the message to open their heart to the truth, allowing Jesus Christ to enter their lives. By doing so, the person permits God to work within in them, bringing about a rebirth in their body, soul, and spirit. They are gradually conformed to the image of Christ, living righteous lives, and committed to the service of God by helping to further God's Kingdom by sharing the gospel of truth, and assisting the less fortunate, grief stricken, addicted, the sick and shut in, widows, orphaned, abused, and spiritually lost. As the reborn believer continues to grow in Christ, they are brought to the third door; the door of revelation. The promises, goodness, and the love of God begins to be revealed to them beyond what is written in scripture; the Words become LIVE. The believer actually experiences more revelation about God Himself, themselves, others, and the world with its events, that surround the return of the Savior Jesus Christ. A believer learns that the events that they see everyday are not in man's control, by circumstance, nor by chance, but by God's Will, given in the book of Revelations, as history that must happen. Although, believers become aware of the events to happen; they are left with the security in knowing that God will rescue them from the trials, hardships, sufferings, and the great tribulation to come. They understand that God is sovereign, in control of everything, and will not stop the events from occurring, but will be there with His children through the process.

It is revealed to all people that God is so glorious and majestic that is impossible to describe Him, through the vision that was given by Apostle John; for, he saw God sitting upon His throne. Yet, God is describe as being in terms of a magnificent pure, translucent, bright, clear, brilliant, sparkling light, beyond the most precious stones and gems that we have here upon earth. This reveals to all people that God is to be valued likewise to the most precious, as the most divine, and purest of pure that is beyond or comprehension and imagination; He is an indescribable glory. God's smile and countenance is described as beyond the Jasper of today; shining brightly as of the concentrated light of a laser, penetrating nothing but absolute purity to the point where one cast their own eyes down in shame; reaffirmation that they are indeed far short of His glory, for there is no darkness found within Him. Above His throne rests a radiant emerald green rainbow, representing the grace of God. Beneath His feet rests a transparent sea of glass resembling Sapphire, stretching out before His throne, representing God's value and purity, and His ability to clearly see all things through his attribute of being omniscience, where from Him, nothing is hidden. Surrounding Him stands four angelic creatures that reminds one of an lion, ox, eagle, and man in essence to their power, supremacy, strength, swiftness, and intelligence. The creatures stand near Him day and night, never leaving their position, as they sang out to God, how glorious, wonderful, deserving of praise and worship He is, from amongst all His creations in the Heavens, earth, and earth beneath. Surrounding Him was also twenty-four elders (ministers), sitting upon thrones, wearing white robes, and crowns of gold, representing those who came out of the great tribulation, serving God. The voice of God is majestic; described as a combination of lightning, rumbling, and thunder. John also witnesses the burning of seven torches that represent the fullness and completeness of the Holy Spirit.

From John's vision whether one chooses to believe or not believe; it does not change that God is the first being of the universe, the Creator of all things, the beginning and the end, the controller of all events, the Savior of the world of all things He created at Will, and the author of the Holy Bible, and the Judge that sits upon the throne in Heaven, one day having all His creation to worship Him, and knowledge Him by name, power, truth, and worth.


PSALMS 102:25



Thursday, September 25, 2014


Some people will admit that they are not always following the commands of God, while others will profess that it is impossible to be counted unrighteous or mediocre when they hold themselves to the title of being a Christian. However, being identified as a Christian, or any other religious name, ritual, or ceremony, has no power when it comes to God's approval  concerning Salvation. God has shared with man that all come SHORT of His glory (Romans 3:23). Falling short of His glory has some to do with who a person chooses to identify themselves as being, or following, but overall, it isn't the only criteria. One could very well consider themselves to be a Christ follower while God considers them to being a child of darkness. A child of darkness is anyone that falls short of His glory, being counted as God's enemy, refusing to follow in obedience to His commands, living their lives as a son of perdition (one who belongs to Satan being cast out into hell).

