Wednesday, September 30, 2015


How many times have you come across hearing the terms: lost, backslider, apostate, and saved, without really having a full grasp on what they really mean or how they even define you? Well, you are not the only one that is in need of some clarity. Let's take a look at their meaning, and how they may relate to you or others in your or their spiritual walk.

Lost- a person that is spiritually lost has no concept of who God is, nor do they have a personal relationship with Him. They either do not believe that God exists, worship an idol other than the true God, believe only in reincarnation and other spiritual deities, self-governed and absorbed into worldly pleasures, or may have never been introduced to the message of Jesus Christ to accept Him.

Backslider- a new believer, or a believer that has not reached maturity in the knowledge of God, but has been introduced to the message of Jesus Christ, and accepted Him as their Lord and Savior; yet, are struggling with the temptations of worldly pleasures, while wavering back and forth with their fellowship with God.

Apostate- a fully mature believer that has partaken, or has come to the full knowledge of who God is, what is expected of them, and the consequences. He or she has witnessed the promises and goodness of God, through miracles, enlightenment, heavenly gifts, possessing the evidence of the Holy Spirit, and the powers of the coming age; yet, has willfully and deliberately, turned his or her back against God, for other myths, idols, or the return to worldly pleasures, without ever desiring to come to repentance.

Saved- a new, maturing, or matured believer, that has been introduced to the message of Jesus Christ, and has accepted Him as Lord and Savior of their lives, showing evidence of their acceptance through their lifestyle, in being obedient towards Jesus Christ, showing a continual repentance towards temptations and sin, sharing the gospel with others, seeking out spiritual growth through personal study, church attendance, community and church help, fellowship, and prayer.

Although each term vastly differ in their meanings, none of them are without sin. Sin has its place in our lives whether one is saved or unsaved. All believers or nonbelievers have the ability to change either for the better or for the worse. However, it is scary to acknowledge that an apostate believer has no chance of ever coming back around to repentance, after already being exposed to the full truth.

Nevertheless, opting to remain in Biblical ignorance isn't an excuse to relieve people of the moral obligation to seek the truth, in fear of being held accountable for the truth that they would be exposed to. Ignorance does not imply innocence; if that was the case, the Bible would not teach us that there is an urgent need for the truth behind the gospel to be spread. Just as a lost person can be saved; a saved person can become lost; they are interchangeable.