Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, I want to share with you the hidden treasure to finding happiness in the midst of grief and difficulties.

Some of the myths that people seem to believe is that happiness is only for a few of God's chosen elects, or that when happiness is found, it is only for a season.  However, that does not seem to be the case. Happiness is within us all, from the man who has lost his job, to the woman who has had a miscarriage, on to the family that has lost their home, to the guilty that stands in the courthouse, to the couple that is heading for a divorce, to the patient that just discovered they have cancer. No one is exempt from God's grace of happiness.

Sharing my personal testimony... many who know me probably thought I would lose my mind behind losing custody of my two children, to their father, through a very challenging divorce in year 2006. Therefore, I will share how God helped me to find peace and happiness within it all. First, I cried out to the Lord, blaming Him for not covering my situation the way I had asked Him to in prayer.  I never thought for one moment that the tables would turn on me. I had all ready gone through two other court hearings where I had won custody of my two children between two states. Yet, on the third hearing, fate would have it, that God would allow what I thought impossible at that point. I questioned God, wondering if He had been angry with me, or moreover, just forgotten about me. I can't begin to explain the details of the pain that radiated and burned through my entire being. My mindset in confusion, my body feeling fatigued, while my bank account set there depleted, at the exhaustion of attorneys and court fees. How could God do this to me?!! I was the primary parent that cared for our children!! I was the one that remained faithful at serving God, even trained our children to fear and serve Him. I am the one in financial need of having them provided for. I am their MOTHER... why would God do this to ME??!! Somehow, when things are set to appear against us, we believe that God is actually trying to punish us, or has turned against us in an act of violence. However, God's way of doing things is to always strengthen our weaknesses. God received more glory out of allowing me to go through something that I thought I could not handle than the glory He would have received had He given me something I expected Him to do that would be comforting. God saw a greater value in helping to me to take the attention off myself, while redirecting my attention unto Him. God's grace surpasses everything. It is not confined to the rules and regulations that we set for Him. His grace takes us deeper in our spiritual walk with Him, opening our eyes to things that we would never see, if He had allowed us to continue to walk with blind faith. I saw a deeper need to trust Him, even if I had to walk through the valley of sorrow.  No amount of  troublesome has any power over His grace. I saw within myself self-centeredness, where I felt things just had to go my way, because I felt that I was too good to experience anything less than God's very best. Job 2:10 says, "Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?"  I saw where I lacked grace in being empathetic to their father's needs despite his past absence and attentiveness in their lives. I saw where God made me financially able where I thought I had a need. I saw how God placed me in a position of teaching at a local private Christian school which allowed me to be surrounded by His Word, and children almost everyday. I saw in my character where the old ways passed away, and the new creation thrived.

There is happiness to be found in Jesus Christ. There is absolutely nothing that we can suffer that Jesus Christ Himself did not suffer. Jesus suffered before we could suffer.  He suffered as an example, that we are able to live life, through our own struggles, abundantly. The grace of God carried; Jesus Christ, and that same grace carries US! I once heard that, "Life is 10% of what happens to us, and 90% of how we respond to it", which I have found to be true. We can either respond to life as life responds to us, or choose to recognize that our hope and peace, are not found in this world, but in Jesus Christ who strengthens us (Philippians 4:13). Through every trial that comes at us, we can choose to allow God to use us for His purpose through it all; whether it's to sharpen our faith, to refine our character, to be a testimony to others, to see ourselves in front of His grace, where we can learn to extend grace to others, or even to confront Him concerning His promises. There is a greater value behind going through storms, than to hide under the shelter of comfort. There is a dire need for the world to know that true peace and happiness is found in our complete dependence and trust in God to work everything out for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28). Our circumstances may not look good, but that's okay, because when you are placing your faith in God, everything always turns out for the best in the end.  Remember that our best is not always His best, but everyone will find happiness.

But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknessess, so that Christ's power may rest on me. - 2 Corinthians 12:9