Laodicea, the last church mentioned in book of Revelations, given to John in a vision, through the prophetic words of Jesus Christ is identified as the worse church amongst: Sardis, Ephesus, Smyrna, Philadelphia, Pergamum, and Thyatira. Laodicea lived life neither hot nor cold when it came to serving God; they were half-hearted, self-centered, boasting, blind people, who were considered, worthless and useless in the sight of God. Therefore, God views any person that neglects or ignores His Words, choosing their own will at life to be as Laodicea; choosing at their own cost and loss.  One is considered foolish to look towards the church and its rituals of baptism, membership, ordinances, services, functions, ceremonies, fellowship, volunteering, and attendance to be confirmation that they are secured in the eternal life. Choosing to believe that church participation has power to save, leads a person to grave danger!!! God isn't seeking perfect or imperfect dedication towards a Pastor or Church; but instead, those who worship Him personally, outside of the church, in truth and faithfulness. Christ Spirit does not rest in all churches; Christ has removed His Spirit from some, because they are like Laodicea... lukewarm and half-committed. Churches that appear dead, dry, desolate, without peace or purpose, and  confusion; whether they are bustling with activities, entertainment, or admiration for the Pastor, in the sight of God are seen without His Spirit and with no count. God's Spirit rest in churches like Philadelphia; churches that preach the truth as a warning, leaving people uncomfortable in conviction, celebrating righteousness, and having no tolerance for unrighteous living, bearing forgiveness, peace, hope, and support, not just from the Pastor, but from the members in whole, who are considered the church. Church support should go beyond  times of our own personal crisis, but in times when we need to be reminded of the truth, and urged to live according to what is acceptable to Jesus Christ. God is the source of all good that people experience; all wealth, purpose, meaning, significance in life, love, joy, peace, and our trust in Him.  In return for God's good; we should not be half-hearted people, desiring our own way of life, acknowledging God only in time of droughts and heartaches, neglecting His mission of spreading His good news to others concerning Salvation and the life after, being sanctified in church while living impure and unholy out of church, halfway supporting the church but seeking the church to always support us, being ineffective witnesses before unbelievers through our behavior, along with ignoring the need for prayer, Bible Study, and devotion. It is better to be cold than to be lukewarm for God has said that He will vomit out the lukewarm; for, it is better to have absolutely no commitment towards Christ than to mock God in being lukewarm. A lukewarm person wavers back and forth, not aware that they have a problem.  Attending church to save our conscience from guilt adds nothing to the approval from God towards our Salvation. We who say that we follow Christ, should live life as if we are one body with Christ, operating as a counterpart to His body, supplying nourishment for growth, to the rest of His body, that we are held accountable to being an overseer. Our life here on earth is more than money and materials things, passion, desire, and lust, human knowledge, effort, and ability. We are spiritual beings first, with the need for a spiritual relationship, with the Creator of all spirits, before the need of being human, which will one day perish with all other things; our spirit will live on. As spirits we have an urgent need to connect with other spirits, sharing the good news of our Creator's gift for eternal wellness. We need not grumble or complain that we may offend others by sharing the truth of the gospel; those who do not share His gospel to excuses, deny Christ, and for that, He will consider them lukewarm.  God holds us accountable, not out of anger towards us, but out of His love for all people so, that all may know their errors, correcting themselves, saving themselves from eternal doom (John 5:14).  Our obedience in how we live bear witness to the truth we share, and also lead others towards being spiritually born again, spiritually imperishable, in fellowship with Jesus Christ, receiving His care, strength, provisions, love, joy, peace, goodness, and hope, with the added promises of one day sitting upon a throne, ruling, and reigning with Christ forever.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


In the still of the night you find yourself tossing and turning, peace in the night stolen. In the light of the day which should brighten our dark spaces of our minds; nothing is found but yesterdays old news of worries, fear, and doubt. Believers are left wondering; God what have I done wrong to deserve what I am going through? Lord, are you saying I can bear this? Father, why test me so severely? Have I lost my mind to vain imaginations that there is more out there that will pull me through this than my own efforts??! Am I being made a fool of that one would laugh, mock, ridicule, and try me, because I believe, when surely I am ... alone???

