Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Doubt in itself is a TRUST issue. Somewhere, someone or something isn't trusted. However, mistrust isn't necessarily a bad thing; but in fact, it is a red flag alerting you to give what you are doubting a deeper analysis. Doubt can only be two things: a warning to back away from a potentially harmful circumstance, or an area of weakness within yourself that is in need of strengthening. Either way, your doubt may surface, God is capable of protecting you from both, and bringing about the best for, around, and in you (Romans 8:28). The problem comes when it is 'HARD to trust God', and 'not trusting Him', comes easy. When fear overtakes you to the point where you can't believe in what will deliver you; a stronghold takes place, locking your mindset to the belief that the circumstance is LARGER and MIGHTIER, than the possibility of having any chance of a better outcome. When this occurs, no longer is the circumstance a threat, but the doubt itself. Doubt can be not only hazardous, but contagious. It takes only one person to speak of doubt, before another begins to doubt, then another, then another, and before you know it, there is a domino effect taking place, digging a deeper grave of death for what is clearly a GOD SIZE PROMISE. Take for instance, the Israelite's journey into the promise land, flowing with prosperity; God clearly told the Israelite's that He would deliver them from the giants within the land, reigning them into victory, giving the land to them as He promised.  However, a few began doubting the possibilities of God's Word, after hearing of the challenges they would face that were spied out by Joshua and Caleb. One began to weep and complain, and then another, before long, the entire camp, except for a few, were left weeping and complaining. Although, God had protected the Israelite's from Pharaoh while fleeing Egypt, by parting the Red Sea, feeding them daily with Manna, keeping their clothing from becoming tattered and worn out, and guided them by a cloud by day, and a pillar of fire by night, with a host of other miracles... they refused to believe in His ability to continue with His provisions (Numbers 11). Doubt if not rectified, can steal, kill, and destroy any and all of what God has in store for a person as a blessing. The Israelite's of that generation were left to their doubt, and remained in the wilderness until all of them, except for Joshua and Caleb, died. Yet, God kept His promise of giving the Israelite's the promised land by giving it to their next generation.

Have you ever seen the photo where a horse is tied to a plastic chair as it stands as if it is impossible to escape while it reads, "Sometimes the chains that prevent us from being free are more mental than physical"? Well, that is about the jest of doubt. If one can clearly see red flags directing one to move away from a potential harmful situation, then take that doubt as intuition, a cautioning of the Holy Spirit. However, if that doubt is only because you feel like you cannot rescue yourself and the situation will just overtake you, then you are dealing with a doubt of fear, due to poor reasoning. Doubt is passive and aggressive if left to itself. Fear lowers expectations and outlook. God is active and manifesting.. Not trusting God, will lead to poor choices. If you believe that if you step out on faith, God will not respond; you are certainly, in the passive and aggressive zone. Nonetheless, you don't want to make the mistake in trusting God for something He didn't promise; that is why it is important to know His Word, lining your will up to His will. We often enough find ourselves walking our own way of life for what we desire out of it, without consulting God, asking him to direct our paths towards His perfect will for our lives. Thus, we find ourselves like the Israelite's left in the wilderness, being unproductive, facing giants, weeping, complaining, blaming faith and God. God's love and mercy for us renews everyday; He is never lacking in faith towards us. We give up on God because we believe we can trust ourselves more since our faith to believe in what we can see is more promising; although, limited, versus a force in what we cannot see, that doesn't prove to have any limitations, with all the possibilities, that we are incapable of doing ourselves. It is a person who has been tried against their own measure with the power of God that know that God will reveal Himself BIG AND MIGHTY for those who really seek BELIEF beyond their own willpower (John 14:15, 14:21, Proverbs 8:17, Romans 10:20).