Thursday, August 28, 2014


A high percentage of people would believe that they are not in the practice of crafts or black magic so they exclude themselves from verses in the Bible that speaks of divination and sorcerers. However, crafts and black magic are not just those who conjure up spirits, talk to the dead, allow themselves to be possessed by dark forces, practice casting omens, fortune tellers, those who perform astral projection or found playing with Ouija boards; in fact, craftiness can be found amongst all people.

1st Samuel 15:23 reads, "For rebellion is as the sin of divination... and Revelations 22:15 reads, "Outside are the dogs and sorcerers and the sexually immoral, murderers, idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood". Just within those two verses of many, one can see that divination is defined beyond magic, and that sorcerers are compared and contrasted with what God would see one as practicing any type of form of deception. Digging deeper; in what ways would a person be found to be in the act of rebellion against God? The most reasonable answer would be any act that goes against His morals and standards that would not be considered as being righteous. Think of any acts that you could list that would be considered going against the Word of God. How many people do you know that you can say are practicing those behaviors that you listed? How many people have you witnessed around you that you don't know that are practicing those behaviors? And how many of those behaviors did you leave out because you are practicing those behaviors? Using the check list below; how did your list compare to some of the types of rebellions listed in the Bible?

lying, stealing, gossiping, causing division and strife, foolishness, eavesdropping, meddling, profanity, drunkenness, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, loose behavior, controlling, physical, emotional, spiritual, financial abuse, jealousy, lust, envy, hatred, unforgiveness, abortion, accusing, fear, arrogance, worry, bitterness, blasphemy, boasting, causing a child to sin, hindering others, ignoring the poor and homeless, putting the cares of the world before God, lacking prayer, study, fellowship, and praise, practicing worldliness, being a poor example for raising your child(ren), dishonoring parents, murder, idolatry, name calling or threats, astrology, judging others, eating blood, offending, persecuting others due to righteousness, complaining, dressing loosely or indecent, giving the appearance of evil, despising others, abusing or using illegal drugs, disobeying ones employer, fraud, mocking, double-minded, resisting God, not fearing God, breaking promises or oaths, impatience, racism, impartiality, being quick tempered.... the list goes on.

Would these sins just be an issue with the heart of a person?

What is it about those sins listed that are of sorcery or divination?

The first answer would be... No. A persons heart become defiled by allowing themselves to submit to the influence and practice of spiritual craftiness. Ephesians 6 tells us that we are never fighting against flesh and blood but with spiritual wickedness in high places; forces that we cannot see and are supernatural. Everything that we go through is brought by a spiritual force whether for the good or the bad. We are spirits first and embodied as flesh and blood second. We will attract those things that are spiritual because we are spirits. We when oppose to do the will of God or those things that are considered righteous; we invite dark forces to overtake us. The understanding of how these dark forces become empowered by the careless things we do; helps us to break the influence they have in our lives and within the lives of others.

For example; when we gossip about others, we have open ourselves to the destruction of another persons reputation through the craftiness of spoken words (curses) and then we entice others to join in our craftiness by having them to spread the words to others, influencing their minds. When we cannot get our way with something; we turn to the craft of manipulation, control, or intimidation to get what we want because it works in the spiritual realm. When we want advancement and feel hindered; we compromise, slight, or manipulate in order to gain the power we otherwise feel we would miss out on if we did not resort to some type of cunningness, or submissiveness where we allow ourselves to be at the mercy of another person's control or we persuade them gaining control over them through the appearance of false compliance. When we feel that something is in our way and it may cause us discomfort, loss, or the lesser upper hand; we resort to fear, aggressiveness, accusations, or even murder. When we feel jealous of someone else; we resort to the craft of isolating or ignoring a person, rumors, impartiality, division, or coveting. When we don't feel loved, appreciated, or noticed by a person; we resort to the craft of abandonment by turning our affections to someone else despite the feelings of the other person involved or the laws of God (if it's a marriage), submit ourselves to vain imaginations where we lower our self-esteem by believing others are conspiring against us, or produce evil thoughts of revenge towards the offending person that lacks reverence. When we come against strongholds in trials or temptations; we resort to disbelief or doubt creating imaginary thoughts that create a prospect of our future being doomed, devise underhanded schemes to conquer due to desperation and fear, or presume that the temptation that we are facing isn't as bad as it seem which keeps us enslaved to the forces of darkness that entice, seduce, and lure us repeatedly into the deed that is meant to destroy our soul. It doesn't matter what we may go through as sin; behind each act is the act of spiritual craftiness from the powers of unseen foes that seek to keep us bound in destroying ourselves and/or others.