All believers have been here. Believe it or not; so have nonbelievers.

What is it that takes us to this point of scare in depths, widths, and heights?




Is fear an indication that we truly aren't believer's because we contradict God's Word that He has not given us a spirit of fear??? (Timothy 1:7)

Mankind is naturally drawn to fear when we face obstacles bigger than ourselves which seem to always come at the most unexpected time.


Because we somehow feel that we are self-sufficient; that we are in control of everything that surrounds us. We place a false assumption upon ourselves that we possess more power than God upon the earth because human power appears to be what is most resourceful in a human world... besides, didn't we create the theories behind science? Build fast forms of transportation, communication? Create a way to have our own everlasting light at our own disposal with the flick of a switch? Did we not create ways in controlling and manipulating people, electronics, appliances??? Did we not create ways for enforcement with ammunition, destroyers, tanks, and bombs??? Although, we are gifted with ways of innovations in a human world; we don't war with each other (Ephesians 6). It may appear that we do because of what we see with our eyes; however, the real threat is unseen. Peter reminds us saying, "Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if it was something strange was happening to you, but rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ so, that you may be overjoyed when His glory is revealed" (1Peter4:12-13)

Ever wonder why trials, crisis, or the robbing of your peace comes from out of no where??? You cannot see all there is to see; you were not created to have all power and all control over everything...YOU NEED GOD.

God has enemies and if you are a believer; God's enemies are also yours, just as Jesus inheritance is yours. God's enemy does not just consist of Satan and his fiends, but people who refuse righteousness; the children of the prince of power in the air, the children of disobedience. There will always be war as long as there are those of righteousness and those of unrighteousness. Righteousness is used against unrighteousness, as unrighteousness is used against righteousness, as it was with Jezebel and Elijah. Jezebel was for all unrighteousness, in every form, whilst Elijah was for every form of righteousness; they were the opposite of each other in all aspects. Just think of it; what does Jesus have in common with Satan??? We can list some things only because Satan mimics Christ, not because He is an equal to Christ. In the end time, Satan will try to mimic Christ's resurrection by resurrecting the pope that will be known as the Chief Son of Perdition, Satan will come riding on a white horse likewise to Christ, he will perform miracles causing statues to even cry (Revelations). Believers are under a constant war, just as we are assigned angels from God to protect us, we are assigned demons to torment us from Hades. With that said; we are to not live by the faith of yesterday, but renew our faith daily, for our enemies lurk to steal, kill, and destroy us daily. We can fall into the traps of doubt, worry, and fear, when we try to apply our former faith to present circumstances. Doubt, worry, and fear are not indications that we are not believers; instead, it tells us that our belief is imperfect, and in order for it to be refined, we must hold on to our sword in the spirit for daily blood baths of our enemies by speaking and believing the Word of God to be true in our lives. Mark 9:14-27 tells us of the story of a man that had a demon possessed son; the man speaks to Jesus, "It has often thrown him both into the fire and into the water to destroy him. But if You can do anything, take pity on us and help us!” And Jesus said to him, “ ‘If You can?’ All things are possible to him who believes.” Immediately the boy’s father cried out and said, “I do believe; help my unbelief. Through this man's time of trial; he acknowledged that he was a believer although his belief needed some tweaking. And because Jesus saw that the man admitted to his weakness and yet, professed to being a believer in the power of God... his son was healed. Believers, it only takes faith as small as a mustard seed to win the approval of God; however, not trusting that God will make a way through your circumstance, does absolutely nothing for God, your faith, and your circumstance... in that case, your enemies will always win. God has spoken that trials will come against us while we are on this earth; therefore, He promises to be there with us THROUGH IT. Through it, tells us that God Wills not to take our trials from us, but to give us the strength and power to overcome the test, if we only trust in him despite how things appear to us (John 16:33, James 1:1-13, 1 Corinthians 10:13, Isaiah 43:2).

