Sunday, July 13, 2014


God desires, and so commands, that we not forsake the gathering of the saints. Our gathering is designed to encourage one another, keeping ourselves focused on the task, with the knowledge that we are not in the spiritual fight alone (Heb 10:25).

However, how do we stand together against the fight with the rulers of darkness when there are spiritual fights against each other within our own churches??? (Eph 6:12)

One thing we must understand is that church is not created for the righteous people, but for the broken, lost, confused, unrighteous, possessed, sick, and imperfect person. Christ followers are to enter God's temple with the knowledge that we are going to church to be an example to those who are visiting with us that may be unsaved, backslidden, or reprobate... that person could very well include our Pastor. For God has said that there are many false shepherds among us  (Matthew 7:15). Our mission is to be the light of the earth by reflecting the image of Christ, being a witness before unbelievers, not just in our communities,, workplace, or neighborhoods, but also during church service, and midweek Bible Study (Matthew 5:13-16).  Too often, people form the false idea,  that churches are full of holy, good to do, and wholesome people; however, fashion, fancy hairstyles, and selective hospitality, rarely have anything to do with the heart of person. God says that we are to judge a person by the contents of their heart versus their adornment of outer fashion (1 Sam 16:7)  Yet, we still find within our churches:partiality and favoritism, taking place amongst our body, bringing about divisiveness, all due to someones appearance or status (James 2:1-7). Some of us may have experienced: gossiping in the church, the feeling of being set apart, rudeness and haughtiness, the feeling of being confused, overwhelmed, or belittled, lied to, forgotten, or threatened, amongst other bad situations. This is not how God designed our churches to be. We are to be the example of who Christ is, having those who are in need to feel accepted, cared for, loved, understood, having a place to heal, and place their trust, while being given the opportunity to grow in the knowledge and relationship with Christ without ridicule, impatience, force or false doctrine.  Just as God holds a Pastor accountable for the peace of the temple; He holds those who claim to love Christ,  just as accountable. We are all accountable for our actions. God will certainly judge those who cause confusion  and disruption within His temple.... "If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him; for God's temple is sacred, and you are that temple". ( 1 Corinth 3:17)

If you find yourself in a bad church that may be influencing you wrong or teaching worldliness or false doctrine; remove yourself from the church, and find a healthy church home where you will not eventually abandon church altogether. 

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