Ways to prevent yourself from being in the way of craftiness is to:

*Pray daily against strongholds, temptations, and curses that will present themselves to attack you. Pray that the blood of Jesus covers you, and refuse any activities that you may be involved in that open the doors to inviting demonic activity in your life, asking God for deliverance.

* Depart any person(s) that enjoy participating in the acts of rebellion against God or who seek to control, manipulate, or intimidate you. Don't attempt to control the controller or abuser; just remove them from your life. Their power loses its effectiveness when you no longer submit to them. Never repay evil with evil; that's the intending plot of the kingdom of darkness.

*Ignore any thoughts that manifests and opposes your peace of mind, whether they are your own thoughts, or someone else's thoughts, spoken over you. God isn't the author of confusion nor has He given us the Spirit of fear; anything that comes to steal, kill, or destroy you in mind or your future for prosperity isn't from God.

*Practice studying the Word of God, living the Word of God, and teaching the Word of God to others that they may be delivered too.

*Stand for nothing but righteousness in how you relate to others in your thoughts, words, and deeds.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


The church of Sardis is the fifth church of warning in the book of Revelations; the Words of Jesus Christ given as vision through the eyes of John. What's interesting to note is that Revelations is the last book of the Bible giving prophecy that foretells what issues are in the end likewise to the placement of the book itself, and what was revealed about the church of Sardis is confirmed to us in the churches of today.

The issues with the church of Sardis is that they were an esteemed church seen as an important, lively, prosperous, well-liked, church because they were always bustling with activities and social gatherings for the communities and their families. Sardis had activities that met the pleasures of the people at every age. They performed their social customs of religious rituals, ceremonies, and worship without the true focus on Jesus Christ, and the sins of the people. Sardis was a church of exciting entertainment; a way for people to feel that they were securely fellowshipping with Christ behind dancing, praising, singing, joining activities, partaking in communion and baptizing, tithing, doing fundraisers, attending church and its functions, socially eating and drinking together, attending bible studies, praying, doing all that they could to keep the organization of the church going without a true hunger or thirst for righteousness, the epiphany of Jesus Christ. Sardis could not be convinced that its church was dead, lifeless, and without the Spirit of God because of its activities and its growing numbers in members; however, Jesus Christ called Sardis dead because works do not have His Spirit nor His power. Though the people danced, shouted, cried, and prayed; Jesus said they were without energy, life, His Spirit, and had works that were vain, because their hearts were far from Him. Their works within the church were for themselves, the community, and their organization, for their own entertainment and socializing; yet, their sins, immorality, and hunger and thirst for doing the wrong things remained with them. The gathering of Sardis only existed because it was the thing to do.

Jesus wants the Ministers of today to draw His Sword on the people of the church; He wants them not be comforted by His Word nor entertained but made to heal by the purging of their sins. Jesus wants people to hear about their wrongdoings, and how it runs short of the glory of God. He wants people to turn from their wrongdoings that lead them to eternal death. It is so important for the people to hear about their sins to the point that God wills to hold the Minister accountable of those souls that are lost due to the Minister holding back the Sword of His Word, "But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood" (Ezek 33:6). God does not want His Word to be a source of entertainment as if it is a love song with a beautiful voice, but that it is a voice with conviction, and warning for change (Ezek 33:31-32). God does not want the people in the church half asleep and with wandering thoughts, but their hearts focused on being cleansed and purified. God did not see the Church of Sardis to be fulfilling, complete, perfect, or carried out the way it was created to function. Church in the sight of God should be not be for socializing, the enslavement to religious rituals, business networking, public imagery, or for family and community activities, but a place where people should come to place their sins before them to seek change within their personal lives and their relationship with God. God wants people to walk with him moment by moment everyday of their lives in open confession to their wrongdoings so that they remain spotless, without blame, and pure.

What good is it to dance, to praise, to sing, to join functions, activities, and boards at church, to be baptized, to eat, drink, and fellowship, to partake in communion, to have perfect attendance, to teach and preach, when your body is alive, but your soul is counted dead??? (Mark 8:36)

The promises of God are only made to those who keep their souls alive.