Believers is okay to ask God for help, realizing that you are nothing on your own without Him, if you are truly standing in faith, you will be able to rest a night, focus during the day, remain calm with the knowledge that God's peace includes conflict, but HE IS WORKING IT OUT!!! YOU DON'T NEED TO SEE EVERYTHING... THAT'S THE DEFINITION OF FAITH...


Tuesday, September 2, 2014


What would the churches of today be like if they were faithful in focusing on Jesus Christ in their ministries, programs, and activities, and requiring and helping members to walk in the ways of the commands of the Lord, preserving holiness, purity, and love one another, reaching out in missionary support in local and distant: neighborhoods, public areas, homes, and workplaces, by being a doer in helps than just listening to and ignoring the cries of the people? ... If churches were committed and focused on Christ; they would be like the well loved church of Philadelphia, the sixth church mentioned in the book of Revelations 3.

Philadelphia is the model church in which Jesus Christ desires all churches to be. They never wavered in their love for Him by compromising, becoming sluggish or inactive, worshipping the church and its functions, neglecting and ignoring: true worship, prayer, praise, study, obedience to God's commands, and fellowship, living a life of immorality or mediocrity, participation in idolatry or false doctrine, nor preaching to please the people; instead, they did all that was required of them, which in turn, moved God to protect and provide for all their needs. The church of Philadelphia was known to be a small church with limited resources; yet, never complained, grumbled, or murmured about helping those less fortunate. Due to their faithfulness and love for the people; God ensured that their resources never ran short of itself.

Philadelphia bordered three other cities: Lydia, Mysia, and Phrygia. They were very generous and welcoming to their neighbors, doing all that they could in support of their needs, while sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with them. Philadelphia was found to be sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with whom ever they came in contact with in and out of their border; living up to the meaning of their name... brotherly love. Jesus Christ marveled the church of Philadelphia to the point of opening doors to them that no man was capable of shutting. Although, the church was established in a area of periodic earthquakes, suffering major destruction, they were kept from being totally destroyed, whereas, the bustling church of Sardis, that also neighbored Philadelphia, was completely wiped out. Philadelphia likewise to their aid to others, was given aid from Emperor Tiberius, in the rebuilding of their church, and later renamed themselves; Neoceasarea, The New City of Caesar.

Jesus Christ and His inheritance is the promise to all believers; therefore, believers in return should be marked with the fruits that identify them to Christ. Christ seeks for every believer to study the truth, live the truth, and speak the truth, amongst taking on the persecution of mocking, backbiting, rejection, cursing, abuse, imprisonment, attacks, temptations, misuse, and even death that will come with following Him (Matthew 10:22).  Some believers of today, weigh out their options before deciding to do what they know is right to do or before deciding to share the gospel of truth with friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, associates, or strangers. Think of times when you may have decided it's not the right time to pray, study, worship, share the gospel, or stand in protection of the Word of God through: defending the Word, living holy and pure, helping others where you are capable of helping. When we stop to second guess doing the Will of God; we lose focus of Jesus Christ, relying on our own strength, interests, and desires. God commands of believers that want to share in His inheritance to do His Will, not their own. The only way to prove that one is truly a believer, not just a professor of Christ, deceiving themselves to be saved, is to study, live, and speak the truth as Philadelphia; any other way is considered without life, vain, and unfaithful. God promises to protect and provide for all those He considers His chosen people. Any person that follows after the heart and Will of God through faith, are His chosen nation, and  will inherit His Kingdom, be given the crown of life, a new name, and dwell with Him one day again in the promised land of Jerusalem (Romans 9:25-26). God warns believers to remained focused on Jesus Christ because the day of Christ's return is rapidly approaching; one does not want to be found where they have fallen from grace, blotted from the Book Of Life, because they were distracted or lead away from the truth (Revelations 3:11).