Wednesday, May 27, 2015


As humans, we can get caught up in judging others as to whether or not they are worthy of our attention, friendship, relationship, or influence; however, that is not correct way of conforming to Christ. Christ Himself, interacted with those who were of poor character, and those who were considered to have 'good' character. His reasons for interacting with them both were for the same reasons: to create a personal relationship between them, to introduce the Father and His Will to them, to bring revelation into their lives to bring about repentance, to heal and restore, while growing the circle of harvester's by creating disciples. Yet, the BIGGER PICTURE is that He did not look towards any of them as being an example to live by because ALL were short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Have you ever heard people say, or even thought for yourself, to be a follower of some supposedly Christian idol that seemed to have it altogether? How about being like Paul, David, or even Solomon??? Maybe being like well-known leaders like; Billy Graham, T.D. Jakes, or Paula White??? Unfortunately, all of these people and others are also under the umbrella of falling short of the glory of God. No one knows the struggles that these individuals live (d) in their lives on a daily basis, except for some of those in which God shared some of their history. Have you ever heard of the saying, "Everything that shines like glitter ain't gold?" There is truth to that statement. Who's to say what these admirable people do behind closed doors??? Why wouldn't they fall to temptation or be without perfection, when they're still humans,which Christ died for??? Even for myself, as an Ambassador for Christ, I have fallen short in areas of my life, not just past, but present. Those who are created by God, are not God Himself, nor gods, so with that said, we are all imperfect compared to Him, and His glory. I wouldn't want one person to try and follow my lead in life, not even my own two children, because my lead would get questioned at times (just being REAL). Jesus did not want others following His lead except that it be by the commandments of God. Several times in the Bible He'd say, "If anyone wanted to follow Me, they must take up their cross" (Mark 8:34-38, Matthew 16:24, Acts 17:11) What did Christ mean by taking up their cross? He meant that one must deny themselves like He denied Himself to give reverence to the Father by following after what God commanded. Christ wrestled with temptations and trials as they came; for, He was born of flesh like ourselves, but what kept Him, was focusing His sight only on what would please the Father, by meditating, speaking, and acting, on His Word. Thus, our hearts nor eyesight should be focused upon other people's advancement in the Kingdom of God, but upon our own selves that we may be more and more like Christ who lived by the expectations of God. One should not compare themselves or others, to the growth of another, in Christ, because everyone's growth is at as their own pace, as God continues to do a great work within each of our lives individually; each of our lives are uniquely different, and are challenged at different angles, speeds, and tensity, based on what God knows about our history, our own beginning and end. Yet, we should not give room nor excuse for sin that is clearly printed out for us in God's Word, as we seek to grow in Him, even when reaching out to those who are lost. Similarly, when reaching out to others, our reasons should be the reasons for which Christ reached out, and not to make anyone to conform to who we are in Christ, but to Who God Is.