For everyone when they are first born again names are recorded in the Book of Life; however,  if you do not fulfill the requirements that confirm that you have been changed, your name is blotted out at the time of your death (Rev 20:15, Rev 21:27, Exo 32:33, Psa 69:28, Dan 12:1)

Those who are were truly born again will be dressed in white, not blotted out the Book of Life, and will be acknowledged before God by Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


The fourth church mentioned in the book of Revelations is the church of Thyatira. Thyatira was the smallest of the seven churches that was located near the third church; Pergamum. Thyatira; although, considered the least important, was warned by Jesus regarding, the danger of judgment that laid ahead of them, due to their sins.

Thyatira is known for the behaviors of compromise that corrupted their church. The spirit of Jezebel was very influential concerning the people there. Without compromise to their holiness and purity; their opportunities for advancement and prosperity were often threatened. Worldly church leaders often took position in the churches, preaching to the believers that they should not totally separate themselves from worldly activities and functions. The church was taught that by isolating themselves from those who were disobedient to God, showed an outward sign of being snobbish and the desire of not wanting to be socially acceptable. Without being socially accepted; they risked losing their promotions, jobs, houses, personal power, and approvals to reside within better communities. Although, the church of Thyatira knew the consequences of participating in worldly affairs, would harm their mind, bodies, souls, and hearts; they still participated, without trusting God for their provisions. Thyatira found themselves seduced and enticed into lying, cheating, heavy drinking, sexual immortality, idolatry, and more. Despite their love and desire to chase after the heart of God; their involvement in fellowshipping with those of unrepentance caused them to be drawn into weaknesses of their own flesh. Thyatira did nothing to stop the false preaching and teaching that came from the false appointed teachers placed in position within their church, nor the worldly members that were being baptized without a heart for repentance, which left their church corrupted.

The corruption of Thyatira is a cry out to the believers of today; they should be wise in who they allow themselves to fellowship with, or lead them in doctrine, and example. Believer's should not lower their holiness and purity in order to make gain with the world in any way or form, but instead, trust God for their provisions. A believer should believe, follow, obey, attach themselves, and love Christ with their heart at all cost. Believers are never to compromise with the world within their jobs, neighborhoods, relationships, communities, and churches. Compromising even in secret is known to God whether behind closed doors, in the dark, in offices, houses, or parked cars; He sees all and knows all, and will reward all those for what they have done with their bodies, for good or for bad.

Revelations 2

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


The church of Pergamum is the third church of mention in the book of Revelations. This church is very much like the churches of today. Jesus gives a very strong rebuke to not only the congregation, but the Ministers, to the point of naming the place of Pergamum; Satan's Throne.

What was so bad about the place of Pergamum that they were called; Satan's Throne???

..... Worldliness.

Worldliness destroys temples. Jesus makes it clear in Revelations that He does approve of churches adding worldly functions to its programs in the church or within the members homes. Nor does He approve of members being baptized who have not truly repented of their worldly behaviors while accepting Christ. And lastly, but not the least, He doesn't accept false teaching and preaching, added to the context of the Scriptures.

If a church becomes polluted with worldliness; God holds the Minister responsible, and the church as a whole. Ministers are not only to tend to the needs of the people, but the needs of the church, protecting its integrity. The only way to protect the integrity of the church is to not accept worldly behavior from those of the members. A Minister is responsible for making sure that those who follow are living holy, and pure lives. It is unacceptable that the mention for repentance and the turning away from worldly behaviors remain avoided in order to please the people, being fearful of their reactions, or actions, towards being corrected. By avoiding rightful confrontation; souls remain lost, sin continues to spread within the church, and the church's existence becomes ineffective, which is a very serious act of violence against Christ. A Minister must infest the sores of the people to bring about healing; baptizing those who are not truly repented in heart only offers them false hope. Equally, a Minister or Christ follower must endure persecution to protect God's Word, and to bring about Salvation in the lives of the lost. Jesus has spoken that the world will hate those who do His will, speak the truth, and live the life He expects all His believers to live (Matthew 10:22, John 15:18, 1 Peter 4:12-13).

