Thursday, July 3, 2014


1. Resist temptations when the Enemy seeks to lead you into sin; just say, "NO!" Opposition can mean just taking your two feet in the opposite direction. Don't ever forget to use your sword or gunfire by quoting verses openly to the temptation.

2. Stay faithful even when the battle rages. The enemy will send many terroristic threats your way, hoping to frighten you into submission; however, your Commander in Chief has said, "He doesn't give His soldiers a spirit of fear"... so, decline the offer.

3. Refuse to comprise biblical truth. For every team to operate sufficiently and defensively, they must remain together regarding rules and regulations. Don't allow compromise just to appease someone; it always leads to the door of unrighteousness. Satan only needs a small entrance to bring the entire wall to the fortress down. Never doubt or deny God's rules and regulations.

4. Keep your eyes on God in spite of distractions. Distractions will come when you least expect it, taking your focus off of your goal, and delaying the outcome of victory; that's the intended purpose. Don't allow your circumstances nor the influence of worldliness to entertain you; you will find yourself shipwrecked in your faith.

5. March forward in faith at any given moment. Hesitation is a sign that you don't trust your Commanding Chief; Jesus Christ. Don't be like the Israelites who were purposely left in the wilderness, not possessing the land flowing with milk and honey, because they feared the giants that they were told would submit to them. God has given you power to overcome the world. Never allow the world to make you at ease; it submits to you.

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