Monday, April 15, 2019


Be aware of the new technology that has opened new ways of opportunities for the adversary to devour you. Sexting can seem innocent, but it's end is spiritual cancer.

 What is Sexting? Sexting is the process of sending nude photos, sexual suggestions, or cybersex via the air ways of smart phones, androids, or computers. Its intent is to invite sexual gratification without being physical. What are the dangers of sexting?

 1. It is rebellion against God which causes sin against the body. Our bodies are to be pure and Holy before God; it is where the Holy Spirit resides.

 2. It opens an avenue for the adversary to accuse you before God and to expose you before the world and those who love you, creating embarrassment and shame; a means for the adversary to consistently condemn you.

 3. Sexting creates strongholds towards other sexual sins or sins in general; you'll come to a place where you are desensitized, no longer sensitive to the the urging of the Holy Spirit to live right before God.

 4. Sexting it's like killing two birds with one stone, where the enemy has not only one soul but two souls entangled in sin, using two people to lust for one another.

 5. Sexting cannot be undone. Once photos or videos are created and sent, they cannot be retrieved; they are left at the discretion and power of the receiver to abuse the trust between you two. The receiver can expose the graphics to their friends, family, porn sites, or use them to blackmail you.

 6. If you no longer become involved with the receiver, they can continue to view the graphics, giving themselves sexual gratification, which will then have you feeling violated.

 7. Sexting will build lust between the two involved, where real physical sex will eventually take place between the two down the road.