Today's generation is without excuse for the ways of the church. We have all been warned to bring about repentance; not to follow after the path of those who are common. It only takes the gathering of the faithful to step forward and speak without fear as to how the church and its members should be living and functioning within their personal lives and within the church. Jesus isn't seeking just the voice, but also the actions of expelling those from the church who refuse to listen. Jesus expects for those who are faithful to remain faithful even unto death; for He died for us so that we may live. To be a witness is the same as being a martyr (2 Timothy 3:12)

Those within the church are professing Christ while committing adultery, fornication, homosexuality, drunken parties, idolatry, deception, and the sorts of all sins. People are in need of learning to live sacrificial lives as Christ sacrificed His life for them; by doing so, they deny themselves of worldliness, while holding on to the truth and purity. People do not need to fear change for the better for there is no where that God's Word cannot reach them to protect them, even to the depths of Hell. True belief and Salvation will always involve repentance.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014



2 Corinthians 6:14

Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?

Ephesians 5:11

Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.

Galatians 6:1

Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted.


Psalms 96:3

Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples.

Matthew 28:19-20

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.

Mark 16:15-16

And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. "He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned.


Let's make it clear that it is impossible to not assemble with nonbelievers. You are going to be along side nonbelievers everyday somewhere within your home, family, grocery stores, malls, restaurants, churches, school, amusement parks, businesses, workplace, doctors office, post office; you would literally need to disappear in order not to be in assembly with someone, somewhere,  who does not share your same faith in Jesus Christ. Therefore, what God commands of believers is to refrain from joining in nonbeliever activities. Those who are conforming themselves to Christ should not be found doing the works of darkness that are found in the activities of nonbelievers: clubbing, drinking, using narcotics, fornicating, committing adultery, using profanity, causing strife, listening to and watching media that corrupts a pure spiritual walk, lacking prayer, study, or assembly with other saints, gossiping, lusting, loose behavior and attire, impure speech, envying, acts of revenge, homosexuality, incest, bestiality, and so on. Believer's are to stir clear of being too close in relationship with those who engage in those activities because it is so easy for believers to be pulled into the activity themselves. Believer's are not strong on their own; although, one may want to believe so. It takes the strength of the Holy Spirit, and the believer's own will, to remain free from activities that will invite temptations, in order for believers to prevent falling; the flesh is weak.

Nevertheless, believer's are encouraged to intentionally share the gospel of truth with nonbelievers without the participation in their worldly activities. Sharing the gospel should come with love, not with prejudice or judgment. Believer's should genuinely, with interest and care, ask questions of nonbeliever's about themselves; their likes, interests, hobbies, family, about how their day is going.... any question that may lead to knowing them more, and being ready to exchange information. Believer's should invite nonbeliever's out to lunch, or dinner, a house warming, celebration, church, or any activity that may open an invitation for the believer to share Jesus Christ. Precautions should be taken too; if a believer knows that the nonbeliever uses profanity in speech, they may not want to engage with them around other believers that are unaware of their behavior, or to a function that would include children. Instead, setting up a meeting where  both would be comfortable, and least to have questionable stares, or offense would be more suitable. Likewise, if the nonbeliever  is of the opposite sex or interested in same sex relationships; it would be wise to meet in a group setting or some where public. The whole purpose of the meeting should not be just to spread the gospel, but to seek to become a long-term committed witness for Christ bearing witness of His love, support, forgiveness, acceptance, and understanding, that is shared amongst God and His people, as if the nonbeliever were already saved themselves. God loves all people, the righteous and the unrighteous. It is sin that God hates; believer's and nonbeliever's are both guilty of sin. All people are saved by the same free gift and grace; Jesus Christ. Believer's never know who they may be witnessing too; it could be someone who would one day be a greater evangelist than themselves... a Paul.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


The second church mentioned in the book of Revelations of the seven churches of Asia Minor is Smyrna.

Why is it important for us to know about these churches???

1. Jesus is the author of Revelations given through the vision of  John.
2. Jesus wrote to the seven churches to reach all of us, not just the church.
3. Revelations is the book written only for believers.
4. Believers are to grow in maturity by having access to the knowledge that God wants us to know.
5. Revelations reveals your time and generation: what is past, what is present, and what is expected in the future to come...ready or not.
6. Jesus' Revelation brings enlightenment to unanswered concerns.
7. Revelations remind believer's to remain in place, waiting on the promise of eternal life, that they may not be distracted, misled, grow weary, or fall from grace, receiving only God's wrath, after years of fighting the good fight of the Christian race.

