Tuesday, July 8, 2014


There are many reasons people will give to affirm why they shouldn't trust today's church leaders; therefore, God has encouraged believers to reignite their love for them by seeking out their fruits as a means for discerning their spirit. Although, walking away from leaders seem to be the easiest decision; it is in fact, the worse decision. God says that when we think we are denying love for His leaders, we are in truth, rejecting love for Him, not the leaders; however, He accepts that we guard ourselves against and reject false leaders.

 So, how do we know the difference between the true and the false???

A true leader will never deny the deity of Jesus Christ. The true Minister will acknowledge that Jesus Christ; God's Son, was born of the virgin Mary, never sinned as a man, was crucified, died, and buried, arose again to life on the third day, as a payment for the sins of mankind, and stands at the right hand of God in Heaven. (2 John 1:7, 1 John 2:22)) The true Minister will speak all truth of the Bible, not philosophy, science, or worldliness, nor words that are only meant to please the people. (Colossians 2:8)  The true Minister will place the focus on God, the free gift of grace, and Jesus Christ, and not on their self.(Romans 16:18)  The true Minster will have an unfailing love for all people of the church, recognizing that all people are sinners, not showing partiality to anyone based on any form of status. (Leviticus 19:15, James 2:1)  A true Minister will know the truth, speak the truth, and live the truth. (Ephesians 4:15) The true Minister will have a heart that exemplifies: kindness, love, care. protection, and affection even for those who reject them as a Minister. (2 Cor 3:18) A true Minster stands guard for the church, observing that there are no mistakes made, and if so, then the mistakes are corrected before the people of the church. (Phil 3:18)A true Minister suffers long to ensure that the church is growing in spirit and truth, conforming themselves into the image of Christ, not the size of membership.( Eph 4:24, Phil 3:20-21) The true Minister will reach out to the spiritually lost, the homeless, the hungry, the widows, the sick, the possessed, the addicted, the sexually immoral, and all others without hesitation or prejudice.(Matthew 25:36, James 1:27) A true Minister rebukes a false Minister. (Titus 1:10-16) A true Minister seeks to aid the people and not take advantage of them. (Romans 13:4)

Why should people carefully guard themselves from denying a true Minister???

It is better to be hurt with the truth than to die with a lie.(Colossians 2:8, Matthew 15:9) Hearing the truth helps with the prevention of being backslidden. (Galatian's 4:8-11) Walking in righteousness guarantees that you won't fall from grace. (2 Peter 3:17, 1 Corinthians 10:12) God says that true Ministers should be welcomed in the truth they proclaim (Galatian's 2) A true Minister is worthy of double honor for they glorify God. (1 Timothy 5:17).

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