Saved or unsaved, we all know the difference from right and wrong. There is this inner intuition that tells us when something just isn't right, whether it's regarding someone else's action or our own. That inner feeling comes from God's Spirit that was breathed into us from His own breath from birth at the start of life. Not only does He give us an inner feeling; He tells us in His Word, right from wrong, giving us spiritual enlightenment, and He reveals the distraction to us by its fruits. There is absolutely no way that no man or woman can convince God that he or she did not know that they were doing wrong. Our intuition of wrongdoing always come with: fear, guilt, sorrow, loss, remorse, hopefulness, shame, anger, and the natural instinct to wanting to hide. Anything that has to be hidden isn't from God; it is actually in the works of the hands of Satan. The Devil will always have a hidden motive, and expose only those things that are meant to bring dishonor, embarrassment, accusation, or broken trust. If you are find yourself hiding anything; you are not wearing your breastplate of righteousness, but instead allowing yourself to be the target of disgrace for Satan's entertainment. Satan begins our temptation by offering trade offs for our disobedience to God's Word, like He did with Jesus, Adam, and Eve. He will then suggest that you are missing out on something great if you pass up the opportunity; the longer He can get our minds to linger on what is being said, the greater chance, we will move towards what He is offering, and fail. Satan knows it takes only a small amount of compromise to bring on the full birth of sin and death.
God isn't forgetful that He wouldn't warn us of all dangers; the Bible is full of warnings that many do not know exist due to the lack of knowledge of His Word. Timothy states, "Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightfully dividing the word of God." (2 Tim 2:15) It is not enough to know what is right; therefore, we should act righteously, in full heart towards God, while being accountable.