Smyrna's name means bitter. It is derived from the word; Myrrh, which is a sticky plant substance that is/was used for oil, perfumes, and embalming. Myrrh was one of the gifts given to Jesus Christ from the wise men during His early childhood years, representing the honor behind Christ's death that would save all mankind.

The church of Smyrna was a dedicated church to the Word of God. They were very loyal in keeping God's requirements; remaining true,  pure,and placing God first. They were constantly persecuted without mercy in the hands of the unbelieving Jews. The church of Smyrna were: ridiculed, mocked, cursed, lied on, slandered, imprisoned, criticized, backbitten, torn down, ripped from prosperity to poverty, discriminated, and killed, because of their loyalty to God. No matter what trial or temptation that seized them; they stood for God, never wavering, or compromising their faith and trust in Him. Jesus reminded them that He was the First and the Last; no matter what they came against, they were to know that He was there with them in the beginning, middle, and end of it all. They were not to fear any threats, or harm, even through the hands of the government, or prosecutors; they were not the final say so in their injustice.

Jesus sends the urgent message to us all that He is with us. He is aware of the injustice that comes against us because we stand for what is right. He wants us to know that He DOES hold those in government accountable for any perversity or misuse of their power towards all people. Today, we see those in power misuse their authority to harm others secretly... so they believe; yet, Jesus says to the people that those who do us harm WILL BE JUDGED. There is nothing that none of us do in secret. God is all knowing. He is there during the beginning of our mistreatment, the middle of it, and to its end. We are not to stand in fear of mankind that synagogue for Satan; their end is foretold in Revelations. Those who stand in  judgment are not awaiting for the series of episodes to occur in Revelations before they receive vengeance, instead,  they are awaiting their own series of death...their physical death, and then the second death of hell fire. The government stands not in final authority; God does. Believer's are to be assured that whatever persecution we may suffer; it is only temporary. Jesus suffered before us. Believer's suffer because Jesus suffered. The episode of Jesus suffering passed away, and so shall it be for those who believe and trust in Him as their Savior. Our trials are only temporary and subject to pass away according to God's written laws that only He control  in seasons, hours, minutes and seconds. God Wills not to forsake us but to be with us through it all to the very end, even to the place where we will find ourselves one day standing before Him.

Saturday, August 2, 2014


The title; Christian, gets tossed around a lot. It is used so much that one would think that basically the whole world is full of believers against popular belief and what the Word of God proclaims in Matthew 7:13, "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it"; therefore, let's learn to look at the fruit for discernment... Matthew 7:15-20..."Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them".

A true Christ follower will bear the fruits of Christ. Would we find Christ doing many of the behaviors that we find witnessed in many of today's professing Christians? We should not find: hatred, jealousy, envy gossiping, thievery, profanity, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, idolatry, lust, lack in study, worship, praise, and prayer, impatience, strife, unforgiveness, pride and ego, racism, impartiality, drunkenness, lying, defamation, slightness, uncaring responses, neglect, abuse, laziness, confusion, control, manipulation, or the sorts within the heart of Christ. These attributes are from dark forces and the heart of man. A true Christ follower would aim to do all that they can to live as a righteous person for God, while making peace with all people. No one can stand before God and say that they willed to do what God willed with neglect to what He has commanded. God understands that all those who follow after the heart of Christ are not perfect, and are subject to disappointment. That is why He sent His only Son; Jesus Christ, to take the penalty for our mistakes. Mistakes are mishaps. Continued mishaps in the same sin does not equate to a mistake, but instead is counted as deliberate disobedience in practice; the works of an unbeliever. God has made it clear that all those who practice sin will not inherit His Kingdom (Galatians 5:21, Romans 1:32, 1 Corinthian 6:9). A righteous man falls seven times, and RISES AGAIN (Proverbs 24:16). We may make mistakes; however, we are required to RISE UP out of the situation as an OVERCOMER in a repented state. Without repentance we remain fallen, and subject to being considered a cast away; unbeliever. You won't find a believer leading or encouraging others to commit sin. A true believer will warn others, watch out for their own safety, and remain steadfast in study, prayer, and obedience.