Thursday, July 24, 2014


Are you a Sunday Lover?

God's love never clocks out with devotion for us; however, people have a difficult time remaining their best for God except on Sundays. On Sundays we dress our best, speak our best, are courteous to our best, praise our best, sing our best, sow a seed to our best, and reminiscence on God's love for us at His best... What happens to us Monday through Saturday?! What do will find ourselves doing? Who do we praise? Who do we sing to or along with? Who do we give our adoration too? How are we speaking? Who are we fellowshipping with? What are we wearing? What is our attitude towards others or towards God?

Are you a Sunday Lover?

We should not attend church regularly or irregularly on Sundays, and then live like the world the rest of the week. If we truly love God, and come to know His Word very well; we should understand what He expects all through the year, on a daily basis. We are to love God as He loves us; in and out of season. Anything other than living in righteousness, is to live a lie. We cannot be the truth on Sunday, and a lie all the rest of the week. As a little yeast ruins the whole batch of dough; a little lie taints our whole spiritual walk. God states that we fool ourselves about our love for Him, but He sees our heart (Romans 1:22, 2 Corinth 4:4, Jeremiah 17:10). Loving God all through the week is a part of our Amour; the Breastplate of Righteousness.

If you are not loving God the way you should, then it's okay to turn around, and love Him the righteous way. He will forgive those who turn to other loves, accepting them as if they never violated His covenant.


He is an unconditional, everyday lover.

He loves you that much.

And you should too...

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